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Malala Yousafzai 5

Grade Homework Policy 2014-2015
Purpose of Homework

Homework serves the following purposes:
1. Provides important practice and refinement of skills and concepts taught in the classroom.
2. Preparation for a concept or preview of a unit that will be studied in the future.
3. Elaboration, enrichment, and/or extension of material learned in the classroom through inquiry and application.
4. Provides independent practice and reinforcement of proper study habits taught in school.
5. Provides opportunity for increasing self-direction, time-management, and independence.
6. Provides opportunity to integrate newly learned concepts and skills with prior learning.
Rule(s) for Homework

1. Homework will be turned in each day by every student with no exceptions.
2. If a student is given an assignment and they are absent on the following day or days, the assignment
is due the day they return.
3. If a student is absent, they will receive assignments they missed on the day they return. Students will
have the same number of days they were absent to make up the assignments.
Homework Grades

1. Students will receive a 0 for missing homework assignments. Do not ask to make these up.
2. The 2 lowest grades in each subject are dropped from the students grade book per trimester. The
teacher does not advise students to use this opportunity to miss homework, but this allows leeway for
some misfortune per trimester.
Consequences for No Homework

1. Students will receive a 0 for the missing assignment.
2. Students may turn in late homework with permission in a timely manner.
3. Students will need to fill out a homework reflection sheet and get it signed by guardian.

Student Responsibility

1. The student is to copy their homework assignments into their planner daily.
2. The student is to keep their homework in the Homework Folder.
3. The student is to complete the homework assigned each night following the expectations given by the
teacher giving their very best effort. Quality and Accuracy are very important.
4. The student must have the homework at their desk (not in backpack) on the day it is due. If it is an
online assignment, the teacher must be able to retrieve the homework on the morning it is due.
5. If you have questions about the homework, contact your teacher before 9 p.m.
Student Name: ______________________
My child and I have read and discussed the homework policy that will be used throughout their 5
school year.
Parent/Guardian: X ______________________________
Student: X ____________________________________

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