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Discourse Communities Response

Discourse Communities Response

Xavier Zaragoza
The University of Texas at El Paso
Christine Endlich

Discourse Communities Response
JOINING: To join this society,
having the interest in Mechanical
Engineering and the experience in
computer software is a necessity
Convention: Always ready to
perform, use Mechanical Engineer
vocabulary (HVAC, CM, etc..)
Genre: Computer, USB, and a brain
Topic: Efficient, Motivated, and on
JOINING: To join this society,
having a console, games, and
motivation to achieve all obstacles
Convention: Play up to 2-3 hours a
day, play with friends, video game
vocabulary (op, pto, camper)
Genre: Competition, Controls,
Topic: Practice, Updates, and Chats
JOINING: To join this society,
enthusiasm towards swimming,
ready to practice, and some
swimming experience
Convention: Practice, Meets,
Swimming vocabulary (butterfly,
breaststroke, freestyle, and
Genre: Swim shorts, time laps,
Topic: Errors, Foes, and
JOINING: To join this society,
having a high school diploma, apply
for admission, and be accepted
Convention: Social with professor,
and interact with peers
Genre: Notes, textbook, study time
Topic: Exams, study time, degree

Discourse Communities Response
By now everyone should know what society one should chooses to be. Interacting with the
people that share the same interest as you is natural. Every discourse communities has its
uniqueness in been apart from the other communities by using particular vocabulary, audience,
and convention. No matter how far apart we are from our likes, each one of us are in a discourse
community. My individual discourse community consists of work, college, video games, and
By working in what I like is a privilege because of the career am taking. First, to be part of this
working firm the necessities are mechanical engineering background and some computer
software experience. To help one another is the building blocks of making a good working
experience work efficiently. Since is in a working field of mechanical engineer big vocabulary
words consist of (HVAC), which is Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioner. If you did now that
and you wanted to enter this job, seems that this job is not for you. There is still many words that
I need to learn because there is a ton of a definitions for one part of a device. Not only that I and
my co-workers are assigned to plumbing, hvac, and architecture plans and each of them have
their own special vocabulary. The computer software that I use is AutoCad and Revit because
those are the main programs for building a house, building, and city. In the same computer
software there is shortcuts you need to use to learn to master the program and be faster at doing
the project is in hand, words like MV is short for move, TR is short for trim, CO is short
for copy, and so on. When I say elbow, you are thinking of a body elbow but in the plumbing
vocabulary is and angled compound structure attaching two pipes. The best part of not only
talking very cleverly is to see the project been assembled in front of your eyes because you can
see physically the exceptional pieces. The many conventions we do is to clarify the work that
Discourse Communities Response
must be done a certain time aspect but the main purpose is to achieve a goal of been efficient as
possible and the architect to like the plan.
One of my best discourse communities is been part of University of Texas at El Paso. UTEPs
intentions is to instruct students and provide the useful knowledge for their attributed careers. To
join this society, having a high school diploma and applied for admission, and be accepted is a
necessity. To be successful in the years that students are going to be in college, socialize with
professors and peers. The golden rules applies to any one that you are going to talk because, well
having someone that is smart and doesnt want to help is harsh. Communicating with the
professor is the most important one because of missing information. There is many different way
of communicating with professors I through E-mail, Blackboard, and a very important paper
called syllabus because everything is in there. Conventions that many would like is to visit some
football games and festivals, to show that you are part of the UTEP spirit there is something
called the pick which consist use hand gestures. With every discourse community there is a
goal that must be reach little by little, in this case the goal is to a bachelor degrees first and the
carry on with a master a desired career.
Video game player is one of my favorite discourse community because of my hobby. To join this
society play up to 2- hours a day, play with friends (offline, or online), and know some video
game vocabulary (op, pto, and camp). First of all practicing always makes perfect, to become
better at the game practicing every day is rather essential to beat anybody at it. Second, knowing
the controls of a control without seen it, such like typing with out seen keyboard. Finally
knowing video game vocabulary better addresses a problem that is at hand. OP stands for over
power that is defined a weapon or tactic that is very advantageous against enemies. PTO stands
for play the objective, in a game that needs every ones participation to win, but not everyone at
Discourse Communities Response
any time some is doing their part, so to complete the assignment you need to doit. To stay up to
date with the new abilities, weapons, or customs, updating the version the game is the best thing
to do, if you want to have them first. One of the best conventions is to online because there will
be a competition you dont only play against the computer but people around the world. The
main goal of been a video game player is to become the best there in the world.
My last and other favorite discourse community is swimming because of the people you meet
and the coolness you get when entering the water. To join this society, having enthusiasm
towards swimming, ready to practice, some swimming experience, and obviously some
swimming shorts. Just like playing video games practicing is essential to become better.
Becoming good in one day is impossible, but try as hard as you can every day during practice it
will get you results. There is different kinds of swimming strokes called breaststroke, backstroke,
freestyle, and butterfly. When I said butterfly you first thought of a fly insect but in the contrary
butterfly in the swimming vocabulary is a stroke consisting of both arms swinging at the same
pace while kicking like a dolphin underwater. The best part of swimming is competing for first
place during a convention against other teams in the city that is when you show how much you
practice to exceed in the water. After a quick lap doing a cool-down will be necessary to relax
your muscles from that quick session of swimming. The main goal of swimming is to get results
in the water and body.
The main discourse communities that I have chosen to be have directed me to become better at
what I do. There are many discourse communities out there that one can choose to be in. no
matter the difference between me and you we each have our reason to be in selected discourse
communities. How knows we can make a new one that suits anybody or everybody. Join other
discourse communities is always an advantage because of the things you can learn from them.

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