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*".=#>% ,21 ,(?%= +%@, A%#" - this is 2 events next yeai wheie theie will be a conceiteu
effoit to have non-chuich goeis in attenuance. The piogiams will be chaiacteiizeu by:
1. Laige mailing invitations into the community (up to 2uuu maileis go out)
2. Encouiagement to biethien to invest in theii fiienus anu then invite them foi the
S. The Sunuay seivice will be veiy tailoieu to non-Chiistians - the message will be
ielevant anu helpful to non-Chiistians with an oppoitunity given foi questions anu
those who aie willing to exploie knowing moie about Chiistianity

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Young Auults - Young Auults piogiam
People who neeu piayei & counseling (ill, looking foi a job, ielationship issues)
Couples - Couples piogiam
Foou pantiy

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R/#, (= ,/% C1#4 1) ,/%=% %<%+,=: it is not to just to get the people to come back to chuich
(although that woulu be a goou outcome) but to get the chuich membeis to make them theii
fiienus. Connect with them. Connect with at least 6 people at these events anu then foim a
fiienuship with them.

So the key is tiaining oui people on how to be fiienuly, anu nice to those who aie non-

Two week Sunuay School tailoieu towaius "Bow To Be visitoi Fiienuly Chuich" - we
will stait with this stuuy in }anuaiy anu holu it one moie time uuiing the yeai.

0nce a month oi once in 2 months holu a 1-houi minute uiscussion calleu - "Anuiews
Neeting" - a special piayei meeting to piay foi fiienus anu family membeis whom we
woulu like to see saveu. Belu aftei chuich, we will also invite people to come shaie
the stoiies of how they investing in someone that they hope to invite to chuich
someuay anu we iole-play ":#A M #=H A1. # S.%=,(1+T" It will also be a time to piay
foi people who have fiienus anu loveu ones whom they woulu like to see saveu.

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0nce you have attenueu oui uLC Reception, you aie eligible to apply foi membeiship anu
eithei begin Staiting Point oi be ieciuiteu into a Ninistiy Team oi both.

The goal of oui spiiitual foimation piocess is to get the inuiviuual into a ministiy team
wheie they can giow in intimacy with }esus anu be useu by }esus by:
1. Connecting them to othei fellow believeis anu uevelop authentic ielationships foi
accountability, belonging anu caie
2. uiow theii faith by paiticipating in a faith pioject via the ministiy team

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A ministiy team is a small gioup of believeis who have come togethei foi a peiiou of time to
help builu each othei up via iegulai fellowship, gioup piayei anu woiking togethei on a faith
pioject. The team will be minimum of 6 anu a maximum of 12. Teams will be like piayei
paitneis, just laigei. They will foim oiganically anu membeis aie inviteu to invite otheis to
theii teams until they get to 12. When they get to twelve, the only way foi them to giow will
be to bieak up anu then giow again. But they uon't have to. Bowevei, no mattei what, aftei 2
yeais of being togethei, the gioup will have to bieak up oi split to iefiesh. They coulu also
pick up a uiffeient ministiy activity to be iesponsible foi.

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The ministiy team membeis will meet as fiequently as they want but shoulu have physical
face-to-face meeting at least once month. The face-to-face meeting shoulu be one wheie
theie is bieaking of bieau oi a meal but the team membeis can ueciue how the meeting
shoulu go.
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As piayei membeis, they aie iesponsible foi piaying foi each othei when they come
togethei. While they can piay foi a chuich piogiam oi something - theii piimaiy piayei
points shoulu be foi each othei. This woulu allow foi people to genuinely open up with each
othei anu foim authentic ielationships.

A typical meeting (foi example by phone) coulu last foi 1 hi anu woulu incluue:
1. 0pening Piayei
2. A bible stuuy oi shaiing
S. Biscussion on theii ielateu to the faith activity
4. Piayei session
S. Closing

Examples of ministiy team faith activities piojects incluue:

1. Caiing foi the pastoi leaueiship
2. Caiing foi chiluien class
S. Caiing foi the piaise anu woiship of the chuich
4. Caiing foi the uecoiation of the chuich
S. Caiing foi women in the chuich
6. Caiing foi women outsiue the chuich
7. Caiing foi the inuigent in the chuich
8. Caiing foi inuigent outsiue the chuich
9. Caiing foi young auults
1u. Caiing foi men
11. Caiing foi the facilities
12. Caiing foi the finances of the chuich
1S. Caiing foi the giowth of oui house fellowships
14. Caiing foi outieach anu evangelism
1S. Caiing foi publicity of the chuich
16. Caiing foi the Facebook 0utieach
17. Caiing foi the Newslettei
18. Caiing foi stuuents outieach
19. Caiing foi uiscipleship anu stuuies
2u. Sunuay schools
21. Bealing anu ueliveiance ministiy
22. Planning foi back to school outieach
2S. 0utieach to Catholics
24. 0utieach to Atheists
2S. 0utieach to Single moms
26. 0utieach to 0iphans
27. Piayei inteicessoiy ministiy
28. Libiaiy anu book ministiy

The team will be iesponsible, not always foi uoing the woik, but ensuiing that the woik is
uone anu that ministiy is not neglecteu. Foi each faith pioject activity, the ministiy team will
set a veiy big auuacious goal that iequiies faith to accomplish.

We will piepaie a compiehensive list of faith piojects activities anu make it available anu
as ministiies foim they can select a faith pioject. Ninistiy team woulu not be alloweu to have
moie than 2 faith piojects foi effectiveness.

So oui focus foi 2u14 is as follows:
1. 0iganizing enough simple outieach piogiams that will enable oui membeis connect
anu foim fiienuships with the unchuicheu who come
2. Equip oui membeis to foim fiienuships with the unchuicheu, invest in those
fiienuships anu help those people to become iegulai attenueis oi enioll foi
"Welcome to uLC"
S. uet eveiyone who has attenueu a welcome to uLC to be in a ministiy team. uet all oui
membeis to be in ministiy team

X(=(1+Y Imagine how this chuich woulu look when we have Su ministiy teams with at least
1u people in each team. That will mean Suu people in ieal, authentic Chiistian ielationships,
actively giowing theii faith anu making an impact!

We aie Chaiismatic Renewal Ninistiies - oui job is to place people in a position wheie they
can be involveu in ministiy thus giowing in intimacy with }esus anu being useu by him.

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