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Solutions and detailed explanations to 

Grade 4 math problems are presented.

1. The areas, in kilometers squared, of some countries are given below.

USA: 9,629,091, Russia: 17,098,242, China: 9,598,094, Canada:

9,984,670, the UK: 242,400 and India: 3,287,263.

Answer the following questions:

a) Which of these countries has the smallest area?

b) Which of these countries has the largest area?

c) What is the difference between the areas of Russia and China?

d) Find the total area of all countries listed above?

e) Order these countries from the largest to the smallest areas?


a) The smallest area is 242,400 kilometers squared and it is that of the


b) The largest area is 17,098,242 kilometers squared and corresponds

to Russia.

c) The difference between the areas of Russia and China is given by

17,098,242 - 9,598,094 = 7,500,148 kilometers squared

d) The total area of the countries listed above is given by

9,629,091 + 17,098,242 + 9,598,094 + 9,984,670 + 242,400 + 3,287,263

= 49,839,760 kilometers squared

e) We first order the areas from the largest to the smallest.

17,098,242 | 9,984,670 | 9,629,091 | 9,598,094 | 3,287,263 | 242,400

Which correspond to the following countries

Russia, Canada, USA, China, India, UK

2. Jim drove 768 miles of a 1200 miles journey. How many more miles

does he need to drive to finish his journey?


The number of miles to drive to finish his journey is given by

1200 - 768 = 432 miles

3. The rectangle on the left and the square on the right have the same

perimeter. What is the length of one side of the square?


The perimeter P of the rectangle is equal to

P = 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 = 80

The perimeter of the square is equal to the perimeter of the rectangle

and is then equal to 80. The square has 4 sides of equal lengths. Since

80 = 20 + 20 + 20 + 20

then the length of a side is equal to 20

4. There are 123 boxes of sweets in a store. There are 25 sweets in each
box. How many sweets are in the store?


To find how many sweets, we multiply 123 by 25

123 × 25 = 3075 sweets

5. There are 365 days in one year, and 100 years in one century. How

many days are in one century?


In 100 years, which is one century, there

365 × 100 = 36,500 days

6. Billy read 2 books. He read the first one in one week with 25 pages

everyday. He read the second book in 12 days with 23 pages everyday.

What is the total number of pages that Billy read?


Pages read in the first book in one week which is 7 days with 25 pages

25 × 7 = 175 pages

Pages read in the second book in 12 days with 23 pages everyday.

23 × 12 = 276 pages

Total number of pages read

175 + 276 = 451 pages

7. 123 school girls are to be transported in small vans. Each van can carry

8 girls only. What is the smallest possible number of vans that are

needed to transport all 123 school girls?


To find the number of vans, we divide 123 by 8.

123 ÷ 8 = 15 and remainder = 3

So 15 vans are needed to transport 15 × 8 = 120 girls, and 1 van is

needed to transport the 3 remaining girls. A total of 16 vans are needed.

8. John had $100 to buy drinks and sandwiches for his birhtday party. He

bought 5 small boxes of drinks at $4 each box and 8 boxes of

sandwiches at $6 each box. How much money was left after the


Money spent on drinks

5 × 4 = $20

Money spent on sandwiches

8 × 6 = $48

Total money spent

20 + 48 = $68

Money left after shopping

100 - 68 = $32

9. A factory produces 5500 toys per week. If the workers at this factory

work 4 days a week and if these workers make the same number of toys

everyday, how many toys are produced each day?


To find the number of toys produced every day, we divide the total

number of toys produced in one week (of 4 days) by 4.

5500 ÷ 4 = 1375 toys

10. Tom, Julia, Mike and Fran have 175 cards to use in a certain

game. They decided to share them equally. How many cards should

each one take and how many cards are left?

To know how many cards each should take, divide 175 by 4 (Tom, Julia,

Mike and Fran).

175 ÷ 4 = 43 with remainder = 3

Each one should take 43 cards and 3 are left.

11. The shaded shape is made of 5 congruent squares. The side of

one square is 4 cm. Find the total area of the shaded shape.


The area of one square is equal to

4 × 4 = 16 centimeters squared

The whole shape has 5 squares. The total area is

16 + 16 + 16 + 16 + 16 = 80 centimeters squared

or 16 × 5 = 80 centimeters squared
12. Sam, Carla and Sarah spent on afternoon collecting sea shells.

Sam collected 11. If we add the number of sea shells collected by Sam

and Carla, the total would be 24. If we add the number of sea shells

collected by Carla and Sarah, the total would be 25 shells. How many

shells did each one collect?

13. Mr Joshua runs 6 kilometers everyday from Monday to Friday. He

also runs 12 kilometers a day on Saturday and Sunday. How many

kilometers does Joshua run in a week?

14. Tom and Bob are brothers and they each had the same amount of

money which they put together to buy a toy. The cost of the toy was $22.

If the cashier gave them a change of 6$, how much money did each


15. John has 5 boxes of sweets. One group of boxes has 5 sweets in

each box. The second group of boxes has 4 sweets in each box. John

has a total of 22 sweets. How many boxes of each type John has?(Hint:

use table)

16. There is a total of 16 chickens and rabbits in a farm. The total

number of legs (chickens and rabbits) is equal to 50. How many

chickens and how many rabbits are there?(Hint:use a table)

17. There are 4 more chickens than rabbits in a farm. The total

number of legs (chickens and rabbits) is equal to 44. How many

chickens and how many rabbits are there?(Hint:use a table)

Answers to the Above Questions


a. UK

b. Russia

c. 7,500,148

d. 49,839,760

e. Russia, Canada, USA, China, India, Uk.

2. 432 miles

3. 20

4. 3075 sweets

5. 36,500 days in one century

6. 451 pages

7. 16 vans

8. $32
9. 1375 toys per day

10. 43 each and 3 left

11. 80 cm squared

12. Sam: 11, Carla: 13 and Sarah: 12

13. 54 kilometers

14. $14

15. 2 boxes with 5 seets each and 3 boxes with 4 seets each

16. 7 chickens and 9 rabbits

17. 10 chickens and 6 rabbits

This is an online free math test for third grade. This test comprises of word problems which use mixed
operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The students have to use the
correct operation according to each question to answer the problems.

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Question 1

One vegetable patch has 22 vegetables. How many total vegetables are there if there are 4 such


Question 2

If 228 honey bees of 668 fly out of the hive, how many honey bees are there now?


Question 3

There are 21 students in the class. If each student has 4 books, how many total number of books are
there in the class?

Question 4

Rita is 12 years old and her mother is 34 years old. How many years is the difference between their


Question 5

If a lady buys 12 apples, 12 mangoes and 10 guavas, how many total pieces of fruit will she buy?


Question 6

Harry obtained 95 marks in Math, 90 marks in English, and 92 marks in Science. How many total marks
did he obtain in all subjects?


Question 7

There were 550 passengers on a train. At the next stop, 289 passengers got off. How many passengers
are there on the train now?


Question 8

One airplane can accommodate 330 passengers. How many airplanes are required to accommodate
seats for 990 passengers?


Question 9

There are 522 birds sitting on a tree. If 129 birds fly away, how many birds will be there on the tree?


Question 10

If there are 4 classroom sections of third grade with 19 students in each class, how many third grade
students are there in total?

Question 11

If only 18 travellers can be seated in a bus, how many buses will be required to seat 72 travellers?


Question 12

A city has 3 zoos. The first zoo has 213 animals, the second zoo has 68 animals and the third zoo has 177
animals. How many animals do all the zoos have in total?


Question 13

If one forest has 178 trees. How many trees do 4 forests have?


Question 14

One hall can accommodate 65 people. How many halls are required to accommodate 520 people?


Question 15

There are 828 people on a ship. If 389 people disembark before the ship completes its course, how
many people will reach the destination?

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