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Guided Demonstration -

Define an Organization Labor

Costing Rule
Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstration - Deine an Organi!ation "a#or Costing $ule
)ective 0(*2+*07 ,age ( o & $ev 2
Guided Demonstration - Deine an Organi!ation "a#or Costing
R12 Project Costing Fundamentals
The o! Title is res"onsi!le #or ensuring that this document is necessar$% that it re#lects actual
"ractice% and that it su""orts cor"orate "olic$&
Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstration - Deine an Organi!ation "a#or Costing $ule
)ective 0(*2+*07 ,age 2 o & $ev 2
Guided Demonstration - Deine an Organi!ation "a#or Costing
Define an Organization Labor Costing Rule
1& Res"onsi!ilit$ ' Projects, Vision Services (USA)
2& (a)igate to the *rgani+ation ,a!or Costing Rules -indo-&
.(/ 0etu" 1 Costing 1 ,a!or 1 *rgani+ation ,a!or Costing Rules
2& 3nter the organi+ation la!or costing rules #or 0er)ices43ast as s"eci#ied in the #ollo-ing
Field Value
*"erating 6nit 7ision 0er)ices
*rgani+ation 0er)ices43ast
,a!or Costing Rule Com"ensation
Cost Rate 0chedule 88Cost Rate !$ o! (select one of
the student's schedules from a
previous practice)
De#ault o! 0chedule 9ill Rate !$ o!
3##ecti)e Date From One year from today
3##ecti)e Date To ,ea)e 9lan:
Note: 3nter an e##ecti)e start date o# one $ear #rom toda$& This organi+ation la!or costing
rule is #or demonstrations "ur"oses onl$&
4& .;/ 0a)e
<& Close the *rgani+ation ,a!or Costing Rules -indo- and return to the na)igator&
Copyright 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstration - Deine an Organi!ation "a#or Costing $ule
)ective 0(*2+*07 ,age & o & $ev 2

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