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Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch B!E"B!#ech$C%E"&#"'EC("'&)"AE*+"AU#+"
#itle of the )a-er En,iron.ental %cience & En/ineerin/
'a0! 'ar1s 23
%ub! Code %C(41331 #i.e 3 (ours
5ate 13"16"6313 %ession 78
)A*# $ A (13 4 6 : 63)
Ans;er A<< the =uestions
1! >hat is .eant b? /reen house /ases@
6! >hat are the roles of ;o.en in en,iron.ental -rotection@
3! >hat is .eant b? non -oint -ollution@
A! 5efine /enetic di,ersit? and s-ecies di,ersit?!
5! E0-lain the ter. sustainable de,elo-.ent!
6! 5ifferentiate bet;een rec?clin/ and reuse!
B! >hat is a 5obson unit@
2! >h? is ;orld en,iron.ent da? obser,ed on 5
Cune e,er? ?ear@
9! >hat is acid de-osition@
13! 5efine -o-ulation e0-losion!
)A*# D B (5 0 16 : 63)
Ans;er All the =uestions
11! %1etch and describe the co.-onents of en,iron.ent and their
interrelationshi- bet;een the.!
16! 5escribe the carbon c?cle in an ecos?ste.!
13! EAl.ost all the ri,ers in &ndia ha,e beco.e se;a/e carriers D
E0-lain the reasons for aforesaid state.ent!
1A! E&nterlin1in/ of ri,ers is the solution for drou/ht as ;ell as 7lood
solution in &ndiaF D criticall? co..ent!
15! >ith neat bloc1 dia/ra.s e0-lain the ,arious unit o-ertions and
-rocesses in a .unici-al se;a/e treat.ent -lant!
16! 5iscuss the air -ollution due to ,ehicles and its control .easures!
1B! Briefl? e0-lain the on$site treat.ent and dis-osal of clinical
;astes in industries!
12! E0-lain the .echanis. of for.ation of acid rain and
stratos-heric oGone de-letion!
19! 5ra; a t?-ical -o-ulation -? of a de,elo-in/ countr? and
discuss ho; it is li1el? to differ fro. that of a de,elo-ed countr?!
63! +utline the ,arious ;elfare -lans in the -ost indendent

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