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When using books to teach mathematics, the books have to have certain qualities that are useful

for fun and interesting mathematics learning. Based on my experiences and research, some of the
criteria for a great Elementary picture math book would be
1. Interesting- Students want to listen because it is intriguing.
2. Grabbing illustrations- The students should be drawn to the pictures and receive some
insight from them.
3. Fun- The book has to be fun. Students should enjoy learning about math through reading.
4. Humorous- Kids love to laugh! It is fun! I think that a book teaching about math should
be fun and funny to grab students attention.
5. Math Context- A book that a teacher uses to give students knowledge about math should
contain math! Great context in books can be found through direct experiences with
objects, everyday problems to solve, or literature-based mathematics.
6. Rhymes or Songs- This isnt always necessary, but I have found it useful for learning.
Learning rhymes, poems, or songs is a great way to remember information.

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