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Issue Paper

Tom Galloway on

The Region has major responsibilities in the area of Social Services. How we treat
the marginalized and those in need is a reflection of who we are as a Community.
Many programs are mandated by the Province and are cost shared; Ontario
Works and Child Care are the primary ones. These programs are highly
prescriptive from the Province particularly in regards to eligibility and rates.
However, there is often some latitude in providing extra benefits such as
Discretionary Benefits where Council has backstopped the program to a large
extent when funding was significantly reduced by the Province. Most other
Regions did not follow suit. The Council has also backstopped Child Care
programs when funding was changed where other Regions did not.

Homelessness is also a key program area with limited senior level funding. We
support various homelessness initiatives particularly in regards to transitional and
permanent housing for persistently homeless individuals.

- Continue to fund and enhance the funding shortfall in Discretionary
- Enhance efforts in homelessness to support more transitional and
permanent housing while continuing support to permanent shelters and
Out of the Cold programs
- Support new Child Care initiatives that allow for families to be self-
supportive and lobby Province for more funding
- Lobby the Province to continue the uploading underway. While the Region
is well positioned to provide the Services, the costs should not be borne by
property taxes

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