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Being a Social & Youth Activist Pakistan Working for youth activism since 2001 from my

School days till now in a country which facing battling wars, natural disasters, corruption,
religious and social intolerance, disease, poverty, illiteracy and ideological perplexity.
But Keeping eyes towards Objective and always tries to implement my own three words
agendas: Vision, Views & Ways in the society to achieve my goals & Objectives.
Me addresses are always for the Youth of schools, colleges, high schools, universities or higher
educational institutes and for those also, who are studying in Madrissas ,Islamic Schools , living
in Rural & slum areas , uneducated ,worker and struggling Youth of Pakistan which need more
attention of us .

Dear Youth of Pakistan, with your great vision and energy you can encourage your communities
to accept and implement the right policies for bright Pakistan. Become a role model and with
your great influence you can shape the world as you want and n enhance quality of your future
Dear Youth of Pakistan,
You are the future of our Nation. All our hopes are pinned on you. Be worthy of the ambitions
we place in you.
Together We CAN
Muhammad Rehan Tahir can be found on twitter and facebook as mrehantahir.

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