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Issue Paper

Tom Galloway on

Many if not most decisions made at the Region have a direct or at least
an indirect impact on the Environment. Planning issues associated with
development policy like Protected Countryside areas, Countryside Line
development limits and Environmentally Sensitive Landscapes are but a
few in Planning. In Waste Management recycling, compositing and
other diversion strategies have direct impact. In Engineering, roads,
storm water, wastewater and water itself have major environmental
implications. Transit including Rapid Transit have obvious positive
environmental impacts.

- We must consider seriously the Environment in every decision we
- We must be relentless in the implementation of the Regional
Transportation Master Plan as it relates to Conventional and
Rapid Transit
- We need to continue to increase diversion from the local landfill
- Enhance our Smart About Salt program
- Continue and expand Water Efficiency measures to achieve water
- Exceed wastewater effluent standards

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