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Hunters by nature, saber-tooth cats hunted and fed on other

animals, from mammoths to ground sloths and even humans.

Sabers stalked prey in packs, led by one alpha male, who
directed them all in attacks and ambushes. Sabers were
equipped with a number of natural weapons, from retractable
claws to their most famed weapon, their long, saber-like canine
teeth, which they used to seize prey, usually by the throat.
Coated in short, sleek fur, sabers were often burnt orange or
dark brown, though exceptions, such as Shira, a grey saber,
existed: male sabers sported short, dark manes that ran down
their neck to their back. Sabers were compactly built, with
strong legs for running, short tails and an often streamlined
build: with these features, sabers were ideal trackers, able to
pursue prey well, but faltered at swimming, with one saber,
Diego, being an exception to this over time.

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