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Modern Backgammon Technology & Strategy Part 2

In Part-2 of this book I will show you examples which did come out in games me playing against
computer-programms Motif and Gnu
!sing Gnu and Motif I will write my comments before opponent"s next action always # this gi$es
me a chance to show you how games will continue and de$elope %here will be a lot of doubling
positions asking whether &hite' (ed or )lack should double or whether &hite' (ed or )lack
should take or pass oponent"s double &hile Gnu-tutor does not tell you about ad$antages and
disa$antages which about you need to know for doubling-action # I will do so
%hat makes it different from computer analysis
%he reason for this is that computer programs do not "think" like we humans do # they play from a
certain situation many times till the end of a game in parts of a second # that"s why they can tell you
a percentage which one play did lead to a better result in a$erage than another mo$e
)ut there is a thinking mistake in this way of analysing*
%he computerprogram does play against himself until the end of the game # playing against a top
human player the result would be $ery different I show you this fact by sreenshots of Gnu"s tutor
protocols* Most time I was winning against Gnu the tutor has mentioned many wrong mo$es on my
side # by Gnu"s tutors opinion of course
%his might let you think that ist to be easy to win against Motif or Gnu
%his is not the case # I recommend you to play some games against these computer programms to
get an idea about the $alue of my teaching
)e honest against yourself*
+an you play good enough to get a lead of ,*- against Motif day by day # playing "solid" play.
If yes you can consider yourself to be a good player
/o not let push you down by somebody who is showing you a lead like 0, against Motif # I can
easy get a score like this against this program by forcing him into a play where "he" is weak )ut this
needs to play a gambling play - which does not make you a solid player )e sure - human players
will not trap into traps which a computer-program traps in

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