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I would like to take this time to formally introduce myself to you and your family and
welcome you to Kindergarten at Sargent Shriver Elementary School. My name is Kellie Lewis and
this is my third year teaching Kindergarten! I graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in
Richmond, VA, where I majored in Early Education and Psychology, and also received my Masters
in Teaching. I go to Richmond often to visit my parents and sister who still live there.
This year is a very exciting year for me because not only will I have the pleasure of having
your child in my class, but I will also be getting married at the end of the school year! I am very
excited and looking forward to this next chapter in my life!
Teaching has been my passion since I was a little girl. I know that Kindergarten is a big step
for not only students, but parents as well. Many of the students will be nervous and apprehensive.
This is also a time of mixed emotions for parents---joy that your child is ready for school, but sad-
ness because they are no longer a "baby"! Kindergarten is one of the most important milestones in
your child's life. I want to assure you that I will do my best to make sure your child has an enjoya-
ble school year and that everyone is able to succeed.
In the coming weeks we will be getting to know each other as a class, establishing and prac-
ticing routines, and working on what it means to be Responsible, Respectful, and Ready to Learn.
My goal for the classroom this year is to build a community of intelligent self sufficient students,
who set goals for themselves and meet personalized expectations.
There will be many volunteer opportunities throughout the year for either field trips or
extra help needed around the classroom. I also welcome parents to come in and observe their
child in action.
Again I am very excited about the 2014-2015 school year and cant wait to get to know
your students. I will be giving periodic phone calls home to keep you up to date on your students
progress. We will also have the daily folders as a form of communication between home and
school, and the classroom website. ( However, if you have
any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at school (301)-929-4426, or via email

Favorite Color Purple
Favorite Season Summer
Favorite Food Mac and Cheese
Favorite fast food Chic-Fil-A
Favorite Candy Peanut M & Ms
Favorite Drink Diet Coke
Favorite Sport Football (GO Redskins)
Favorite Hobbies Bowling/Cooking/Reading
Favorite Books Twilight Saga
Favorite Movie Harry Potter

Intelligence plus characterthat is the goal of true educaton. -Martn Luther King Jr.

Hola! Me gustara aprovechar este momento para presentar formalmente a m mismo para usted y su fa-
milia y darle la bienvenida a Kindergarten en la Escuela Primaria Sargent Shriver. Mi nombre es Kellie Lewis
y este es mi tercer ao Kindergarten enseanza! Me gradu de la Universidad Commonwealth de Virginia
en Richmond, VA, donde me especialic en Educacin y Psicologa, y tambin recib mi maestra en la Ense-
anza. Voy a Richmond a menudo a visitar a mis padres y hermana que todava viven all.
Este ao es un ao muy emocionante para m porque no slo voy a tener el placer de tener a su
hijo en mi clase, pero yo tambin voy a casarse al final del ao escolar! Estoy muy emocionado y con ganas
de este nuevo captulo en mi vida!
La enseanza ha sido mi pasin desde que era una nia. S que la guardera es un gran paso para
no slo los estudiantes, pero los padres tambin. Muchos de los estudiantes habr nervioso y aprensivo. Este
es tambin un momento de emociones encontradas para padres --- alegra que su hijo est listo para la
escuela, pero la tristeza porque ya no son un "beb"! Kindergarten es uno de los hitos ms importantes en la
vida de su hijo. Quiero asegurarle que har mi mejor esfuerzo para asegurarse de que su hijo tiene un ao
escolar agradable y que todo el mundo es capaz de tener xito.
En las prximas semanas vamos a estar llegando a conocerse como clase, el establecimiento y la
prctica de rutinas, y trabajando en lo que significa ser responsable, respetuoso, y listo para aprender. Mi
meta para el saln de clases de este ao es la construccin de una comunidad de auto suficientes estudiantes
inteligentes, que se fijan metas para s mismos y cumplir con las expectativas personalizados.
Habr muchas oportunidades para voluntarios durante todo el ao, ya sea para viajes de estudio o
ayuda extra necesaria por el aula. Tambin doy la bienvenida a los padres a venir y observar a su hijo "en
accin." Una vez ms me siento muy emocionado por el ao escolar 2014-2015 y no puedo esperar para
conocer a sus estudiantes. Estar dando llamadas telefnicas peridicas a casa para mantenerse al da sobre
el progreso de su estudiante. Tambin tendremos las carpetas diarias como una forma de comunicacin en-
tre el hogar y la escuela, y el sitio web de aula. ( Sin embargo, si usted
tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en la escuela (301) -
929-4.426, o por correo electrnico a

color favorito Purple
Temporada favorita Summer
Comida favorita Pasta
La comida rpida avorita Chic-Fil-A
Favorite Candy Peanut M & Ms
bebida favorita Diet Coke
Deporte favorito Football (GO Redskins)
Hobby favorita Bowling
Libros favoritos Twilight Saga
Pelcula favorita Harry Potter
"Inteligencia ms carcter que es el objetvo de la verdadera educacin."-Martn Luther King Jr.

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