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Early development of zygote:

(1) Approximately 36 hours

after fertilisation, the
resultant zygote begins to
divide repeatedly by
mitosis as its travels along
the Fallopian tube
towards the uterus.
(6) The first division form a
two-celled embryo
(5) Further divisions result in
the formation of a solid
mass of cells known as
(3) By about 5
day, the
morula is a ball of about
100 cells known as a
blastocyst or blastula.
Blastocyst reached the
(4) Seven day after
fertilisation, the blastocyst
attaches itself to the
endometrium. This
process known as
(2) The fertilised egg is known as embryo
during the first 8 weeks of its development.
From the 3
month of development until
birth, it is called a foetus. The foetus is
enclosed in a membrane called amnion.
Amnion fluid protects the foetus by
absorbing shocks and cushioning it from any
physical damage.
Trophoblast (outer layer) will develop into the
foetal portion of placenta which the site of exchange
of nutrients and waste products between the mother
and foetus
Inner cell mass eventually develop into the embryo.

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