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The atmosphere of the sun is made up of
three layers:
(i) Corona
- Outermost layer
- Only visible during a total solar eclipse
(ii) Chromosphere
- During total solar eclipse, this layer
appears reddish
Corona and chromosphere are only visible during a total solar eclipse
(iii) Photosphere
- Surface of the Sun as seen from the
- Gives out most of the light from the

Structure of the Sun
The centre of the Sun is the core. Light and
heat energy are generated in the core
through nuclear fusion whereby hydrogen
atoms fuse to form helium atoms.
Phenomena on the Suns surface
(i) Sunspots
- Dark patches that are cooler than other
parts of the Suns surface
(ii) Solar flares
- A huge cloud of hydrogen that cause
violent explosions

(iii) Prominences
- Giant flames seen in the photosphere

Phenomena on the Suns surface
A star is a spherical body that consists
mainly of dust, hydrogen and helium. It
generates light and heat through nuclear
The Sun is a star as it generates light and
Stars can be classified based on their
temperature, colour, brightness and size.
Stars are generated from nebulae.

A nebula is made up of a cloud of dust
and gases like hydrogen and helium.
The gravitational force between the
particles of dust and gases pulls them
together to form a star.
A star is said to be dying when nuclear
fusion of hydrogen and helium atoms has
been completed and the core of the star
gets smaller and smaller.
A star that dies becomes a white dwarf if
it is medium in size.

A star that dies becomes a neutron star if
it is large in size.
A star that dies becomes a black hole if it
is very large in size. Light that enters a
black hole cannot escape.

Formation and death of a star
A galaxy is a gathering of billions of
stars, planets as well as dust and gas.
There are billions of galaxies in the
There are three main types of galaxies:
(i) Spiral (coil)
(ii) Elliptical (oval)
(iii) Irregular (not fixed)
Our solar system is in the spiral galaxy
called the Milky Way.

Irregular galaxy
Elliptical galaxy Spiral galaxy
The Universe is unique and its beauty is
much appreciated by scientists as well as
writers, poets and artists.
We need to be grateful for the beauty of
the Universe as a sign of the glory of God.
The Universe has no boundaries and
continues to expand.
All that exists on the Universe is not

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