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Issue Paper

Tom Galloway on

Affordable Housing is a key Social Service responsibility of the Region.
Working with senior levels of government, we provide direct affordable
housing units, administer and oversee a large inventory of nonprofit
housing and administer a number of housing subsidy programs. The
Region has been singled out on numerous occasions by the Province
and other providers as being a leading municipality in the social housing
field. We have set and met successive aggressive new unit targets. But
yet there is so much more that could be done and waiting lists

- We must relentlessly lobby senior levels of government for new
funding for Affordable Housing, rent supplement programs and
other initiatives that provide secure housing
- Supportive Housing initiatives should be a top priority
- Partnerships with nonprofits or for profit housing providers need
to continue and expanded
- In cooperation with various local Social Service agencies, we need
to identify constraints and opportunities

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