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Northwest Classen High School

Algebra 1 Syllabus 2014-2015

Teacher: Cale Nockels
Room: 220
Planning Period: TB 1 and 2
School: NW Classen High chool! "#CP
Brad Her$er: Head Principal
#im %anders: &
(rade Principal
)*0+, +-./0100

Subject: 2a'h 3 4lge5ra 1 Grade: &'h
Welcome to Northwest Classen High School, Home of the Knights! This is an exciting time
for ou and our famil! "ou are beginning our high school ex#erience and wor$ing
toward graduation! We, the staff of Northwest Classen, are committed to hel#ing ou
achie%e that goal!
&ision, Goals ' Course (escri#tion)
26 primar6 am5i'ion 7or m6 s'8den's 'his 6ear is 'o pro9ide m6 s'8den's 'he necessar6 skill se's
and mindse's 'a8gh' in alge5ra 1 in order 7or 'hem 'o 'hink a5o8' :h6 and ho: i' :ill help 'hem
as ad8l's. ;n o'her :ords! ; :an' m6 s'8den's 'o reali$e 'ha' ma'h has 8'ili'6 in 'heir da6/'o/da6
li7e. ; :an' m6 s'8den's 'o pass 4lge5ra ; so 'ha' 'he6 :ill 5e on 'rack and 'ake (eome'r6 and
4lge5ra ;; in 10'h grade! Trigonome'r6<Pre/Calc8l8s in 11'h grade! and Calc8l8s in 12'h. Passing
'he 4lge5ra ; E"; is a s'a'e re=8iremen' 7or grad8a'ion. B6 p8shing m6 s'8den's 'o high le9els o7
rigor! 'he6 :ill de9elop 'he skills and mindse's necessar6 'o s8cceed in 'his class and 5e6ond.
*ig Goals)
1. The minim8m le9el o7 mas'er6 o7 -0> in &
grade s'andards )i.e. 'he E";, and -0> in
o8r o9erall class.
2. "8r class :ill displa6 and ac' :i'h 'he mindse's o7 high school s'8den's< 6o8ng ad8l's.
Course Content)
4lge5ra ; addresses cer'ain ke6 7o8nda'ional areas. These incl8de: n8m5er sense and opera'ion!
7irs'/degree e?pressions! e=8a'ions and ine=8ali'ies! 7irs'/degree graphs! rela'ions and 78nc'ions!
ra'ional and radical e?pressions and e=8a'ions! da'a rela'ions! pro5a5ili'6 and s'a'is'ics! =8adra'ic
e=8a'ions! graphs! rela'ions and 78nc'ions .
+e,uired -aterials)
2/s85@ec' spiral no'e5ook
harpened pencils :i'h erasers
2/inch 'hree ring 5inder
Oklahoma state department of Education Resources will be used to prepare
the kids to achieve this years goals. ;n order 7or s'8den's 'o mee' 'he goals ; ha9e se'
7or 'hem! ; :ill 8'ili$e 'he mos' rigoro8s reso8rces so 'ha' m6 s'8den's will succeed and 5e
college 5o8nd.
Grade .olic)
4 &0/100> Tes's *0>
B -0/-&> A8i$$es 20>
C .0/.&> Class :ork 20>
B 00/0&> Home:ork 10>
C 0/+&> Cinal 10>
*eha%ioral /x#ectations)
Attendance: '8den's are e?pec'ed 'o make e9er6 e77or' 'o a''end class. The6 are responsi5le 7or
:ork missed d8ring e?c8sed a5sences and :ill ha9e 'ime 'o make 8p missed :ork according 'o
dis'ric' polic6 )n8m5er o7 da6s a5sen' D one,. ;' is s'8den'Es responsi5ili'6 'o 7ind o8' :ha' :ork
'he6 ha9e missed.
Tardiness: '8den's are e?pec'ed 'o arri9e 'o class on 'ime and prepared 7or class )paper F
pencil,. Tardiness 'o class :ill no' 5e 'olera'ed. Paren's :ill 5e con'ac'ed regarding chronicall6
la'e or 8nprepared s'8den's.
Rules: '8den's are e?pec'ed 'o 7ollo: all dis'ric'! school! and classroom r8les and 'o 'rea' each
o'her and 'he 'eachers in 'he classroom :i'h respec'. '8den's :ill recei9e re9ie: o7 r8les o7 7irs'
da6 o7 school.
Consequences: ;n7rac'ions o7 r8les can res8l' in de'en'ions )5e7ore school! l8nch! and
a7'erschool,! a'8rda6 chool! TB or da6 in ;! or a Biscipline Re7erral. Paren's :ill 5e
no'i7ied o7 de'en'ions. Paren'<Teacher<'8den' con7erence :ill 5e arranged 7or repea'ed
5eha9ioral iss8es.
Homework: '8den's :ill ha9e home:ork a' leas' once a :eek. 4ddi'ional home:ork :ill 5e
assigned as deemed necessar6 'o help :i'h skills no' mas'ered. ome'imes 'he home:ork ma6 5e
a re9ie:! o'her 'imes i' :ill co9er ma'erial :e ha9e @8s' 7inished. 4ll home:ork is d8e 'he da6
a7'er i' is assigned.
Signatures) Bisc8ss 'his co8rse s6lla58s :i'h 6o8r paren')s, or g8ardian)s,. Please sign and
re'8rn 'o me. ; am looking 7or:ard 'o :orking :i'h 6o8 and 6o8r child 'his 6earG
;! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH )s'8den'Es name,! ha9e read 8nders'and! and accep' 'he 4lge5ra ; co8rse
;! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH )paren' or g8ardian name,! ha9e read! 8nders'and! and accep' 'he 4lge5ra
; co8rse s6lla58s.

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