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1. The quadratic equation

has two equal roots, find the value of k.


2. The quadratic equation

has real roots, find the range of values

of k.

3. Show that the equation

has two different roots if

4. The straight line is a tangent to the graph of a curve

find the
value of

5. Given that the quadratic equation

has two equal roots, find the ratio

of Hence solve the quadratic equation.

6. Given that the quadratic equation

has two equal roots, find the ratio

of . Hence, solve the quadratic equation.

7. Given that the quadratic equation

has equal roots, find the

ratio . Hence, solve the quadratic equation.

8. Find the values of m if the straight line is a tangent to the curve

9. Find the values of p if the straight line is a tangent to the curve

10. Find the range of values of k if the straight line intersects the curve

at two distinct points.


11. Find the range of values of t if the straight line intersects the curve

at two distinct points.


12. Find the range of values of p if the straight line does not meet the curve

13. Find the range of values of k if the straight line does not meet the

14. Show that the quadratic equation

has real roots for all the value of k.

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