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The uANE 0N! PR Team anu

The 0niveisity of Finulay Football Piogiam piesents.


APRIL 20, 2013 2:00 P.M.

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}acki Baies, Libby Stults, Alex Williams, }essica Southwick


1uuu N Nain Stieet
Finulay, 0hio 4S84u

Naich 1, 2u1S

Ni. Rob Keys
1uuu N Nain Stieet
Finulay, 0B 4S84u

Beai Ni. Keys:

The uame 0n! Public Relations team woulu like to help The 0niveisity of Finulay football team
builu a laige suppoit base, beginning with the Spiing uame this Apiil. Consisting of foui stuuents
fiom The 0niveisity of Finulay, oui team has compileu a campaign we feel woulu be the most
successful option to help gain attenuance anu suppoit at the Spiing uame, anu foi games to come.
Aftei ieseaiching the past game attenuance anu uemogiaphics, we woulu like to enhance upon
what you have alieauy built up. Thiough this, stuuents will be familiai with the piogiam alieauy,
but also have new objectives, stiategies, tactics anu iesults fiom the enhanceu piogiam.

Thiough this campaign, we aie aiming to:
Reinfoice the positive ieputation of The 0niveisity of Finulay football
piogiam among stuuents.
Ensuie all Spiing uame attenuees aie pleaseu anu impiesseu with the game
Reach 1uuu stuuents thiough campaign maiketing anu public ielations
tactics anu stiategies.
uet Suu stuuents to the game.

We woulu love to come in anu piesent oui whole campaign to you anu the iest of the coaching staff
in the football piogiam. Please take a look at this campaign anu let us know what you think anu
when we coulu uiscuss this fuithei. Please contact oui team liaison, Libby Stults
(stultsefinulay.euu) oi oui team captain }acki Baies (baiesjfinulay.euu) with questions,
comments anu suggestions you may have. We look foiwaiu to heaiing fiom you anu wish you a
gieat Spiing season.

Best iegaius,

}acki Baies, Libby Stults, Alex Williams, }essica Southwick



}acki Baies is in the miust of hei junioi yeai at The 0niveisity of Finulay. Fiom
Concoiu, 0hio, she is a maiketing majoi anu public ielations minoi. She woiks in
The 0niveisity of Finulay computei labs as a lab assistant in auuition to holuing
maiketing inteinships with both the Finulay Bancock County Alliance-Centei foi
Economic Bevelopment anu the Columbus Ciew. She is involveu in Naiketing Club,
Public Relations Stuuent Society of Ameiica (PRSSA), anu Women's Tiack anu Fielu.
While extiacuiiiculai activities aie impoitant to hei, she also places high value on
hei stuuies anu has been piesenteu with numeious awaius following ieseaich uone
in Lonuon anu maiketing competitions at 0F.

Libby Stults is a junioi at the 0niveisity of Finulay fiom Nuncie, Inuiana. She
is majoiing in Spoit anu Event Nanagement with a minoi in Public Relations. In high
school, Libby was the tieasuiei of stuuent council anu committee chaii foi many
events, as well as a vaisity athlete. Buiing hei time at the 0niveisity of Finulay,
Libby has woikeu foi the 0F football team as a film anu equipment specialist,
woikeu at the iec centei anu a local iestauiant, volunteeieu foi many events
ielating to hei majoi, anu she is on the planning committee foi the local Reu Cioss
funuiaising events. Libby is cuiiently an intein foi the Aits Paitneiship in Finulay,
0hio, anu plans to puisue a caieei in event planning when she giauuates in 2u14.
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}essica Southwick is a junioi at the 0niveisity of Finulay. She is majoiing in
public ielations with a minoi in photogiaphy. She is also a new membei in Public
Relations Stuuent Society of Ameiica (PRSSA) oiganization. As a cuiient membei of
the ulass City Rolleis team, she has been on the team foi ovei a yeai anu loves it.
She has pieviously been employeu by Subway as a sanuwich aitist. Cuiiently, she
woiks at valleywoou uolf Couise; baitenuing, seiving, anu cooking. She also has a
siue photogiaphy job wheie she takes anu sells hei photos. She has a webpage with
some of hei photos anu is cuiiently tiying to impiove it. }essica has taken
eveiything fiom engagement photos to spoit photos. Photogiaphy is one of hei
favoiite hobbies.


Executive Summaiy....................Page S
Situation Analysis.....................Page 6
0iganization Analysis....................Page 9
Key Publics Analysis.....................Page 12
Reseaich Plan anu Key Finuings.............Page 1S
The PR Plan...........................Page 1S
uoals, 0bjectives, Stiategies, Tactics...........Page 16
Appenuix A: Campaign Timeline.............Page 22

Appenuix B: Campaign Buuget..............Page 2S

Appenuix C: Campaign Nateiials.............Page 24

Appenuix B: Reseaich InstiumentsResults.......Page 27



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The 0niveisity of Finulay 0ileis football team completes theii spiing piactices with an innei
squau 0iange anu Black Spiing football game eveiy yeai. It takes place at Bonnell Stauium
following the newly annual flag football game between alumni.

The situation facing the 0F Football 0iganization is the attenuance at the annual spiing game. This
is vieweu as an oppoitunity foi the team to builu on attenuance anu paiticipation fiom last yeai,
anu to keep the alumni actively involveu. This is the fiist yeai oui gioup is involveu in helping the
football piogiam. The football staff is iesponsible foi contacting the alumni anu oiganizing events
suiiounuing the alumni weekenu. Aftei oui client meeting, we ueciueu that oui gioup's job is to
apply the same stiategies in tiying to get moie stuuents to attenu the spiing game.

<$'=1'$*&: 0nuei a ielatively new heau coach with a team iecoiu that is staiting to tuin aiounu, the
2u1S Spiing uame pioviues an oppoitunity to builu a biggei fan base anu cieate new syneigy foi
0ileis Football.

>14?@7*=&2 A&B*7C1'$*&:
The 0niveisity of Finulay
Location: Finulay, 0hio
Eniollment: S,7uu
Piesiuent: Bi. Katheiine Fell
Piesiuent's 0ffice: (419) 4S4-4S1u
Founueu: 1882
Nickname: 0ileis
Colois: 0iange anu Black
0F Athletics
Affiliation: NCAA Bivision II
Confeience: uLIAC
Bome Fielu: Bonnell Stauium
Suiface: Fielu Tuif
Capacity: 7,Suu
Biiectoi of Athletics: Steven Rackley
o Athletic 0ffice Phone: (419) 4S4-466S
o Email: iackleyfinulay.euu
Football Athletic Tiainei: Fiona Banks
Stiength anu Conuitioning Coach: Chau Wagnei
Football SIB: Baviu Buck
o SIB 0ffice Phone: (419) 4S4-4727
o SIB Cell Phone: (419) Su6-611u
o SIB Email: buckufinulay.euu
0F Football
2u1u season iecoiu: 1-1u
2u11 season iecoiu: 6-S
2u12 season iecoiu: 7-S
Pievious coaches incluue
o Bick Stiahm 197S-1998
o }on Waufoiu 2uu6-2u1u
o Rob Keys 2u1u-Piesent

Beau coach Rob Keys beginning his thiiu yeai
o uiauuateu fiom West viiginia 0niveisity in 1996
o Puisueu a masteis in physical euucation anu post-giauuate stuuies at the Naiine
Nilitaiy Acauemy
o Coacheu at West viiginia 0niveisity, Slippeiy Rock 0niveisity, Inuiana State
0niveisity, 0niveisity of Finulay (assistant coach) anu 0niveisity of New Bampshiie
befoie being hiieu as heau coach at the 0niveisity of Finulay
o Naiiieu with thiee uaughteis
uame takes place at Bonnell Stauium
o Auuiess: 1298 S West St Finulay, 0B 4S84u
o Limiteu paikingtailgating space
o Reseiveu paiking foi those with paiking passes
! All othei paiking on stieet
! Small lot foi paients tailgating
! No stuuent tailgating
o 0F van tianspoits stuuents to anu fiom game
! Fiee foi stuuents
! Pick-upuiop-off at AN0 anu fiont gate of stauium
Emailsletteis sent to alumni to invite them back
o Appioximately Suu letteis sent to alumni
o Sent in eaily Naich inviting them to attenu alumni weekenu
o Sent to any alumni who playeu football at the 0niveisity of Finulay in past yeais
Alumni paiticipate in flag-football game
o Alumni game takes place immeuiately befoie the spiing game
o Alumni paiticipation vaiies fiom yeai to yeai
! Last yeai paiticipation ioughly Su alumni membeis
! Alumni paiticipants incluue iecent alumni anu olu timeis who playeu unuei
Bick Stiahm anu befoie
! Begins at 1 p.m. Apiil 2u, 2u1S
0iange anu Black sciimmage (spiing game) takes place with cuiient playeis following the
alumni game
o Begins at 2 p.m. Apiil 2u, 2u1S
Attenuees in the past incluue paients, stuuents, anu alumni
o Najoiity of attenuees paiticipating aie alumni
o Najoiity of attenuees watching aie paients
o Theie is no iecoiu kept of exactly who has attenueu these games in the past
The 0iange anu Black game (spiing game) is a tiauition as 0F as it is at many colleges
acioss the countiy
o Alumni suppoit became moie impoitant thioughout the Bick Stiahm eia
o Alumni get to weai the same numbei jeisey fiom the time they playeu at 0F
o Cheeileaueis anu mascot piesent at the spiing game
Alumni suppoitinvolvement is incieuibly impoitant to the continuation of the 0F Football

<$@&$B$41&4% *B .$'=1'$*&: Keeps the alumni involveu in the piogiam while giving the cuiient
playeis an oppoitunity to showcase what they've been piacticing all spiing

"*&.%D=%&4%. *B '5% .$'=1'$*&: The spiing game is impoitant to the football piogiam because it is
a chance foi the team to ieceive continueu suppoit fiom alumni anu fans in the off-season. An
inciease in attenuance to the spiing game is not ciucial to the success of the football piogiam, but it

woulu be beneficial to geneiate an inteiest in the football team, especially among stuuents, so that
theie is moie suppoit uuiing the iegulai season. The entiie football piogiam is affecteu by the
spiing game because it biings in alumni suppoit, anu motivation foi the playeis. It is a chance foi
the playeis to leain fiom past playeis anu piactice theii skills in fiont of an auuience.

)%.*#='$*& *B '5% .$'=1'$*&: By incieasing stuuent anu community attenuance to the 0F Football
spiing game, we will geneiate suppoit anu motivation foi the playeis, as well as the coaches anu get
them exciteu foi the upcoming season. It is impoitant foi the playeis to see that they have the
suppoit of theii peeis, anu we can accomplish this thiough incieasing stuuent attenuance at the
spiing game.



SW0T Analysis: 0F Football 0iganization
Beuicateu coaches anu staff
o Rob Keys- Beau Coach
! uiauuateu fiom West viiginia 0niveisity in 1996
! Puisueu a masteis in physical euucation anu post-giauuate stuuies at the
Naiine Nilitaiy Acauemy
! Coacheu at West viiginia 0niveisity, Slippeiy Rock 0niveisity, Inuiana State
0niveisity, 0niveisity of Finulay (assistant coach) anu 0niveisity of New
Bampshiie befoie being hiieu as heau coach at the 0niveisity of Finulay
o Tioy Rothenbuhlei-0ffensive CooiuinatoiQuaiteibacks
! 199S giauuate of The 0hio State 0niveisity
! Pievious coaching expeiience at 0hio Noithein 0niveisity, Aikansas State
0niveisity, Bowling uieen State 0niveisity, anu giau assistant at 0S0
! Naiiieu with two chiluien
o Ban Bott-Co-Befensive CooiuinatoiBefensive Line
! uiauuateu fiom West viiginia in 1998
! Pieviously coacheu at West viiginia 0niveisity, 0niveisity of Nichigan, anu
the 0niveisity of Finulay
o Thomas Bowaiu-Co-Befensive CooiuinatoiBefensive Backs
! 2uuS giauuate fiom Noiehouse 0niveisity
! Pieviously coacheu at Lincoln 0niveisity, Allen 0niveisity, Slippeiy Rock
! Naiiieu with one uaughtei
o Koiy Allen-Reciuiting Cooiuinatoi0ffensive Line
! 2uuu giauuate fiom 0hio Noithein 0niveisity
! Pievious coaching expeiience incluues 0hio Noithein 0niveisity, Baluwin
Wallace College, anu an inteinship with the Buffalo Bills
! Naiiieu with thiee chiluien
o Steve Siglei- Linebackeis
! 1998 0klahoma Panhanule State giauuate
! Pievious coaching expeiience incluues 0klahoma Panhanule State, Tii-State,
Thomas Noie College, anu 0niveisity of Illinois
! Naiiieu
o }ohn Noiookian-Tight Enus
! uiauuateu in 2u12 fiom 0niveisity of Toleuo
! uiau assistant at Toleuo befoie coming to 0F

Key playeis who helpeu builu the piogiam
o Clay Belton: Quaiteiback, senioi, tiansfei fiom Naiylanu
o Nonteiae Williams: Running Back, Senioi, enueu college football caieei with ovei
4,uuu iushing yaius
o Richaiu Sumlin, Senioi, Befensive Line, Staitei foi thiee yeais
o Baiquon Foiu, Sophomoie, iunning back, up anu coming staitei
o veilon Reeu, }unioi, Quaiteiback, tiansfei fiom 0hio State 0niveisity
Continueu impiovement fiom pievious season
Stiong incoming ieciuiting class
o Signeu 2S new playeis on signing uay this yeai

o Tiansfeis incluue veilon Reeu, Quaiteiback fiom 0hio State 0niveisity
uoou ieputation on campus
o Playeis known foi community seivice
! Chuiches, Aits Paitneiship, City Nission, etc.
! Assist uowntown businesses with filling sanubags foi floouing
o 0vei Su playeis with above a S.u uPA
Impioveu facilities (ieciuiting tool)
o Remoueleu lockei ioom
o Playei lounge (with ieclineis, tv anu viueo games)
o New iecieation centei
o Renovateu weight ioom
o New coaches offices
New unifoims cieates team excitement
o New unifoims puichaseu foi 2u1S season
o Belmets aie a giay matte coloi
o Well ieceiveu by playeis
Lacks stiong oiganization
Pooi iecoius in pievious seasons
Lacks stiong communication between coaches anu playeis, coaches anu coaches
Not much effoit put in involving the local community in the piogiam
o Keys helu iauio show at Texas Roauhouse
! "Coach Keys Weekly"
! Biscusses season, upcoming anu past games
! Nonuays 6-7pm uuiing the season at Texas Roauhouse
o No othei community involvement
o Coulu look foi sponsois, moie foou uonois, etc.
Lacks stiong stuuent suppoit
Expanu piesence on campus
0ffei incentives to gain suppoiteisfans
o Incentives last yeai incluue a iaffle anu $S t-shiits
! Coulu expanu upon these incentives foi next yeai
Keep impioving to impiove iecoiu
uoal: make it to the national championship
o Stiong possibility foi the 2u1S season
uain moie alumni suppoit
uain moie paient suppoit
Finu ways to keep playeis exciteu
Injuiy in spiing piactice
Nany staiteis giauuateu
0F Basketball holus majoiity of the fan base at 0F
o 0F Basketball has helu a bettei iecoiu anu moie championships ovei the past
o Weathei is not a piimaiy factoi in game attenuance
o 0F Basketball has a winning ieputationiecoiu--football uoes not
Pooi weathei may thieaten attenuance to spiing game

E=+#$4 E%74%F'$*&: The 0F Football 0iganization stiuggles with its image in the community anu on
campus uue to pooi season iecoius in the past anu foimei playeis who weie a ciucial pait of the

team who have giauuateu. Winning games plays a huge iole in gaining suppoit anu a soliu fan base
foi a football piogiam. People want to watch a successful team anu putting on an exciting
peifoimance anu winning games accomplish that. The 0niveisity of Finulay Football team has
stiuggleu to win games in the past seasons, but they have been builuing theii piogiam anu
impioving eveiy yeai. 0nuei heau coach }on Waufoiu in 2u1u the 0ileis iecoiu was 1-1u. 0nuei
new heau coach Rob Keys they impioveu to 6-S in 2u11. This past season, the 0ileis only lost S
games making theii iecoiu 7-S. uetting moie stuuents anu community membeis to the spiing game
will geneiate an inteiest in how well the team is uoing, anu will impiove theii public peiception
anu attenuance to futuie games.



Key publics:
o Specifically 0F stuuents
o 0nueigiauuates
o Spoits fans
o Stuuents living both on anu off campus
Community Nembeis
o Backgiounu Info: Finulay, 0hio
! Population: 41,171
! Aveiage Income (2uu9): $4u,78S
o Kius
o Paients
o Families
o Spoits Fans
o Bigh School stuuentsathletes
o Piofessois
o Staff with kius attenuing 0F
o FacultyStaff with young chiluien
o Spoits Fans

The publics we will be auuiessing with oui campaign aie the faculty, anu stuuents of
the 0niveisity of Finulay, anu local community membeis. In the past, this event hasn't been
veiy wiuely attenueu, but we aie making it a goal to get at least 2,Suu suppoiteis to the
game. (The alumni aie also consiueieu a key public to the oiganization but the football staff
aie iesponsible foi ieaching out the them. 0ui gioup's job is to ieach out to the othei
publics incluuing stuuents, facultystaff, anu community membeis.)




Piimaiy Reseaich
The uame 0n! team has inteivieweu Thomas Bowaiu, the uefensive cooiuinatoi foi the
0niveisity of Finulay football team, anu Baviu Buck, the assistant athletic uiiectoi foi meuia
ielations. The team has also inteiview stuuents in the 0F village uoimitoiy, along with ten stuuents
fiom theii peisonal ciicle iegaiuing theii inteiest anu opinion on the Spiing Football game.

!"#$% '"(#)* +,,-./0
In yeais past, the football coaches have been in chaige of auveitising the Spiing uame to the
alumni anu paients of playeis thiough email anu mailings.
o The goal of these emails anu mailings has been to inciease awaieness of the team's
o Tactics have simply been email, mailing anu woiu of mouth
Theii taiget auuiences incluue (in oiuei of piioiity): alumni, paients, stuuents, faculty,
chiluien, community membeis
Theii main goal foi this event is to get the alumni membeis moie involveu in the football
piogiam at 0F anu builu alumni suppoit
Numbeis of attenuees has nevei been kept tiack of in the past uue to the fact it is, anu will
always be, a fiee event.
o The appioximate numbei of attenuees in the past at the Spiing uame is aiounu Suu.
o uoal numbei of attenuees foi this yeai is Suu.
Theie aie no funus to spenu on auveitising anu maiketing foi the Spiing uame
0ui Response to Coach Bowaiu
We suggesteu to builu off of the cuiient tactics, in auuition to emphasize social meuia, to
make the stuuents moie of a main taiget auuience
o Cieate incentives to get stuuents to attenu, which he saiu is alloweu.

1#2.* 34$5 ,+#.6 ./-,)2.,(
The Neuia Relations office simply piomoteu the Spiing uame thiough the 0F Athletics
website beginning in the miuule of Naich thiough an aiticle on the football homepage, that
iemaineu on the website until the Spiing uame.
They also utilizeu The 0niveisity of Finulay Facebook page (S,7u2 likes) by shaiing the
aiticle on the Facebook page.
In iesponse to if we neeueu to iun oui iueas anu uiafts by him, he ieplieu that we aie fiee to
uo what we want anu we uo not neeu to iun anything by him.

7-4*,/- 74)2,8
The uame 0n! team ueciueu it woulu be most effective to suivey stuuents in the 0F village,
a uoimitoiy, along with ten stuuents we each have close ielations with iegaiuing theii
inteiest anu opinion on the Spiing uame.
Suiveys weie completeu in papei foimat anu peisonally ueliveieu anu ietuineu.
o Attacheu is a suivey, in auuition to the iesults founu.



Seconuaiy Reseaich
Seconuaiy ieseaich was conuucteu to gathei moie infoimation suiiounuing the football
team anu the spiing game incluuing new unifoims, playeis, anu the spiing game Facebook page.

94*.,/$, 9/#68:.:
0ui taiget auuience is the stuuents, who aie in the Nillennials categoiy (18-28).
o Nillennials aie known to be "confiuent, self-expiessive, libeial, upbeat anu open to
change" (Pew Reseaich).
o Nillennials have uevelopeu woik chaiacteiistics anu tenuencies fiom uoting paients,
stiuctuieu lives, anu contact with uiveise people (Beathfielu).
o Nillennials want a vaiiety of tasks anu expect that they will accomplish eveiy one of
them, staying positive anu confiuent (Beathfielu).
o Nillenials aie useu to balancing many activities such as teams, fiienus anu
philanthiopic activities, millennials want flexibility in scheuuling anu a life away
fiom woik (Beathfielu).

;,( 4/.<")+:
The 0F football team has puichaseu new helmets foi the 2u1S season, anu is in the piocess
of puichasing new unifoims as well. The helmets aie a matte black coloi anu have been well
ieceiveu by the football team so fai. New unifoims aie cieating excitement among the playeis foi
the upcoming season anu it is oui hope that we can spieau this excitement to the stuuents as well.

The past season, two playeis in paiticulai stoou out as leauing scoieis as well as leaueis on
the team. Nonteiae Williams anu Clay Belton both finisheu theii senioi season last yeai, but in that
yeai they biought numeious scouts anu publicity to the 0niveisity of Finulay football piogiam. To
take theii places, theie aie many unueiclassmen that aie woiking haiu to fill theii shoes. In
auuition to unueiclassmen moving up, the 0niveisity of Finulay paiticipateu in National Signing
Bay on Febiuaiy 6
, 2u1S wheie twenty-thiee new playeis signeu to play foi the 0ileis next yeai.
0f these playeis, veilon Reeu, a successful playei fiom 0hio State, is cieating a buzz on campus as
he enteis the piogiam as the 0ilei's new quaiteiback. 0ui gioup will use the new tiansfeissignees
as a tool to inteiest stuuents in attenuing the spiing game.

0niveisity of Finulay football alum Phil uunuei who woiks in the Caieei Seivices office on
campus cieateu Facebook page auveitising the spiing game. Be inviteu hunuieus of football alumni
to join the event on Facebook to confiim theii attenuance to the spiing game. So fai Su people have
confiimeu theii attenuance. The Facebook page not only auveitises the spiing game but also the
Alumni Flag Football game, Reveise Raffle anu the Alumni uolf 0uting.





Reputation uoal

Nessage: The 0niveisity of Finulay 0ileis Football piogiam is on the iise anu
will continue to inciease theii winning iecoiu until they aie unuefeateu.

GOAL 1: G* 7%$&B*74% '5% F*.$'$H% 7%F='1'$*& *B G5% I&$H%7.$'- *B 3$&2#1-
B**'+1## F7*@71C 1C*&@ .'=2%&'.J

K+L%4'$H%( MCF51.$N% '5% @7*O$&@ O$&&$&@ 7%4*72 *B '5% K$#%7.J
Stiategy: 0tilize The 0niveisity of Finulay campus foi auveitising
Becoiate the winuows in the AN0 foi the Spiing uame
o Week of Apiil 1S-19
o Contact peison: Bev Roth
Cieate flyeis anu posteis to place on bulletin boaius aiounu campus
anu in iesiuence halls
o Recoiu Postei: geneial infoimation postei piomoting the
team's impioveu iecoiu ovei the last thiee yeais
! Also incluues uate, time, location
o Benueison Bining Ball, AN0, 0lu Nain (4 floois), Cioy
uymnasium, FRC, BCBS, BieweiFiost, Egnei; Noiey, Nyeis,
Fox, Baie, Beming, Lovett, The village, The Baven

Post-event auuience evaluation (iecoiu # of stuuents in high-tiaffic aieas wheie
posteis aie hung, numbei of stuuents in cafeteiia pei uay, etc.)
Post-campaign awaieness suivey via email
o Weie you awaie that the Spiing uame occuiieu last weekenu.
o Bow uiu you leain about it. (Postei, email, table tent, invitation, AN0
auveitising, othei.)
o Biu you attenu the Spiing uame.
o What motivateu you to attenu.
o Bo you have any suggestions on how to auveitise the spiing game to
stuuents in the futuie.



Relationship uoal

Nessage: Beau Coach Rob Keys woulu like to cieate a 0F Football Fan Club
anu is using the Spiing uame as an oppoitunity to invite stuuents to a kick off
pizza paity to piomote the club.

GOAL 2: G* @%' 1' #%1.' P9 F%*F#% '* .$@& =F B*7 1 F$NN1 F17'- B*##*O$&@
'5% @1C% '* ?$4? *BB '5% I3 3**'+1## 31& "#=+J

K+L%4'$H%( A&47%1.% 1O17%&%.. *B '5% 47%1'$*& *B '5% I3 3**'+1## 31& "#=+ +-
$&H$'$&@ .'=2%&'. '* 1 31& "#=+ ?$4? *BB F$NN1 F17'-J
Stiategy: Auveitise the pizza paity at the T-shiit sign-up table in Benueison
Bave a postei auveitising the pizza paity anu 0F Football Fan Club
0se woiu of mouth to spieau the iuea of the 0F Football Fan Club
Stiategy: Piomote the pizza paity to kick off the 0F Football Fan Club at the
Spiing uame.
Bisplay a postei auveitising the pizza paity at the T-shiit uistiibution
Bave sign-up sheets foi the pizza paity at the contest table anu the T-
shiit uistiibution table
Reminu stuuents to sign-up anu use woiu of mouth to piomote the
pizza paity among stuuents in attenuance

Senu an email to those who signeu up foi the pizza paity ieminuing them of the uay,
time, anu place of the event
Ask foi feeuback at the pizza paity event:
o Bow uiu you heai about this event.
o Bave you heaiu of the 0F Football Fan Club iuea.
o What coulu oui team have uone uiffeiently to attiact stuuents to the 0F
Football Fan Club kick off pizza paity.



Relationship uoal

Nessage: The 0niveisity of Finulay 0ileis Football piogiam have a positive
anu exciting enviionment fans will enjoy anu feel welcome at.

GOAL 3: G* %&.=7% 1## B**'+1## @1C% 1''%&2%%. 17% F#%1.%2 1&2
$CF7%..%2 O$'5 '5% <F7$&@ Q1C% 1'C*.F5%7%J

K+L%4'$H%( A&H*#H% *'5%7 .'=2%&' *7@1&$N1'$*&. *7 $&2$H$2=1#. '51' F#1- 1 ?%-
7*#% $& '5% @1C% 21- 1'C*.F5%7%J
Stiategy: Invite the Naiching 0ilei Biass to peifoim between the Alumni
Flag Football uame anu the Spiing uame - 1:4S p.m.
Bave banu peifoim songs foi 1S minutes
Incluue 0F Fight Song anu "We Built This City" by Staiship to
emphasize conceit event in town that evening

K+L%4'$H%( M&.=7% B1&. B%%# H1#=%2 1&2 $CF*7'1&'/ .* '51' '5%- B%%# '5%$7
F7%.%&4% 1' %145 @1C% $. C%1&$&@B=# 1&2 &%%2%2 B*7 K$#%7 B**'+1## .=44%..J
Stiategy: Bave Beiiick the 0ilei leau activities pei section of the stanus,
cateiing to the auuience uemogiaphic (chiluien, stuuents, alumni).
Chiluien - high fives, pictuies; stuuents - iollei coastei, the wave;
alumni - pictuies, the wave
Stiategy: Allow people to senu "shout outs" uuiing the game to a fan, playei
oi coach.
Bave football team complete thiee "shout outs" piioi to game
Banu out "shout outs" to suppoiteis as they aiiive, collect at halftime;
have ieau ovei the louu speakei uuiing S
anu 4
quaitei time outs.

Suivey maiching banu post-event
o Biu you enjoy being involveu in the Spiing uame.
o Bave you playeu a iole in the Spiing uame in past yeais.
o What was the most iewaiuing aspect of being involveu in the Spiing uame.
o Woulu you like to be involveu again next yeai.
0bseive anu iecoiu auuience ieactionengagement with Beiiick the 0ilei, the
Naiching Banu, othei fans, etc.



Task uoal

Nessage: Stuuents aie the main piioiity to get to the Spiing uame anu they
aie most easily ieacheu thiough social meuia tactics.

GOAL 4: G* 7%145 :999 .'=2%&'. '57*=@5 C17?%'$&@ 1&2 F=+#$4 7%#1'$*&.

K+L%4'$H%( I'$#$N% .*4$1# C%2$1 '* 1''714' I3 .'=2%&'. '* '5% <F7$&@ Q1C%
Stiategy: Cieate a Facebook gioup
Cieate an event within the gioup, in auuition to post announcements
anu polls
o All measuieable uata thiough Facebook views, invites, anu polls
o uioup Name: 0F Football Spiing uame
o Inviteu all 0F Stuuents on Facebook between the foui stuuent's
peisonal Facebook accounts.
Stiategy: Become a known tienu on Twittei
0tilize 0F Twittei accounts - 0Ffootball (48 followeis),
0Finteinships (S1S followeis), 0Finulay (6Su followeis),
Beiiickthe0ilei (416 followeis)
0tilize peisonal Twittei accounts with tiaceable
hash tag - #0FSpiinguame
o jackiiibee - 26u followeis, lib_stults14 - 14S followeis,
0F_slimshauy - Su7 followeis
0ne tweet uaily beginning _______ until event using #0FSpiinguame

Calculate numbei of views on Facebook uioup page
Numbei of ietweets on Twittei
o Consiuei numbei of followeis each account has, how many people see the



Task uoal

Nessage: The main goal is to get "butts in the seats", so theiefoie Suu stuuents
will be in the stanus foi the game.

GOAL 5: G* @%' ;99 .'=2%&'. '* 1''%&2 '5% <F7$&@ Q1C%J

K+L%4'$H%( I'$#$N% '5% F*O%7 *B F%7.*&1# $&'%714'$*&
Stiategy 1: Reach out to stuuents in iesiuence halls, townhouses, cottages,
anu on campus houses with a peisonal invitation to the game (appioximately
1,Suu stuuents live on campus)
uame 0n! PR team, along with a hanuful of football playeis anuoi
cheeileaueis will go thiough the iesiuence halls anu knock on uoois,
peisonally inviting the stuuents
Will hanu out flyeis with the basic infoimation about the event, anu if
a stuuent is not in theii ioom, the flyei will be given to Resiuent
Assistants to uistiibute

MH1#=1'$*&( uame 0n! uioup membeis will iecoiu stuuent's ieactions to the event when
peisonally inviteu. A PR gioup membei will also keep tiack of how many stuuents
inteiacteu with the peisonal invitation.





}an. 17- Choose Client: Rob Keys (0F Football)
}an 24- Client Kickoff Neeting (with Coach Thomas Bowaiu)
-Client Nemo Biafteu
-Team Biscussion
}an 2S-Su- Reseaich
}an S1- Team Neeting
-Situation Analysis Biafteu
Feb 4- Suiveys Bistiibuteu anu Retiieveu
Feb 7- Team Neeting
-Reseaich Repoit Biafteu
Feb 12- Team Neeting: Stiategy & Tactic Biscussion
Feb 14- Team Neeting
Feb 17- Stiategic PR Plan Biafteu
Feb 2u- Auuitional Suiveys Bistiibuteu anu Retiieveu
Feb 21- Team Neeting
Feb 26- Senu Biafteu Plan to Client
Naich 2- Team Neeting: Reviseu uoals0bjectives Biscussion
-Facebook uioup Cieateu
Naich 12-Team Neeting: Bow to Implement Tactics
Naich 14- Team Neeting: Cieating Campaign Tactics
Naich 17- Team Neeting: Cieating Campaign Tactics
Naich 21- Team Neeting: Cieating Campaign Tactics
Naich 28- Team NeetingBiscussion
Apiil 2- Team Biscussion: Tactic Implementation
-Place Table Tents in Cafeteiia
-Bang Posteis in BoimsBuiluings
Apiil 7- Tactic Implementation: Bang Bannei in AN0 (uuiation Apiil 7-1S)
Apiil 11- Team Neeting
Apiil 14- Tactic Implementation: Email sent to stuuents
Apiil 1S-Tactic Implementation: Paint AN0 Winuows
Apiil 16- Team Planning Neeting
Apiil 17- Tactic Implementation: Peisonal Invitations Bistiibuteu
Apiil 18- Final Team Neeting
Apiil 19- Facebook uioup Reminuei sent out
Apiil 2u- Suu "butts in seats!"
Apiil 21- Team Neeting: Evaluation
Apiil 22- Football Fan Club pizza paity, 9:Su p.m. at uaiuenei
Apiil 24- Wiap-upEvaluation Neeting with Client (Rob Keys)



!"#$% '(")#*(+ ,-./- 0(" +1((% 2*343"
0"#$%5 *6"7+%3*89
8ecord osLer 40 [ $0.10
1-shlrL osLers 20 [ $0.10
1able 1enLs 40 [ $0.10
ersonal lnvlLaLlons 73 [ $0.10
Crange & 8lack 1ablecloLhs 4 [ $0.97
Chalk (1 box)

Wlndow alnL

osLer 8oard


8ob keys
ClLy 8arbeque ALhleLlc ueparLmenL

Fiickei's- $6u.uu in "Fiickei's bucks"
City Baibeque- $Su.uu gift caiu
0F Bookstoie- T-shiits anu Sweatshiits
College of BusinessPaula Wolpei: 0F Buffle Bags











1he unlverslLy of llndlay
looLball 1eam presenLs
:1( ;< '0"#$= >6?(
SaLurday Aprll 20, 2013
2:00 pm
uonnell SLadlum
!"#$ "&' ( )&**"+' ,"&+ "-.$+ /""'01.. '$1#2
1allgaLlng [ 12pm wlLh <@AA <BBC!
Alumnl llag-looLball [ 1pm

" <"(( :D+1#"%+ E#%1 F3G" '%G7($% HCI
" A$%(" *3$%(+%+ 6$7 E#$ ="(6% 0"#J(+I
" '#=$DG0 K3" %1( ;< <33%L644 <6$ M4GL 0#JJ6 06"%FI

1he unlverslLy of llndlay
looLball 1eam presenLs
:1( ;< '0"#$= >6?(
SaLurday Aprll 20, 2013
2:00 pm
uonnell SLadlum
!"#$ "&' ( )&**"+' ,"&+ "-.$+ /""'01.. '$1#2
1allgaLlng [ 12pm wlLh <@AA <BBC!
Alumnl llag-looLball [ 1pm


1. Aie you male oi female.

2. What is youi giaue.

S. What is youi hometown.

4. Bo you have a cai on campus.

S. Bave you evei been to a iegulai season 0niveisity of Finulay football game'. Y___ N ___

6. Bave you heaiu of the 0F Spiing uame befoie.

7. Bow uiu you heai about it. Woiu mouth, Social Neuia, Fiienu, 0F Website, etc.

8. Wheie uo you get youi news anu infoimation about what is going on at 0F anu in

9. Bo you typically stay in Finulay ovei the weekenu oi go home.

1u. Bow uo you ueciue whethei to go home oi stay.

11. What type of events uo you go to at 0F.

12. What spoits, if any, uo you play at 0F.

1S. What spoiting events, if any, have you attenueu at 0F.

14. If you have gone to a 0F spoiting event, what motivateu you to attenu.


Nale oi female.
@ A#6, B@ >,+#6,

What is youi giaue. Fi Soph }i Si
B >) C 7"D% E F) @ 7)

A4/$.,G H;
I.+#G J'
A#/:<.,6*G J'
=.--:?4)0%G =9
9:%-#?46#G J'
9:%-#?46#G J'
K"6,*"G J'
A"/$6"2#G J'

Bo you have a cai on campus.
L M,: C ;"

Bave you evei been to a iegulai season 0niveisity of Finulay football game'. Y___ N ___
L M,: C ;"

Bave you heaiu of the 0F Spiing uame befoie.
L M,: N ;"

Bow uiu you heai of it.
-Woiu of mouth, fiienu, social meuia, 0F website, othei_____________
>./*6#8 <""-?#66 D6#8,):
>""-?#66 D6#8,)
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>""-?#66 D6#8,): #/* <).,/*:

Wheie uo you get news anu infoimation about what's going on at 0F anu in Finulay.
T+#.6G (")* "< +"4-%
=,"D6, ") #-%6,-.$: (,?:.-,

>).,/*:G (")* "< +"4-%
R")* "< +"4-%G D":-,): #)"4/* $#+D4:
T+#.6 #//"4/$,+,/-:

Bo you typically stay in Finulay ovei the weekenu oi go home.
H /"( ),:.*, ./ >H/*6#8 :" H -8D.$#668 :-#8 ?4- H *" /"- 6.2, "/ $#+D4:
3"-%G *,D,/*: "/ -%, (,,5,/*
V" %"+,

Bow uo you ueciue whethei to stay oi go home foi the weekenu.
H (")5 ./ >./*6#8 :" H :-#8
1,D,/*./0 "/ .< H (")5 ") %#2, :"+,-%./0 -" *"
1,D,/*: "/ (%#-: 0"./0 "/ -%#- (,,5,/*
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R")5 #/* +8 <).,/*: #), %,),

What types of events uo you go to at 0F.
3?#66 0#+,: <""-?#66 0#+,:G :D,#5,):G :,+./#):
$"66,0, +./.:-)8 #$-.2.-.,: O?.?6, :-4*8G W,2.2,
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$64? +,,-./0:G ??#66 0#+,:
+.*/.0%- +4/$%.,:G $"+,*8 Y#+G :D")- 0#+,:

What spoiting activities, if any, uo you play at 0F.
1#/$, -,#+


What spoiting events, if any, have you attenueu at 0F.
3#:5,-?#66G <""-?#66
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If you have gone to a 0F spoiting event, what motivateu you to attenu.
>).,/*: (%" D6#8G <).,/*: (%" #), 0"./0
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