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Name: Sambit Rath Course Name: Communications

Roll: UM14103 Faculty Name: Fr. A.C. Jesurajan

Section: B

This is the feedback that I received from my group on my formal
attire in the communications class dated 9
July, 2014

Positive Personality Aspects:

My Business attire was regarded as professional which was
neatly pressed and without any creases.
My group was of the opinion that my shoes were professional,
neat and well-polished.
My attitude in the discussion was considered frank and

Improvement Aspects:

The most significant change suggested by my group mates was
my Body Language. They believe I need to work more on my
hand gestures and posture during discussion.
I was advised to choose a tie which complements my business
My behavior was assessed as silent in many situations and I
was urged to speak more in the discussions.
I was expected to keep a clean shave with my Business formals.
I was advised to cut my hair to have a formal hairstyle and to
keep it neat.

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