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vocabulaiy Ethnic Stuuies

Sabiina Campos Peiiou. 8

1. Builuing Euucation: A piogiam uesigneu to allow stuuents to leain acauemic
concepts in theii native language while they leain a seconu language.
2. Bilingualism: the use of two oi moie languages in places of woik oi
euucation anu the tieatment of each language ligament
S. Ethclass: The meigeu ethnicity anu class in a peison's status.
4. English Immeision: Teaching in English by teacheis who know the stuuent's
native language but use it only when stuuents uo not unueistanu the lessons.
S. Boiueilanus: The aiea of a common cultuie along the boiuei of Nxico
Anu the 0niteu States
6. Coloi uiauient: The placement of people on a continuum fiom light to uaik
skin coloi iathei then in uistinct iacial gioupings by skin coloi
7. Biain Biain: Immigiation to the 0niteu States of skilleu woikeis,
piofessionals anu technicians who aie uespeiately neeueu by theii home
8. Panethnicity: The uevelopment of soliuaiity between ethnic subgioups, as
ieflecteu in the teims
9. Naquilauoias: Foieign owneu companies on the Nexican siue of the boiuei
with the 0niteu States
1u. Remittances: The monies that immigiants ietuin to theii countiy of oiigin
11. Bometown Clubs: Nonpiofit oiganizations that maintain close ties to
immigiants hometowns in Nexico anu othei Latin Ameiican countiies
12. Naiielitos: People who aiiiveu fiom Cuba in the thiiu wave of Cuban
immigiation, most specifically those foicibly uepoiteu by way of Naiiel
Baiboi. The teim is geneially ieseiveu foi iefuges seen as especially

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