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1Classroom Rules (In addition to the general school policy established in the student handbook, the following rules

shall be abided by in MY CLASSROOM.) 1. Students will enter the classroom at the appointed time and go directly to the seat I have assigned to them. A. I will change seats immediately if any problems arise that interferes with our educational objectives and goals. 2. Absolutely NO talking when I am lecturing, talking, explaining, demonstrating, etc. Removal from the art studio will result. A. If you wish my attention during this time concerning a question about a specific lesson, raise your hand and I will call on you. B. Only one at a time shall be talking and the rest of the class will listen very carefully to gain knowledge. 3. Restroom privileges-please use the breaks between classes for this purpose. Only in an emergency will it be necessary for you to use classroom time for this purpose. 4. NO food, candy, or soda pop will be in this room. Gum will be allowed unless the popping, pulling becomes a problem and the placement on areas other than in the trash basket then it will not be allowed. 5. NO shouting, horseplay, loud noises, running, skipping, jumping, pushing, shoving, or fooling around or misuse of art materials allowed. Throwing of art materials will result in removal from the art studio. A. Ill treated art materials and wasted paper will be PAID for by the student. Art materials are very expensive, so please do not waste them. 6. NO foul language, trash talk, swearing, cutdowns, racial slurs, derogatory statements or obscene gestures with any body parts will be tolerated. 7. Class is dismissed only when the room is clean and the instructor verbally dismisses the class. 8. Never leave the room without the permission of the instructor. 9. Do not touch any materials unless they are yours or you have checked them out with the instructor. 10. Assignments are due on specific dates and they will be handed in on those dates with no excuses or a 0 will result. If there is a problem, feel free to discuss it with me on a one to one basis.

11. Respect the materials and property of this studio and the property of others. Do not open or go into my desk or cupboards without MY permission. My desk, chair and its contents are my private property. I will get or give permission for whatever it is you need and I will sign it out to you. 12. Move at the sound of clean up and wash and clean up your immediate area of work and tools. Then go on to do your respective lotto job.

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