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Music Classroom Rules
1. Students will be quiet and only talk when they raise their hand or are called upon
by Mr. Davies.
2. If you feel like you have to throw up do not raise your hand to ask for permission
just go to the trash can and go!
3. The students will respect the classroom and everything thing in it, remember you
would not want anyone coming into your room and breaking your stuff which is
not cool.
4. The students will respect Mr. Davies, each other, and themselves treat others as
you would want to be treated.
5. Students will sit still with good posture and not fidget around in their seats
excessively, or play with the attached desks.
6. The students will listen to all instructions given by Mr. Davies or any other School
Staff member at South Newton.
7. Do or Do NOT there is no try.
8. Students will give their best effort every day!
9. The word CANT is not allowed in music class, you can do anything that put your
mind to.

Students who misbehave will receive the following consequences in Mr. Davies

The order is as follows:.
1. The student will receive a verbal warning.
2. The student will see Mr. Davies after class, to discuss possible ways to fix their
3. The student will recess time off of their recess/ and or be asked to sit somewhere
else in the room.
4. The students parents will be contacted.
5. The student will then be sent Mr. Mayhews office for disciplinary act.

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