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Statement of Purpose

Automobile model numbers and their names were always at the tip of my tongue, heavy
machinery inspired me and I knew my interest in these was greater than my friends or anyone I met.
Such was my childhood, enchanted by speed, power and technology. To be specific, more love towards
automobiles made my interest turn towards machines and its usage simultaneously. This way my keen
performance in various fields started to grow older and stronger. The motions of the body and forces
acting on different objects made me think in an inquisitive way. Thus, the choice for my Bachelors was
not difficult, I chose Mechanical Engineering to tread the path of realizing my childhood dream, of
designing machines and devices for the betterment of human endeavors. During my college, I started
asking myself questions on how? Why? What? I searched for answers, and seek the honest among
them. This helped me develop and enhance my concepts in basic understanding of various subjects of
Mechanical Engineering.
As a Mechanical Engineer I am acquainted with the concept of looking at mechanical
components from an engineers point of view and also understanding the practical implications of the
subject. I was introduced to Computer Aided Design (CAD) and software like MATLAB, SOLIDWORKS,
ANSYS and I understand the possibilities of improvising the software to design and modify any
component according to the design prerequisites and to know the way in which technology is folded
into a design process.
The use of CNC machines in Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) helped me to know how to
create a faster production process and components and tooling with more precise dimensions and
material consistency with minimum waste while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. The
subjects like Strength of Materials and Thermal Engineering also gave me an understanding of core
concepts to professional standards.
To acquire further skills I joined the Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) and Institute of
Engineers-India as a member, where in I participated in various technical debates, events and
competitions in addition those conducted by other academic institutions across India, which helped put
my fundamentals to use and update my knowledge of mechanical engineering and design. I participated
in SAE BAJA-2010 by initiating a team. Along with my team, I designed and fabricated an All-terrain
Vehicle. We divided the team into groups which took care of various issues like design of Roll Cage,
Suspension Systems, Braking and Control Systems and Steering. I worked on designing the Suspension
Systems (A-arms and struts) using PRO-E, and ANSYS. I also took care of procurement of various
materials, safety equipment at cost-effective rates. The team got the 6
place from 80 participants who
had come from all over India. Earlier to this competition, I was part of team in Shaastra-07 which
designed and fabricated a Hovercraft at IIT Madras which placed us 5th from 100 teams. This shows my
disposition towards designing and manufacturing. My application in a Robotic event, ROBO SOCCER in
National Level Symposium won me laurels.
When I had to choose my final year project, I decided to do something which would
make considerable difference and thus chose to work on simplifying the Design and code of a portable
CNC drilling machine for PCB`s. Earlier during my labs, I observed several difficulties by teaching
assistants in making us understand the working and controls of the huge CNC machines. To overcome
that problem I did the modeling, vibrational and static analysis of the Portable drilling machine
using Solidworks, AUTOCAD and ANSYS. This project can be profitably used in small scale industries with
lower costs, and using simple C language commands. I also underwent a summer internship in Vizag
Steel Plant, where I worked on The Redesign of Sprockets in the Lance Drive Mechanism. The cause of
failure of the sprockets was analyzed and improved design was proposed, analyzed and tested. I was
appreciated for my dedication and ability to use simple engineering concepts for better results.
Design and analysis subjects have captivated my interest during my undergraduate study, and
hence I would like to continue my study in this field, at XXXX University. As a student at this stage of my
journey, I look forward Masters in Engineering Design Program which offers me necessary knowledge
and exposure to an intellectual and multicultural environment. I sincerely hope to have a mutually
beneficial association with XXXX University to contribute my best towards making a successful academic
endeavor. Keeping this in mind, joining XXX University seems to me as an excellent first step. I look
forward to an interesting and rewarding future through graduate study at the university.

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