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Report on village trip to Nakahasa

Section B
Rahul Deshmukh, G12097
Ravi Kiran Vedula, G12098
Sachit Jain, G12099
Saket Vaishnav, G12100
Sameer Gupta, G12101
Sana! Kumar, G12102
Village location and background
"ur #r$up visited a villa#e called %akahasa &hich 'alls under the pancha!at $'
(ame)asa, l$cated in *$nt$ )l$ck in +est Sin#)hum area district $' the state $'
*he nearest t$&n 'r$m %akahasa is -hai)asa &hich is at a distance $' a)$ut $ne
h$ur )! r$ad-hai)asa and Jhinkpani are nearest t$&n areas. )$th are 10 km a&a!
'r$m the %akahasa, -hai)asa is als$ the district head/uarters $' this area and it is a
minin# hu) and , t*his t$&n has )asic 'acilities like sch$$ls, h$spitals, &ell
c$nstructed h$uses and market areas,
+e spent ar$und t&$ da!s in %akahasa , visitin# di0erent h$uses and interactin#
&ith several 'amilies, *he villa#e is l$cated $n a hill! terrain &ith a pictures/ue
landscape and $verall the l$calit! &as neat and clean, "ut h$st %G" 1*R*-, *ri)al
Research 2 *rainin# -entre 31*R*-3 had made )$ardin#, l$d#in# and arran#ements
arran#ements '$r us t$ )e taken t$ the villa#es, "nce &e reached the villa#es the
l$cal animat$rs $' *R*- in the villa#e #reeted us c$rdiall! and &ere ver! kind t$
sh$& us ar$und the villa#e,
%akahasa is pred$minantl! inha)ited )! the 45$6 tri)e and alse caste 5indu
c$mmunit! called 4G$pe6, *he 45$6 tri)e in this villa#e primaril! c$mprised $' t&$
c$mmunitiessu).caste, 7 4(ari6 and 4($ipai6, *he villa#e has ar$und 70 'amilies and
an avera#e $' 7.8 pe$ple in each 'amil!, 8$st $' the villa#e pe$ple seemed t$ live in
ver! )asic c$nditi$nsc$nditi$ns9 &ith : h$&ever h$&ever, there &ere ver!&ere
ver! 'e& a;uent 'amilies as &ell, 5$&ever e<ven am$n# the p$pulati$n livin# in
ver! )asic c$nditi$n it &as surprisin# t$ see impact $' techn$l$#! like such as
kn$&led#e and use usa#e $' cheaper versi$ns $'$nes,
Assets and Sources of Income
*he primar! assets $' the villa#ers are their h$uses and a#ricultural land, =$r an
avera#e villa#er )$th the h$use and a#ricultural land is small in si>e, S$me $' the
h$uses in the villa#e &ere c$nstructed $ut $' mud &hile s$me &ere c$nstructed $ut
$' )ricks and hadmended &ith mud&ith mud tiles,
(esides, the villa#ers als$ $&n cattlescattle, p$ultr!, )asic a#ricultural t$$ls and
traditi$nal &eap$ns t$ sa'e#uard a#ainst &ild animals,
Sources of Income, occupation and livelihood
*he )asic $ccupati$n $' the villa#ers is a#riculture &hich is hi#hl! seas$nal, and
t*he! heavil! depend $n rains and the! practice $necultivate c!cle cultivati$n
1 "nl!$nl! $ne cr$p in a !ear3,, Durin# the $0 seas$n cr$p #r$&th is ver!
limitedver! limited, ?#riculture alth$u#h the primar! $ccupati$n &as n$t '$und t$
)e a ma$r s$urce $' inc$me as m$st $' the pr$duce &as used '$r c$nsumpti$n and
rather thanthe! c$uldvilla#ers c$uld n$t pr$duce surplus '$$d #rain '$r sellin# t$
earn cash,
(esides ?part 'r$m a#riculture the villa#ers primaril! &$rk as &a#e la)$rers t$ earn
m$ne!, (esides a#riculture and &a#e la)$rers, there are ver! 'e& empl$!ment
$pp$rtunities, Ver! ? 'e& &ell educated villa#ers &ere als$ '$und t$ )e &$rkin#)e
&$rkin# in services like&ith p$lice&ith p$lice and rail&a!s in cities $utside, ,
h5$&ever the pr$#ress $ver the !ears t$&ards such $ccupati$ns &as '$und t$ )e
Major !penses and Savings
8$st villa#ers pr$duce m$st $' the '$$d the! eat and have their $&n h$uses, 8$st
$' t*he e@penses are '$r $ther )asic necessities such as cl$thes, ?dditi$nal
e@penses e@ist '$r repa!ment $' l$ans, hi#her educati$n, investment in a#riculture
and medical needs, "ne $' the 'armersAs in the villa#e has a tract$r &hich is hired
$n s$me $ccasi$nall!s )! $ther villa#ers9 h$&ever m$st $' the tillin# is d$ne usin#
animal help $nl!, *he rent '$r the tract$r is Rs 700B. per da! &hich makes it a n$t s$
via)le $pti$n '$r man!,
Villa#ers st$re '$$d #rains '$r 'uture c$nsumpti$n h$&ever the pr$duce 'r$m the
'arm is n$t suCcient t$ )e used '$r sellin# in the markett$ )e s$ld '$r cash due t$
reas$ns such as)ecause $' small land si>e, , n$ irri#ati$nrain.'ed a#riculture and
use usa#e $' $nl! )asicl$& eCcienc! traditi$nal a#riculturaltraditi$nal a#ricultural
e/uipment, 8$netar! savin#s is alm$st ne#li#i)le and &hatever inc$me is $)tained
is used '$r )asic amenities, +hatever the littlethe little the! accumulate, it is saved
in &ith S5G&ith S5G, , &hich &h$ is ultimatel! dep$sited idep$sits &ith n S(D,
*he villa#e has a primar! sch$$l up till t$ class 7 and pr$vides 'ree educati$n, 8$st
$' the villa#e children #$ t$ the sch$$l, =$r hi#her educati$n students have t$ travel
up till t$ -hai)asa $r Ji#apani Jhinkpanivilla#e, 8$st students use )ic!cle as a
meansa means $' transp$rt and End these sch$$ls 'ar,
8$st villa#e children d$ n$t pursue hi#her educati$n i,e, class 8 F 12 and c$lle#e,
Grimar! reas$ns as in'$rmed )! s$me $' the villa#ers are.
a, -$mmutati$n *rave-$mmutati$n l time t$ visit the sch$$l is hi#h as sch$$ls
are 'ar 'r$m the villa#e'ar,l$n#er
), Students #et en#a#ed in &$rk and villa#e $ccupati$ns, as the! have t$
supp$rt their 'amil! hence'amil! hence the! leave studies,
c, Hack $' m$tivati$n due t$ dearth $' #$$d empl$!ment $pp$rtunities and that
hi#her educati$n re/uiresac/uirin# hi#her educati$n is una0$rda)le '$r them,
m$re investmentare una0$rda)le '$r them,
d, Hack $' #uidance, a)sence $' r$le m$del andm$del and lack $' m$tivati$nal
supp$rt 'r$m 'amil!,
? rareVer! 'e& 'e& 'amilies &ere '$und t$ have&ith &ell&ith educated&ell.
educated 'amil! mem)ers and s$me $' them &ere , empl$!ed in vari$us
pr$'essi$nal services like such as p$liceas p$lice and rail&a!s rail&a!sand , vVer!
'e& !$un# students &ere als$ '$und n$ted t$ )e #$in# enr$lled t$enr$lled t$
c$lle#es, as &ell $utside the villa#e,
Village Societ" and administration
*he l$cal villa#e administrati$n is simple and )asic &ith $ne villa#e headman called
:8unda,A &hich is a hereditar! p$siti$n , p$siti$n, 8unda acts as the c$$rdinat$r
)et&een the villa#e pe$ple '$lk and #$vernment administrat$rs machiner!, and5e
res$lves the internal pr$)lems issues $' the villa#e, *here are peri$dic sessi$ns
called 4Gram Sa)ha6 &here pe$ple #et t$#ether t$ discuss their pr$)lems,
*he villa#e 'alls under the Gancha!at 4(ame)asa6 &hich is in the nei#h)$rin#
villa#e and representatives 'r$m this villa#e #$ and attend the meetin#s,
*he villa#e s$ciet! '$ll$&s the l$cal cust$ms $' the tri)e, like theresa! like '$r
cann$t )e a marria#e 'r$m &ithin the same c$mmunit! '$r e@amplepr$hi)iti$n $'
marria#e marria#e )et&een a )$! and a #irl )$th 'r$m 4(ari6 c$mmunit!&ithin su).
caste, sa! )ari, *here is c$mmunal harm$n! in the villa#e &ith pe$ple 'r$m di0erent
c$mmunities and cultures attendin# the cele)rati$ns $' each $ther like caste 5indus
attendin# the cele)rati$ns $' 4(ari6 c$mmunit! and vice.versa,
Major Issues and #roblems
*he m$st imp$rtant pr$)lem and c$mplaint $' the villa#e is that there is still n$
electricit! electricit!&ith , $"nl! a rare 'e& h$uses havin# have s$larhave s$lar
panels '$r )asic purp$sesas a s$urce $' electricit!li#htin#, Dn 'act villa#ers have
)een asked t$ c$ntri)ute Rs I00 per 'amil! t$ make the arran#ements '$r settin# up
the electricit! in'rastructure in the villa#e, *his am$unt*he villa#ers the villa#ers
the! '$und diCcult t$ arran#e '$r this am$unt $n acc$unt $' their p$vert!,
+ater availa)ilit! '$r irri#ati$n is an$ther seri$us issue as 'armin# is hi#hl!
dependent $n rain'all and there are n$ $thern$ $ther s$urces $' irri#ati$n channels
in the villa#e,
?n$ther c$ncern is lack $' empl$!ment $pp$rtunities, ?n$ther ? ma$r c$mplaint
'r$m the villa#ers is re#ardin# n$!mentBdela!ed pa!ment $' &a#es 'r$m the
8%R<G? scheme due t$$n acc$unt $' c$rrupti$n apath! and in.sensitiveness
insensitiveness in the s!stem, *here seems t$ )e a &ide spread c$rrupti$n &ithin
vari$us hierarchies $' the )ureaucrac! inv$lved,
"ther pr$)lems '$r the villa#ers include lack $' )asic h$spital B dispensar! in the
vicinit!, alth$u#h the d$ct$r d$es c$me t$ the villa#e $nat peri$dic
interval,*he!interval, *he! are m$stl! dependent $n /uack and "has '$r treatment
$' their ailment ,ailment, =$r treatment $' seri$us ailments villa#ers have t$ #$ t$
-hai)asa, *he 're/uenc! $' pu)lic transp$rtati$n )et&een -hai)asa and %akahasa
is e@tremel! lessl$& and in m$st cases a eep laden &ith 1J pe$ple 'err! $nce in a
da! and '$r, Dn ur#ent cases, villa#ers have t$ make their $&n arran#ements, ?ls$
s$me parts$me parts $' the appr$ach r$ads t$ the villa#e are is stillare still n$t
#$$d , #$$d, *he! areDt is Elled &ith path.h$les and needs acti$nrepairin# ,repairin#,
Villa#ers als$ c$mplaint $'a)$ut thea)$ut the l$cal 8H? '$r n$t'$r n$t takin# an!
acti$n acti$n $n t$&ards their pain p$ints $r even visitin#and he did n$t )$ther
even t$ visit thevisit the villa#e p$st electi$np$st.electi$ns,
Aspirations of the village people
8$st villa#e pe$ple are c$ntented the &a! the! live and d$ n$t have t$$ man!
aspirati$ns t$ impr$ve their livin#s, 5$&ever there are a rare 'e& $' th$se &h$ #et
#$$d e@p$sure t$ educati$n $r cit! li'e and aim t$ d$ s$methin# #$$d in li'e,
Villa#ers d$ n$t have t$$ man! 'estivals, h$&ever the! ust have a !earl! 'estival
called as Sarhul , &hich is a harvest 'estival and villa#ers cele)rate $n #rand scale
as per their standard,&hich is a ma$r 'estival Dnt$@icated &ith 5andia 1a l$call!
)re&ed rice.)eer3&here the! dance and sin# '$r all &h$le ni#ht and da! t$
S$me villa#ers als$ shared their aspirati$ns t$ #$ andt$ travelt$ travel $utside in
$ther cities as m$st $' them have travelled ma@imum up till -hai)asa and n$t seen
the $utside &$rld 1due t$ lack $' m$ne!3and '$r)ut '$r m$st $' them the &$rld is
limited t$ -hai)asa and Jhinkpani $n acc$unt $' their p$vert! ,p$vert! and lack $'
5$&ever, a 'e&*he! aspire t$ have electricit! and t$ have appliances used )!
pe$ple in cities liket$ ena)le them t$ use #ud#ets#ad#ets like televisi$nlike
televisi$n and cameras,
$vervie% of the village conom"
?#riculture is the primar! s$urce $' $ccupati$n in the 'armin# seas$n and villa#ers
&$rk as $n as dail! &a#e la)$rers in n$n 'armin# seas$n, *hese $ccupati$ns are
the primar! s$urces $' inc$me and )esides these there are a rare 'e& empl$!ment
$pp$rtunities, and s$urces $' inc$me, *here is lack $' l$cal )usinesses $r an!
inc$me 'r$m skilled cra't like artisans,
(asic m$netar! transacti$ns in the villa#e include e@chan#e )arter $' #$$ds and
pa!ments '$r manual la)$r, G$$ds are s$ld B e@chan#ed in l$cal villa#e market
called :5aatA, =e& a;uent pe$ple in the villa#es have sh$ps &hich t$ sell )asic
c$nsumer #$$ds, =$r $ther pr$ducts and amenities like cl$thes villa#e pe$ple need
t$ travel up t$up t$ -hai)asa $r up t$ near)! haat, da!,
Support from N&$s and other organi'ations
*he primar! sch$$l pr$vidin# 'ree educati$n &as 'uncti$nal in the villa#e and
pr$vided pr$vides educati$n and mid da!mid.da! meals up till upt$up t$ class 7
?#an&adi &as als$ 'uncti$nal in the villa#e &ith the l$cal &$rker )ein#
traineden#a#ed in trainin# villa#ers invilla#ers in )asic health practices re/uired t$
)e '$ll$&ed,
*R*- &as the primar! %G" $peratin# in the villa#e, =r$m *R*- the villa#e receives
le#al help thr$u#h #uidance )! a pr$'essi$nal la&!er and )asic medical help, *R*-
has trained $ne $' the villa#e &$men t$ act as a l$cal health animat$r and #ave her
trainin# in healthcarehealthcare9 and she supplies here &ithpr$vides )asic
medicines t$ the villa#ers, She pr$vides and )asic healthcare service '$r the villa#e
pe$ple '$lk, and distri)utes medicines t$ the sick and need!,
*R*- als$ helps t$ '$rm !$uth $r#ani>ati$n and health #r$ups t$ create a&areness
and hi#hli#ht the pr$)lems t$ #$vernment $Ccials like (D", *R*- als$ pr$vides
elementar! c$urses '$r villa#e pe$ple at their 'acilit! in vari$us d$mains, *hese
c$urses are residential c$urses and are pr$vided at ver! )asic c$st $r '$r 'ree,
Summar" of our observations and perspective of the village life
a, +e )elieve the m$st ur#ent acti$n re/uired '$r the villa#e is suppl! $'
electricit!electriEcati$electricit!n as this &ill )eis the '$r an!
)asic devel$pment &hich t$ c$uld )e carried $ut in this villa#e,
), +hile it &as a pleasure#$$d t$ see the c$ntentment am$n# villa#ers &ith
satis'acti$n &ith their )asic assets and n$t havin# #reat aspirati$ns&h$ are
satisEed &ith their current livin# and d$ n$t have #reat aspirati$ns, h$&ever
pr$#ressive devel$pment is ur#ent and a)s$lutel! essential,
c, *here is a lack $' empl$!ment $pp$rtunities in the villa#e $ther than
a#riculture $r &$rkin# as $n dail! &a#es &$rkers, +e )elieve there c$uld )e
#$$d p$tential '$r #r$&th $' l$cal )usinesses like startin# rental services
$n'$r e/uipment n$t availa)le in villa#es &hich &$uld #enerate revenue and
empl$!ment $pp$rtunities t$ '$r the villa#ers, 5$&ever this &$uld re/uire
pr$vidin# pr$per #uidance and initial Enancial supp$rt,
d, ?n inn$vative scheme c$uld )e pr$vidin# the sch$$l children &ith )atter!
$perated li#hts &hich the! c$uld char#e thr$u#h a central )atter! char#er
1s$lar $perated3 in the sch$$l durin# the da!, *he same li#hts can )e used at
their h$mes durin# the ni#ht, *his &ill n$t $nl! help the villa#e h$mes t$ #et
access t$ li#ht durin# the ni#hts )ut &ill als$ act as an e@tra incentive '$r the
parents t$ send their kids t$ sch$$l,
e, ?n$ther interestin# activit! c$uld )e creatin# special d$cumentariesBr$le
pla!s '$r the villa#ers, *hese sh$uld e@p$se the villa#ers t$ the impr$vement
in li'e &hich happens thr$u#h educati$n, +e 'eel this &$uld )e ver! relevant
c$nsiderin# the current lack $' interest in the villa#ers t$&ards educati$n,
Similarl!, the same c$uld )e d$ne $n imp$rtant su)ects like investment and
savin#s thr$u#h the )ank,

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