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Unit Plan Year 11 & 12 Ancient History

(The increasing autocracy of the imperial system Julio Claudian)

Lesson Focus Questions
Learning Activities

5. Mutiny on the

A. Based on your reading, find
and locate where Rhine is
currently located today.
B. Describe what the soldiers
saw and explain how they
were feeling
C. Examine the soldiers diary
carefully, what grievances
did they put forward and
how did Tiberius deal with
the situation - (Applying)
D. Outline Tactius opinion of
the troops action and the
action of Germanicus and
Tiberius. Is there a contrast
in his opinion? Can you
detect any BIAS in his
response? (Analysing)
E. Discuss Tiberius action.
Can his action be justified?
Support your argument
with detail. (Evaluating)
Ancient Rome:
Using Evidence
A. Read page
516-517 +
Colour in the
world map.

B. Read 518

C. Read page
518 20

D. Read page
518 20

E. Class Debate

6. Tiberius

A. Identify Germanicus
successes and failures.
B. Construct a table outlining
Germanicus actions
(Understanding and
C. Examine Tiberius reaction,

A. Read page

B. Constructin
g a table
C. Read page

Lesson Focus Questions
Learning Activities

analyse what step Tiberius
took. (Analysing)
D. Evaluate the death of
Germanicus. What
problems arose for Tiberius
following the death of
Germanicus (Evaluating)
E. From your readings, create
a character profile of
Germanicus and Tiberius
and compare the two.
D. Read page

7. Sejanus

A. Describe the method
Sejanus underwent to
increase his own power.
B. Was Tiberius retirement to
Capri a political mistake?
How did this magnify
Sejanus authority?
C. Investigate what role
D. To what extent did
Delatores lead to Sejanus
final end? Had Sejanus took
more precautions (with
Delatores), would he have
survived? Write a short
essay. (Creating

A. DVD: Years
of Trial

B. DVD: Years
of Trial

C. DVD: Years
of Trial

D. Personal
using class

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