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Sarah can concentrate

Today the first activity Sarah chose to do was transferring water. This is one of
our new activities in our Montessori activity shelf. This activity includes a tray
with two little jugs and a dropper. One jug has some coloured water in it. Sarah
is supposed to transfer the water from one jug to another jug using only the
dropper. I had given her a lesson about how we use a dropper. Sarah is a very
clever girl, she said, "Now it's my turn", then started to practice. A few times
she missed and found that no water came up, but she didn't give up. She sat
with this activity concentrating on filling up the dropper and dropping the water
to other jug. It was amazing watching her. When she thought that she had
enough, she started to pour water from one jug to another jug.
In our classroom we have a shelf with Montessori activities where children
practice practical life activities, e.g. pouring, spooning, learning how to use a
pair of tongs.

Learning happening here:
Sarah is learning to use a dropper
Developing hand and finger grip which is very important for writing skills
Increasing hand eye co-ordination, fine motor skills.
Developing concentration, confidence and independence
Written by - Teacher Rosy, 20 July, 2014

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