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The Rounding Rap!

Find the place value and circle that digit.

Now move to the right and underline get it?
0 4, circle stays the same
5 to 9, add one is the game
Now flex your muscles like a hero

Digits to the right change to zero.
All other digits stay the same.
Yo! Youre a winner in the rounding game!

3 6 4 , 6 9 3
Example: Rounding to the nearest thousand

Find the digit in the thousands place
and circle it.

Move to the right and underline the 6.

3 6 4 , 6 9 3
Look at the underlined digit. Is it between
0-4? Then the 4 stays the same.
If it is between 5-9, then add one to the
circled digit.

Now, under the 4 write a 5 because six is
between 5 and 9.

Now all of the numbers to the right of the
five change to zero.

All of the digits to the left stay the same.
3 6 4 , 6 9 3
5 , 0 0 0
3 6 4 , 6 9 3

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