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September 2014 PTA Newsletter

PTA President's Message

Hello Adams Eagles!
I am excited to be a part of the PTA here at Adams this year. I look forward to getting to know you and your children as we
come together to make this year a magical one!
!ur "ack to #chool mo$ie night was %riday #ept. &
. 'e had a wonderful turnout and it was a great success! Thank you to
all those who came to our mo$ie night.
!ur %all %undraiser kicks off on #ept (th and runs through #ept )*th! +ook out for the "ears!! 'atch for packets coming
home next week! The money our PTA will earn will go towards acti$ities, school field trips, and getting speaker-sound systems in
as many teachers. rooms as we can!! I hope you support us!
#afety 'eek/ #ept ))0)1. 'alk your child to school will be on 'ed the )*th. 'e will ha$e doughnuts on the black top.
This is a great opportunity to walk with your child and go o$er important safety information with them. P+EA#E 2#E THE
34!## 'A+5 I6 %4!6T !% !24 #3H!!+ 'HE6 34!##I67 #26#ET. 'e are working on getting a crossing guard
there, but need your help by 2#I67 that area. Thanks for your help in this matter!
T0#HI4T#/ !rders are being taken now through #ept 81th. The shirts sure are darling!! !rder forms are in the office.
#amples are hung outside the office as well.
'hew! A lot is happening this month! I want to personally thank you for filling out the Three for 9e forms and returning them.
I am o$erwhelmed with so many of you willing to $olunteer. I lo$e the saying :It takes a $illage to raise a child.: Thank you for
helping us bring laughter, fun, ama;ing learning opportunities, support, and encouragement to the students at this school while
showing the faculty how much we appreciate them. It is warming to be a part of. I foresee a great year ahead!
H!PE T! #EE <!2 AT !24 6E=T PTA 9EETI67/ 9!6>A< #EPT 8&th */?? I6 THE +I"4A4<!
@ackie 9alan
PTA President

#ept. 80&/ 9embership >ri$e EIt.s not too late to Coin!F
#ept. 8)/ @uly G Aug. "irthday Table
#ept. (0)*/ %all %undraiser
#ept. 8&/ PTA "oard 9eeting
#ept. 81/ T0shirt orders due
#ept. ))0)1/ #afety 'eek
#ept. )1/ #ept. "irthday Table

Fall Fundraiser
Hello Adams %amily,
The new school year has begun, and we ha$e much to be excited about!
'e want to make you aware of our school fundraiser that will be kicking off soon. 'hile we are committed to being
budget0conscious and creati$e about the ways in which we support our students and faculty, raising funds is a crucial
aspect of what we must accomplish together.
!ur fundraising efforts this year will go to support meeting our budget as a PTA with programs that include 4ed
4ibbon 'eek, "ack to #chool %amily 9o$ie 6ight, and much more.
'e ha$e also been in$ol$ed in donating money to the school for technology. The PTA also pro$ides transportation for
field trips.

There are many programs that I ha$e not mentioned. The fact is that the PTA is in$ol$ed in your school and we need
your help to make it all come together.
There are three ways that you can support your school.
1. Make a direct donation. The benefit to helping out this way is that 100% of your pledge amount stays at the
2. Gie the Gift of !eading. "ubscribe to a children#s maga$ine to e%pand your reading resources in the home.
&ids loe receiing mail with their name on it plus they read what they are interested in. The benefits of
reading will last a lifetime. 'ou can een renew maga$ine subscriptions that interest you and make an
additional pledge. (ither way that you choose to help us reach our goal is greatly appreciated.
). *lso this year we are offering +hoto ,ooks- .hristmas .ards and .alendars. These are so fun- and such an
easy way to create fun memories.
"e watchful for a big en$elope that will be coming home on #ept. ( with information on how you can make a donation
and-or order reading materials for your home or business. !ur last day to turn in orders or donations will be #ept. )*.
Thank you for your time and generosity in helping us reach our goal!
P.#. The "EA4# A4E 3!9I67!!!
What is WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students)?
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an innovative father involvement, educational initiative of the
National Center for atherin!. "earn more at$#atchdo!s.
What are the goals of a WATCH D.O.G.S. program?
%) To &rovide &ositive male role models for the students, demonstratin! '( their &resence that education is
)) To &rovide e*tra sets of e(es and ears to enhance school securit( and reduce 'ull(in!.
"ast (ears #e introduced the Watch D.O.G.S. to Adams +lementar(. We ,ic,ed the &ro!ram off #ith #hat
had to 'e one of the most successful Dads and Dou!hnuts of all times, and - #ant to once a!ain than, the
hundreds of (ou #ho sho#ed u& and es&eciall( the more than ./ volunteers #ho si!ned u& to su&&ort the
&ro!ram. We did &rett( #ell for our first run of the &ro!ram, 'ut #e need (our su&&ort to ma,e it even more
successful and sho# our children ho# im&ortant their education is to us. Althou!h #e haven0t decided on a
date (et, #e0re ho&in! to ,ic, the &ro!ram off soon #ith a 1i22a Ni!ht, so &lease ,ee& (our e(es out for the
announcement, come out and learn more a'out the &ro!ram, and if &ossi'le invite another father. We need
(our hel& to ma,e this &ro!ram a success. -f (ou have 3uestions &lease call or te*t me at 4)/5)465.7.8.
Charles Acosta
To& Do!

Yearbook Pictures
Throughout the school year, if you take any pictures that you would like to go in the
yearbook, please send them to >iane 5elsey. #he works hard all year to put our
wonderful yearbook together and she would like to recei$e the pictures as you take them.
<ou can email the pictures to her at

Birthday Table
The next birthday table will be %riday, #eptember 8)th. If your child had a birthday in @uly or August, ha$e
them stop by the birthday table during lunch recess to recei$e a gift. The birthday table for the #eptember
birthdays will be %riday, #eptember )1.
Safety Week
+ook forward to #afety 'eek #eptember ))0)1. 9ore info to come...

Reeber to turn in your bo! to"s# Any student $ho turns in %& or ore bo! to"s by Se"teber '&
$ill get a Tootsie Po"###

School S"irit
The new t0shirts are on sale now! T0shirt order forms are due by #eptember 81. !rder forms went
home with students. If you still need an order form, they are a$ailable in the office. If you ha$e any
Huestions, contact Tina 6ilsen at A?80B)&08)*) or kristina8((
E$ery %riday is #chool #pirit >ay! 'ear your school colors or your Adams Eagles T0#hirt. Pri;es will
be gi$en out to students who participate.
Dont Forget to Clip Labels for Education!
When clipping your labels make sure to include the UPC code
so your points count
!ere is a list of Participating Products"
!ur school earns money for e$erything that is placed in our recycling bins. Please sa$e all of your
paper and cardboard and place them in our recycling bins. <ou can e$en place large cardboard boxes
in there. @ust make sure to break down them down first. It.s an easy way to help the school earn some
extra cash!

PTA Website
3heck out the PTA website/

'e will keep you updated on e$erything to do with the PTA. It.s a great way to stay connected!
Also, remember to :like: the Adams Elementary PTA page on %acebook !

'e hope you.$e enCoyed this edition of Eagles E06ews. If you ha$e any Huestions or comments, please feel
free to email the PTA at 'e.d lo$e to know what you think!
Adams Eagles PTA
Adams Elementary ))?? E. )&?? 6.
+ayton, 2T A*?*?

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