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You have just got this e-mail from your friend Michael:
from: Michael
to: (you)
subject: sorry
Sorry I can't go to your birthday party but I'm really do!n" Since #nnie left me last
month I feel my life is going no!here" I'm not interested in anything" I never go out I
can't stand seeing ho! people enjoy themselves or have a good time" I can't have fun at
all" $o! it is even !orse because my contract ended last !ee% & I'm unemployed and I
spend my days at home !atching old films and photos and listening to the music #nnie
and I used to play !hen !e !ere together" 'his is total disaster" I really !ant to sleep
and never !a%e up"
Sorry again"
(rite him bac% giving him some advice" )se
should * shouldn't * !hy don't you"""+
'ry to cheer him up,
(#bout -.. !ords)
from: M/ 0es1s
to: Michael
subject: some advice
2ear Michael 3sorry+ I thin% you shouldn't lose heart" Spend your days at home is not
(hy don't you loo% a ne! job+ a full-time job+ you !ill not have much time to thin%"
You shouldn't !atch much television or photos of yours"
You listen to the ne! music different and go to parties" You should have fun"
You shouldn't sleep much is unhealthy"
You should do reforms at home" 'o move the furniture around and to change to the
color of the !alls" You should fill the house !ith flo!ers too and you should buy the
#nd finally you should call your friend !hen yo need it"
(hy don't you start coming to my party+
4heer up,
M/ 0es1s
2o!n: deprimido
Since: desde
$o!here: ninguna parte
I never go out: nunca salgo
I can5t stand seeing: no soporto ver
6njoy themselves: divertirse (siempre junto)
I can5t have fun at all: no puedo divertirme
6ven !orse: a1n peor
'ogether: juntos
(a%e up: despertar
7ose heart: animarte
8ave fun: divertirte
)nhealthy: no saludable
4heer up: 9animo,

from: M/ 0es1s
to: Michael
subject: some advice
2ear Michael 3sorry+ I thin% you shouldn't lose heart" Spend [VAC1] your days at home
is not good"
(hy don't you loo% a ne! job+ a full-time job[VAC2] + you !ill not have [VAC3] much
time to thin%"
You shouldn't !atch much television or photos of yours[VAC4] "
You listen to the ne! music different [VAC5] and go to parties" You should have fun"
You shouldn't sleep much is [VAC6] unhealthy"
You should do reforms at [VAC7] home" 'o move the furniture around and to change to
the color of the !alls" You should fill the house !ith flo!ers too and you should buy
the [VAC8] dog"
#nd finally you should call your friend !hen yo [VAC9] need it"
(hy don't you start coming to my party+
4heer up,
M/ 0es1s
:6#77Y 8I;8 :#$;6 < S=M6 >6:Y $#'):#7 6?@:6SSI=$S M/ 06SAS"
;==2 '#SB,,,
[VAC2]For a new full-i!e "o#
[VAC3]$%en &ou wouldn' %a(e
[VAC4])ou #o%
[VAC5]*ew+ differen !u,i-
[VAC7]/o up &our

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