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English IV AP Course Syllabus

Mrs. Stephanie Spiter
Clear Lake High School
2929 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77!"
Conta!t In"or#ation$ #2"$% 2"&'2& or via e(ail at ss)it*
Class %ebsite$ s)it*erteach.,
&ea!her Con"eren!e &i#e$ .rd )eriod and -y a))oint(ent a/ter school
Course &itle$ A0 1nglish Literature and Co()osition
Course 'es!ription$ The A0 1nglish Literature and Co()osition course is care/ully designed to
)rovide students ,ith the acade(ic e2)erience e3uivalent to that o/ a college4university level
literature course. There/ore, the intellectual challenges and rigorous acade(ic ,orkload are
characteristic o/ undergraduate university e2)ectations and consistent ,ith the de(ands o/ an
introductory course in college literature. Students ,ill gain su5cient insight in regard to the literary
techni3ues and overall cra/t o/ language used -y ,riters to convey (eaning and )rovide )leasure to
their readers. Students ,ill -e e2)ected to co()lete care/ul critical readings o/ literature in an e6ort
to inter)ret, analy*e, and evaluate the artistic (erit and social signi7cance o/ the ,orks.
S(ills A))resse)$ close reading and annotating te2ts, re(edial gra((ar instruction #as needed%,
,riting instruction #essays -ased on A0 guidelines and scoring%, literary devices, A0 test
Appro*i#ate &i#elines an) 'ue 'ates o" +ong &er# Pro,e!ts$ 8e ,ill study (ulti)le literature
units each se(ester. Assess(ents (ay include discussions, 3ui**es and e2a(s, ti(ed ,ritings,
/or(al essays, and grou) and individual )ro9ects. Students ,ill also )artici)ate in a year'long
docu(ented research )ro9ect #Conce)tual :n3uiry 0ro9ect;C:0% over a conce)t -ased on The Great
Books of the Western World. Ade3uate co()letion ti(e ,ill -e given /or all (a9or assign(ents.
Class -utline an) Preli#inary +ist o" &e*ts$ :n addition to the te2t that ,ill -e issued to each
student, students should consider o-taining a )ersonal co)y o/ each o/ the various novels, )lays, and
short 7ction used in the course. :/ availa-le, the titles (ay -e checked out /ro( the school or local
li-rary. So(e o/ the ,orks can -e accessed online.
.nit I$ Classi!al/ Sha(espearean/ an) Mo)ern &rage)y
Aristotle< Poetics
Arthur =iller< All My Sons
8illia( Shakes)eare< The Tragedy of Macbeth
8illia( Shakes)eare< The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
1uri)ides< Medea
>T.S. 1liot< Murder in the athedral
.nit II$ Poetry
?ohn =ilton< Paradise !ost
@ther selections ,ill -e dra,n /ro( the )ri(ary and su))le(ental te2ts.
.nit III$ Satire
Ale2ander 0o)e< AThe Ba)e o/ the LockC
?onathan S,i/t< AA =odest 0ro)osalC and Gulli"er#s Tra"els
>?ose)h Addison< selections /ro( The S$ectator
=ark T,ain< AAdvice to DouthC and AA 8ar 0rayerC
.nit IV$ Short 0i!tion
Eran* Fa/ka< The Metamor$hosis
1rnest He(ing,ay< AHills Like 8hite 1le)hantsC
>Her(an =elville< ABartle-y the ScrivenerC
>?a(es ?oyce< A1velineC
.nits V-VI/ VIII$ 1o2els
=ary Shelley< %rankenstein
?ose)h Conrad< Heart of Darkness
Cor(ac =cCarthy< All the Pretty Horses
.nit VII$ AP E*a# Preparation
This is a continuous )rocess, -ut revie, o/ A0 test e2)ectations ,ill -e conducted.
3eneral Metho)s o" Assess#ent an) 3ra)e Cal!ulation$
Gaily grades #class ,ork and ho(e,ork%4Hui**es #count t,ice%I &J
=a9or grades #tests, /or(al )a)ers, )ro9ects, ti(ed ,ritings, )resentations%I !!J
Beading assess(entI !J
A2erage a#ount o" 4o#e5or($ Students ,ill -e e2)ected to co()lete e2tensive reading
selections and grou) or individual )ro9ects outside o/ class.
&utorials$ Tutorials are held each Tuesday and Thursday a/ternoon /ro( 2<.'.<$! and on other
a/ternoons -y a))oint(ent. All students are encouraged to attend tutorials.
Classroo# E*pe!tations$
Be )ro()t 8hen the tardy -ell rings, you should -e
seated and ready to -egin class.
Be )re)ared : e2)ect you to have the necessary -ooks
and su))lies in class everyday.
Be involved : e2)ect everyone to -e active
)artici)ants during class.
Be courteous Be courteous to your class(ates and to
Behavioral and tardy )olicies ,ill -e i()le(ented as set /orth -y ca()us ad(inistration.
Clear +a(e 4igh S!hool6s late 5or( poli!y$
$ day lateI 7!J o/ original grade
2 days late I 7!J o/ original grade
. days lateI you ,ill receive a *ero /or the assign(ent
8ork #class ,ork and ho(e,ork% that is not turned in ,hen called /or is late unless other,ise
s)eci7ed. Students ,ho are a-sent ,ill receive one day )er each day (issed to co()lete their
assign(ents. :t is the studentKs res)onsi-ility to o-tain the a))ro)riate assign(ent#s%. Students are
e2)ected to (ake'u) tests and 3ui**es u)on return. :/ a-sent the day -e/ore a 3ui* or test, the
student is e2)ected to take the 3ui* or e2a( i/ the 3ui* or e2a( ,as announced )rior to the a-sence.
Hui**es (ay -e announced or unannounced.
7e8uire) Supplies$
-inder /or class ,ork
note-ook )a)er
7e8ueste) Supplies$ Stu)ents are en!ourage) to )onate the "ollo5ing ite#s to our
!lassroo# supplies.
0eriod< 7ne line (arkers
0eriod< )ost'it notes #all si*es ,elco(e%
0eriod< )encils
0eriod< tissue -o2es
0eriod< ta)e

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