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Welcome to the world of
computer animation
What is computer

Involves creating moving images with the

help of a computer
In other words :
Animation means: "to give
life to a object
What does a
!omputer Animator

An Computer animator uses computer

technology to create moving graphics for
movies, TV shows, videos games, and more.

Can ether work for a company or by himself.

!reate scenes for
certain companies
!reate and animates
A t#pical da# for a

$:%% Mar& has meeting to discuss with the director of pi'ar

about a future movie

(%:%% A problem occurs with the animation of the character.

And the director tells #ou to redraw the character

((:%% )e redraws a new s&etch of a character in he*s

notbooo& from di+erent views

(:%% )e then goes to his o,ce And creates and animates the
character on a software called blender

-:%%Mar& meets with his team and presents what he has

acomplished and lets other animator edited his wor&

.:%%)e /nish a scene from a movie that is being produced

and goes home
ark is !nally done his pro"ect on blender but
his computer shuts o# because of a power
failure that occurs at his house
1hort term:

Mar& is reall# stress out but has choice but

to start all
2ver and wor& in through the night until he
3ong term:
Mar& can save his wor& after ever# (% %r so
)e can also for the more bigger projects use
his laptop.
)ow do the# use

motion capture4 means to record

movement and translate it in another

Almost ever#thing Mar& does is related to computer


)e is mostl# wor&ing with the software or hardware.

5ses 0seudo code tools to ma&e sprites

move from left to right:
0ros :

is paid to e'press his creativit#.

You need little education mostl# a
bachelor6s degree in an area such as /ne
art or computer science

is a growing /eld with man#


have to wor& long hours: wor& schedule

can e'ceed 7% hours per wee&

1tressful since #ou have a certain due

date for ever# project

Animators must wor& on each drawing

or model until it is perfect

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