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Course Syllabus
Tues, Thurs, Fri 2:05-3pm
Computer Lab

Ms. Nelson Ms. Tyler

Course Philosophy:

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to

This quote from the comic book strip creator Scott Adams paints an accurate
picture of the journey you will take in this class over the course of the year. In this
class, you will learn and experiment with computer graphics to produce a work of
art: the 2014-2015 Inter-American School yearbook.

Course Objective: This course is focused on teaching students how to use
computer graphics software. They will become proficient in Adobe Illustrator and
similar graphics software. Over the course of the year, they will develop
collaboration and editing skills.

Course Materials: Flash Drive

Course Outline: The students will work on a series of projects over the course of
the year, mainly the schools yearbook. The yearbook must be completed by April
17, 2014, so the students will work backwards and develop a game plan for
achieving that goal. The students will meet with the teachers every Tuesday during
class to ensure that they are meeting all of their benchmark goals.

Evaluation: Class Participation 70%, Assignments 15%, Peer Evaluation

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