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What is the legal status of euthanasia in your country?

Is it a familys responsibility to pay for the care of a terminally ill family member?
Should the family be able to choose to let the family member die?
Passive euthanasia is where somebody refuses medication knowing they will
die without it. Do you think this is OK?
Is euthanasia a compassionate way for the dying to die?
If a family member is in great pain and wants to die, should he or she be given
the right to be euthanized?
What would you do if you had a terminal illness? How would you act? Would you
want your family to take care of you?

Do you think there are any special cases in which abortion is acceptable?
Some people think doctors who carry out abortions are murderers? What do you
Does the mother have the right to control her own body?
Is having an abortion a selfish choice?
What do you think about the following statements?
o The father should be allowed to prevent the mother from having an
o A fetus is a legal being and has the right to life.
o Do you think that the morning after pill is comparable to abortion?

Capital Punishment
Is the death penalty a way of preventing crime?
Is capital punishment a fair punishment for murder?
Which is worse, life imprisonment or the death penalty?
What different methods are there of applying the death penalty?
What do you think is the most humane way to put someone to death?
If execution is unacceptable, what is the alternative?
Do you think capital punishment is murder?

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