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Class 5: Coaching with Compassion to Inspire Sustained Learning and

Module 5.1: Doctor/Patient, Teacher/Student Studies and Neurological Evidence of Coaching
to the PEA


1. A patients experience of shared PEA (i.e., shared vision and positive mood)
with their physician predicts treatment adherence in Type II diabetics.

2. Shared vision is a key to predicting long term success in family businesses.

3. For IT managers and professionals, PEA predicts effectiveness.

4. Physician leaders PEA predicts leadership performance.

5. fMRI studies show that spending 30 minutes in a conversation about the PEA,
in terms of a persons vision or dream, activates regions of the brain
associated with imagining new things, the SN/DMN, and more PNS activity.

6. A second fMRI study of PEA versus NEA coaching replicated these findings
and showed that more PEA discussions with a coach activated additional
regions associated with PNS or renewal.


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