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(A normal house get-up with a corridor branching out into a well furnished living
room and a bedroom on the opposite side)
AMANDA: Mom! Its getting late. Please hurry up! There is no way well reach in time
if you keep on delaying like this. Dad!! You too!
JULIANNE: Yes darling. Im almost done. (To David): Could you see where you placed
the tickets again? Theyre not in the drawer. Oh! And Good Lord! What is that
horrible screaming and banging I hear?
AMANDA: Must be some sort of parade. The elections are about to take place. What
else can you expect? You people are unbelievable. One hour for the train to leave
and you still dont know where the tickets are! God!
DAVID: Dont worry kiddo! I have them with me. Now only if your mother would get
ready in time and not dilly-dally as usual, everything would be fine.
JULIANNE: O God!! Am I the only one whos late ALL the time??
AMANDA, DAVID (together, loudly) : YES!! YOU ARE!!
JULIANNE: Fine people! Im done. Im coming. Take the car out, dear. Weve already
lost too much time.
(They walk out of their apartment, towards their garage, when they see a huge
procession of people walking down the street, with banners in their hands,
protesting violently.)
DRIVER (to the Clarkes): Good heavens! The places politics is taking people, these
days! Truly disgusting! Looks like all traffic will be stopped for today. Heard this
procession has spread all throughout the city!
AMANDA (dismally): Heard that, Mom? Now we wont be able to reach the station in
time and our whole trip will be cancelled!
DAVID: No dear, it wont. Dont you worry. I know how much this holiday means to
you. I wont let something as trivial as a political outburst ruin our holiday. Look, if
we cant go by car, well walk. It wont matter. We still have a lot of time left.

JULIANNE: I dont really know if that can be done. The whole crowd here is enraged.
Walking with them doesnt sound safe. We should really forget about this trip. I
dont think well be able to go, this time.
AMANDA (furiously): Im not going to let a stupid bunch of people spoil my holidays.
Im heading for the station whether or not both of you are.
DAVID: No, Amanda! Wait dear
JULIANNE: No Amanda, dont go anywherewere coming..Amanda, stop
(Not paying heed to her parents words, Amanda leaves them and disappears into
the crowd of protestors.)
JULIANNE (distraught): Amanda! No! David! Where did she go? Amanda! Come
DAVID (plunges into the rally): Amanda! Where are you? Amanda, please!
(Both her parents search frantically for Amanda but to vain. She is nowhere to be
JULIANNE (weeping bitterly): David! What are we to do? Where is Amanda? How can
one just disappear into thin air? Why is this happening?
DAVID (deeply shocked by the incident, standing speechlessly)
AMANDA( having made it past the crowd, now, walking on a comparatively quieter
street and thinking to herself): They never care about me! How could Mom say
shell cancel my holiday? Does she not understand that I really wanted to go? Dad,
too, always listens to whatever Mom tells him. Its just not fair!
(She pauses and looks around cautiously. She finds the street shes walking in to be
very unfamiliar and starts getting worried.)
AMANDA: Oh no! Am I lost? Where have I come? I dont think Ive come here before.
Well, I guess theres no point in worrying now. Ill just have to find my
way back home. Mustnt be too tough. Me disappearing all of a sudden must have
given them the shock they deserve. Maybe theyll start listening to me more often.

(She starts walking around the streets trying to find the procession of people again
but seems to have completely lost direction)
AMANDA: Oh dear Lord! What have I done? I dont have a single clue as to how Ill
reach home again. I really am lost!
(She starts crying)
Why did I ever leave my parents? How foolish I am!

(A boy walking by notices her)

BOY (NOLAN): Hi there! Is everything alright? Why are you crying?
AMANDA: (keeps crying) Go away! I dont talk to strangers. Leave me!
NOLAN: Hey, its okay. I wont hurt you. Somethings definitely wrong. I just want to
help. Is there something I can do?
AMANDA: Why should I talk to you? I dont even know who you are! And besides,
you wont be able to help me.
NOLAN: Well, if you dont talk to people you dont know, how will you make new
friends? Im also pretty sure Ill be able to help you out. Nothing can be too bad.
AMANDA: Its worse than you think. Im LOST!!
NOLAN (staring at her with disbelief): Thats it?? Youre lost? Is that all? (laughs very
hard) I cant believe this. Youre crying just because youre lost? For Gods sake,
please dont be such a baby!
AMANDA: You think this is funny? I dont know where my house is. I dont have my
phone or any money and Im stuck here with some crazy boy! This is exactly why I
shouldnt talk to strangers!
NOLAN: Okay, okay! Just relax. Tell me what happened and Ill see what I can do.
AMANDA: (tells him the whole story) Can you really help me out?
NOLAN: Well, firstly, I think you should try to locate the procession. That will mean
that were closer to your house. Come lets go! We have no time to lose!
AMANDA (reluctantly): Umm..thanks for coming with me. So, whats your name?
NOLAN: Oh!! I almost forgot! Im Nolan and you are??
AMANDA: Im Amanda. Amanda Clarke.
NOLAN: Well, nice to meet you Amanda, damsel in distress. I would sit and chat up
with you if I could but considering the situation were stuck in right now, I think its
best we get moving.
AMANDA: Wait, Nolan! Are you sure? What about your parents? What will they say?
NOLAN: They wont worry. Im sure. Lets go.
(They start walking and searching for the procession)
DAVID: Julie, please get me my diary. I have the number of the police constable
noted there. We cant just sit and sob the whole day. We have to do something.

JULIANNE: Yes dear! Here it is. Please do call him soon. Well do whatever he asks us
to. Well even go about sticking posters all over town. (Controlling her tears) I just
need my daughter back!
DAVID: (Talking on the phone) Yes, Mr. Bradley. Im sorry to call you up at this time
of the day, but this is very urgent. Our daughter has gone missing in the procession
which is going on throughout the city. She cant have gone too far but we are very
worried. Please. Is there anything you can do?
(makes a few noises of agreement and frowns seriously. Then, keeps down the
JULIANNE: What did Mr. Bradley say? Will she be alright? Nothing will happen, right?
DAVID: Dont worry dear. Everything will be alright in the end. Youll see. Now, lets
not waste time. Hes called us to the police station immediately. We must leave now.
JULIANNE: Oh! Alright. Lets go! But wait. We might need to take a photo of
Amandas with us. Theyll need it for identification, wont they?
DAVID: Oh yes! Good thing you remembered. (Grabs a photo off the table and
(They head out of the house and rush to the police station, struggling to make their
way through the crowd)
At the police station:
Mr. BRADLEY: Yes Mr. Clarke. Come in. I have already prepared a few papers for you
to fill up and report a case. I think the only way to find your daughter is to put up
posters, titled MISSING. Well need your daughters photo and a contact number
for that.
(DAVID hands over all the necessary things)
JULIANNE: I really appreciate everything that you are doing, but isnt it possible for
us to go out and search for Amanda ourselves. I dont think Ill be able to live in
peace till someone finds her and reports her. That might take a long time and by
then, anything can happen to her. Oh David! Please! Lets go out! I really mean it. I
cant believe something like this has happened. David..(starts sobbing)
Mr. BRADLEY: Yes Mrs. Clarke. That seems sensible. It is always safe to have a
thorough search whenever something or someone is missing. Maybe youll find her
lurking about in the very next street. Ill send one of my best constables with you.
DAVID: Thank you so much for your help, officer. Come on Julie. If were going to
search for her, we better start now!
(They leave the police station and head out)
AMANDA: Look there Nolan! Look! The procession! This must mean that my house is
pretty near!

NOLAN: Well, not necessarily. This protest is being held all over the city. We could be
anywhere right now.
AMANDA(disappointed): Well, lets look over there, around that bend. How I wish I
knew at least the name of my street. We just moved in here last month and I
havent even noted down my address properly.
NOLAN: (Walking ahead) Here! Does this place look familiar? Anything here, youve
seen before?
AMANDA: NO, Nolan. Nothing!
NOLAN: Not to lose hope. Im sure well..(stops in his tracks and stares ahead with
fear) Oh GOD!!!
AMANDA: What happened?? Nolan! Whats the matter?
NOLAN: We cant stay here. Lets go back. Well try a different street. Lets go!
AMANDA: But why, Nolan? Why are you so scared?
Nolan starts running back and Amanda follows him.
But before they can go too far, a group of tall, angry boys catch up and hold Nolan
by his shirt.
NOLAN: Billy! Stop it! What are you doing?
BOY1 (BILLY): (looking mischievously) Nolan my friend! Where do you think youre
going? Wheres the 50 dollars you owe me?
NOLAN: I dont owe you anything Billy! Go away!
HARRY(BOY2): Go away??? How dare you? I dont think youve learnt your lesson
yet! Come on boys! If he doesnt give it to us willingly, we know how to get it from
him, right?
DICK(BOY3): Looks at Nolan, angrily and raises his hand to punch him.
AMANDA: Whoa! What on earth do you think you guys are doing? How can you do
that? Stand back!
BILLY: Who are you to tell us anything? Get lost!
AMANDA (angrily): No I wont! (She picks up a stone and hits Billy on the head).
Come on, Nolan! Lets go!
(Nolan and Amanda run away with the boys chasing them. However, they enter
another isolated street and the boys lose track of them)
AMANDA: Who were they? What were they doing?
NOLAN: Nothing Amanda. Theyre just bullies who keep on demanding money from
me. I have to accept whatever they say. However, thanks a lot for what you did.

AMANDA: No problem! But why dont you stand up to them. Fight them like I did.
Theyre basically cowards. Theyll be afraid of you once you fight them.
NOLAN (smiling): Yeah I guess youre right. Anyways, lets carry on.
(They continue walking. After a few turns, they encounter the procession again.)
AMANDA: Oh please! Not again! Im tired of this thing. I cant walk through this
crowd again. (She looks down and sulks and temporarily lets go of Nolans hand).
NOLAN: Amanda, be careful! Dont go anywhere!
(Amanda turns back to go to Nolan when a herd of people come pushing through.
She falls down and hurts herself badly)
AMANDA: Nolan! I cant get up! Aaagghh! I think Ive cut my leg! Help me up, Nolan.
Oh! It hurts so much!
NOLAN: Oh no! Amanda, youre bleeding profusely. (Pulling her away to the side) We
need to go to a doctor. This cut could probably cause very serious infections later.
You need to be treated.
AMANDA: But where will we find a doctor? This is the worst that can happen
NOLAN: No Amanda, dont worry. I know a small clinic down on West Side Road. Its
pretty close to park square. The doctor there is my friend. I visit him frequently and
Im sure youll be alright. Also, the clinic is very close to the police station. If we
dont find your house on the way, well report to the police. They should know.
AMANDA: Okay, Nolan. Lets go.
(They proceed to the clinic.)
DOCTOR: Nolan! What a surprise! I didnt expect you here. (Nolan narrates
everything to the doctor and he immediately starts treating Amandas leg)
This will take some time. She seems to have injured herself pretty bad. Let me see
what can be done.
(After some time, Nolan and Amanda walk out of the clinic, with Amanda wearing a
white bandage around her leg).
Meanwhile, on the other side of the road, in front of the police station, David and
Julianne enter it.
DAVID (to Mr. Bradley): We searched so much. Amanda is nowhere to be found.
JULIANNE: I dont know whats going to happen to her. I just hope shes safe.
Mr. Bradley: Not to worry. Shell be found. Why dont you wait here and fill in a few
(They sit down on the bench sadly and wait for the documents to arrive.)

(On the other hand, Nolan and Amanda cross the road and Nolan enters the police
NOLAN (to Mr. Bradley): Sir, we have to report a lost girl. I mean I am in company of
a girl who is lost since afternoon. She cant find her house or parents.
DAVID (overhearing this): What did you say, young lad? A missing girl? Really? You
know where she is?
JULIANNE: Oh David! Could it be our Amanda?
Mr. BRADLEY: Where is she, boy? Bring her!
JULIANNE: I beg of you! We lost our daughter today afternoon. For all we know it
could be her. Where is she?
NOLAN (very surprised): Oh!...ummwell..shes right here outside!
David and Julianne and Mr. Bradley rush out to see Amanda standing outside, with
her leg bandaged. For a moment there is just dumbstruck silence between Amanda
and the rest of the people. Then David and Julianne run over and embrace her.
JULIANNE: Oh AMAnda! I thought wed lost you forever! Where had you
AMANDA: Im so sorry Mom. I should never have left you. I am so sorry!
DAVID( crying out of joy): Amanda I cant believe we finally found you! Im so happy
Amanda! Oh, Amanda!
AMANDA: Im so sorry dad. I love you. I will never do anything like this again.
NOLAN(looking on happily)
AMANDA(after a few minutes): Dad, Mom, this is Nolan(pointing to him).
(She then tells them how he had saved her and brought her this far.)
DAVID: Thank you Nolan. Thank you very much. You have helped us so much that I
dont think well ever be able to repay you. The least we can do is drop you home
JULIANNE: Yes! Well even call your parents. They should know what a gem of a son
they have!
NOLAN(a little hesitant): Oh no! That wont be necessary. Ill find my way back!
DAVID: NO we couldnt possibly do that. Come Nolan. Let us take you home.
NOLAN: Actually sir. I dont have one. I dont have parents either. I live in the Sunray
Orphanage down on Wilber Street. So it really is fine. I can go.
AMANDA(shocked by this statement): Im so sorry Mom and Dad. I may not have
gone on my dream vacation but I have definitely learnt something today. Parents

are the most important people on earth and that they always want our welfare. I
love you so much. I truly am lucky to have such wonderful parents like both of you!
JULIANNE: (Embracing Amanda) Well Nolan. Well at least drop you there. Come let
us go.
(Nolan agrees and they proceed out of the scene).

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