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Informative Text: Zebra

The Zebra is a unique and distinct

animal. A Zebra is commonly known for
its black and white stripe features
which are unique because no two
stripes are the same. They can be
found living in eastern and southern
Africa nearby grasslands or semi-
deserts. They are an herbivore
therefore require an area to reside
that offers plenty of plants, leaves
and bark. A fully grown Zebra grows
to be 4-5ft tall and communicates
through facial expressions and
sounds. Living in these environments,
the Zebra has to be cautious of
Lions, Hyenas, Wild Dogs, Leopards
and Cheetahs as they are the main
predators. Zebras reside in herds
which helps to protect them from
these predators because their stripes
when huddled together make it
difficult for another animal to
clearly see the smaller animal within
the herd. This deters the predators
from trying to prey on the Zebra.

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