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A new era begins at Turkish museums
Kltr ve Turizm Bakan
ERTURUL GNAY: Mzelerimiz emin ellerde
Minister of Culture and Tourism ERTURUL GNAY:
Our museums are in good hands.
hands at the stanbul Archaeological Museum
BAARAN ULUSOY: aran, karlayan,
arlayan mzelerimiz olacak BAARAN ULUSOY:
The inviting, welcoming and hospitable museum
iindekil er
Doann benzersiz
Hititten Osmanlya
mparatorlar stanbulda
Artemis Tapna
TAVLA: Zaman anlatan
zamana direnen oyun
Arkeolojinin enlikli yks
Padiahlarn srlar
gmleklerinde gizli
Sarayda gnlk yaam
Bizans sikkelerinde bir krallar
vard bir de PALAMUT
Haber turu
TRSAB mze rehberi
TRSAB mze harita
Trk mzeciliinde YEN DNEM: 48 MZEnin
Kltr ve Turizm Bakan Erturul Gnay:
Mzelerimiz emin ellerde.
TRSAB Ynetim Kurulu Bakan Baaran Ulusoy:
aran, karlayan, arlayan mzelerimiz olacak.
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerine TRSABn eli dedi...
Sanat, tarih ve estetik d: Louvre Mzesi.
Natures unique jewel:
From Hitites to Ottomans
Emperors Gather in stanbul
Temple of Artemis
BACKGAMMON, the game which
narrates and resists the time

The merry tale of archaeology
The secrets of the Sultans are
hidden in their shirts
Daily life at the palace
Byzantine coins were struck with
pictures of kings and of PELAMYD
News in overview
TRSAB museums guide
TRSAB map of museums
A new era begins at
Turkish museums:
TRSAB-MTM Business
Partnership takes over the
management of
48 museums.
Minister of Culture and
Erturul Gnay:
Our museums are in
good hands.
Baaran Ulusoy,
TRSAB Chairman of
The Board: We are
introducing a new
concept: The inviting,
welcoming and
hospitable museum.
TRSABs healing
hands at the stanbul
Archaeological Museum.
A dream of art, history
and aesthetics:
The Louvre Museum.
Say 1

Issue 1
MZE Dergisi Basn Konseyi yesi olup, Basn Meslek lkelerine uymaya sz vermitir. The Museum Journal is a member of the Turkish Press
Council and has resolved to abide by the Press Code of Ethics. MZE Dergisinde yaynlanan yaz ve fotoraflardan kaynak gsterilmeden
alnt yaplamaz. None of the articles and photographs published in the The Museum Journal maybe quoted without mentioning of resource.

Dikilita Mah. Ak Kerem Sk. No: 42
34349 Beikta
stanbul / Trkiye
Tel / Phone: (212) 259 84 04
Faks / Fax: (212) 259 06 56
Prtela Mah. Gneli Sk. No: 22 D: 1
34433 Cihangir
stanbul / Trkiye
Tel / Phone: (212) 244 85 37-38
Faks / Fax: (212) 244 85 34
Esenehir Mahallesi Dudullu Organize
Sanayi Blgesi 1. Cadde No:16
mraniye stanbul / Trkiye
Tel / Phone: (216) 444 44 03
Faks / Fax: (216) 365 99 07-0
Feyyaz YALIN
Kibele EREN, Ayim ALPMAN, Aylin EN, Hmeyra ZALP KONYAR
er zaman heyecan vericidir ilk. lk retmeniniz, ilk iiniz, ilk
ocuunuz bambaka bir iz brakr hayatnzda. Tpk bu dergi ve
bu dergiye hayat veren proje gibi.
TRSAB-MTM Ortaklnn Kltr ve Turizm Bakanl ile
ortaklaa yaratp stlendii proje, gerekten de Trkiye iin ok
nemli bir ilk adm. lke apndaki tm mzeleri ada bir dzeye
kartacak, bekleyen deil, aran ve karlayan bir mzecilik
anlayn hayata geirecek bir proje bu.
Elinizde tuttuunuz dergi de, bu projenin sesi, rehberi olacak.
Mze, tarihle bulumak demektir. Tarih de, yarna bilinle
hazrlanmak. MZE Dergisi, bu kadar byk bir neme sahip bir
yolculukta neler yapldn anlatacak. Projenin iinde yer alanlara,
arkeolojiye gnl verenlere, hayalleri ve syleyecek sz olanlara
sayfalarn aacak. Elinizde tuttuunuz dergi, ite byle bir slogan
ve hedefle yola kt. Yol boyu birlikte olmak ve arkeoloji denilen o
byl dnyay kefedebilmek dileiyle...
lk saymzdan merhaba!
Firsts are always exciting. Our first teacher, our
first job, our first child impress upon us a very
different impact. Quite similar to this journal and
the project behind it! The project created
through the cooperation of the TRSAB-MTM
Business Partnership with The Ministry of
Culture and Tourism is in fact a very important
first step for Turkey in this field. A project aimed
at vitalizing museums all around the country by
a new approach to the matter, namely by
designing museums who invite and welcome
their visitors as opposed to museums that just
wait quietly. This journals goal is to be the voice
of and the guide to this project. Museum offer an
occasion to meet with history. History paves the
way to prepare the future in awareness of the
experiences of the past. The Museum Journal
(Mze Dergisi) intends to give its readers an
insight into the episodes of this important
journey. It will open its pages to those involved
in the project, to those who set their hearts on
archaeology, to those who have dreams and
those who have something to say. This journal
sets out with these objectives and this motto, in
the hope to discover the magical world of
archaeology together with its readers.
Hello to everyone from our first edition!
Baaran Ulusoy
trsab (the assocaton of turksh travel agences), enjoyng an
nternatonal renown for ts success n the feld of toursm, s n
the process of embracng new projects n the area of cultural
toursm. havng concluded a relevant protocol wth the mnstry
of culture and toursm, envsagng a technologcal nvestment of
18 mllon turksh pounds trsab plans to manage 48 museums and
hstorcal stes by ntroducng a seres of noveltes.
TRSAB tarafndan
gemi yllarda
gerekletirilen Efes
Antik Kenti aydnlatmas.
Lighting of the Ancient
City of Ephesus
implemented by TRSAB
in the past years.
Trk mzeciliinde YEN DNEM: 48 MZEnin GE LETMES
TRSAB-MTM Ortaklna devredildi
yllardr trk mzeciliine verdii destekle dikkat eken
trsab, bu alanda yeni ve byk bir adm daha atyor.
kltr ve turizm bakanl ile protokol imzalayan
trsab, 18 milyon liralk teknolojik yatrmla, 48 mze ve
renyerinin gielerini iletmekle kalmayacak, daha nce
benzeri grlmemi uygulamalara imza atacak.
A new era begins at Turkish museums: TRSAB-MTM Business Partnership
takes over the management of 48 museums.
Yaz -Text
Sevin Akyazl
Rasim Konyar
ektrde yaratt art deerle
turizmin itici gc olan
TRSAB, stanbul Arkeo-
loji Mzelerini Gelitirme
Projesinde edindii deneyi-
mi, Trkiye genelindeki 48 mze ve renyerinde
hayata geiriyor.
Kltr ve Turizm Bakanlnn at, Mze ve
ren Yerleri Gie Modernizasyonu ve letimi
halesini MTM ile i birlii yaparak kazanan
TRSAB, kltr turizmi konusunda atak balatt.
halenin biti tarihi olan 31. 12. 2016ya kadar
bakanla,1.575 milyon lira deme taahhdnde
bulunan ortaklk, sadece gie modernizasyonu
ve teknolojik alt yap konusunda 18 milyon TLlik
yatrm maliyeti ngryor.
Mze ve renyerlerinde eitilmi nitelikli 200
akn personelin iba yapmas ve gielerin son
teknoloji rn ekranl turnikeler ile donatlmas-
nn ardndan, kaak geiler ilk ayda yzde 87
orannda azald.
Annda ve gvenilir bilgi ak
Elektromekanik gei ve takip kontrol sistemi ile,
mze ve renyerlerine ekranl turnikeler yerleti-
ren TRSAB-MTM Ortakl, tm giri klarn
annda raporlanmasn salad. Yaplan her giri,
TRSAB-MTM Ortakl ve bakanlk tarafndan
annda denetlenebilir hale geldi. Bir ziyaretinin
mzeye giri sresi, kartnn okutulmas ile bir-
likte yaklak saniyeye indi. Turnike nndeki
kuyruklar son buldu.
To this end,
TRSAB is planning to
benefit from the experience it
acquired in the recent past while
carrying out the stanbul Archaeological
Museum development project, for the manage-
ment of 48 different museums and historical
sites all around Turkey. The Association
(TRSAB) who, in collaboration with MTM, was
awarded the contract for the modernization of
ticket booths and management of museums and
historical sites by the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism, plans to put its signature under a
series of new initiatives in the field of cultural
tourism. TRSAB has made a commitment to
pay 1.575 million Turkish pounds until 31
December 2016, the end date of the contract. Its
modernization project concerning ticket booths
and technological infrastructure has a financial
scope of 18 million Turkish pounds. The
employment of well-trained professional staff
and the use of state of the art toll gate equip-
ment yielded a reduction of 87 percent in the
number of unauthorized entries.
Instant and reliable information flow
Due to electromechanical crossing and trailing
control systems and the installation of camera-
controlled toll gates, TRSAB-MTM is able to
collect instantly the necessary data.Through a
system which provides for the transmission of
data to three different centres, entries through
the toll gates can be checked instantly at the
TRSAB Centre, MTM and the Ministry. The
passage of a visitor through the electromechani-
cal toll gate lasts approximately three seconds
including the screening of the ticket, thereby
contributing to a significant reduction in
queuing times.
Personalized Museum Card
The TRSAB-MTM Partnership is preparing the
infrastructure in order to expand to foreign
tourists the Museum Card system which has
been in practice so far for Turkish citizens only.
stanbul Ayasofya Mzesinden tavan detay
(sol sayfa), stanbul inili Kk Mzesinden bir
tabak ve Anadolunun eitli yrelerine ait eski testi
ve anaklar.
A detail from the ceiling of the Hagia Sophia Museum
in stanbul (left page), a plate from the Tiled Kiosk
Museum in stanbul and ancient jugs and pots from
different regions of the Anatolia.
Kiiselletirilmi kart geliyor
TRSAB-MTM Ortakl, sadece
Trkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandalar-
na tannan bir hak olan Mzekart
uygulamasn yabanc ziyaretilerle
de paylaabilmek iin grmelere
ve yksek teknoloji gerektiren alt yap
almalarna balad.
Yabanclara kart satnn gerekle-
mesi halinde kiiselletirme yazlm-
lar devreye girecek. Kiiselletirilmi
kartlarla mzeye gelen yabanc turis-
tin turnikelerdeki geii srasnda, ana
dilinde hogeldin mesaj yaynlana-
cak. Memnuniyeti len anket al-
malaryla, yabanc ziyaretinin genel
izlenimleri raporlanarak bakanla
letiim, ulam ve ziyaret
bir arada
TRSAB-MTM Ortaklnn kltr
turizmini arttrmak, rn kalitesi ile
mteri memnuniyetini ykseltmek
konusunda almalar bunlarla snrl
deil. Yabanc ziyaretiler iin, farkl
zelliklere sahip kartlarn da hazrlk-
larna baland.
Trkiyeye mnferit olarak gelen
yabanc turist, satn alaca bu kartlar
vastasyla, sadece mze ve ren
yerlerini ziyaret etmekle kalmayacak,
kent ii toplu tamaclktan cretsiz
faydalanacak, kartnn iinde bulun-
durduu iletiim kontr kadar tele-
fon grmesi yapabilecek. Anlamal
noktalardan indirimli alveri frsatla-
rn yakalayacak. Uygulamann hayata
gemesiyle birlikte, Trkiyeye her yl
mnferit olarak gelen 4 milyon 250
bin turistin hayat kolaylaacak.
Akll telefonlar turizmin
Kltr turizmi konusundaki alma-
larnda yksek teknoloji kullanmn
en st dzeyde tutan TRSAB-MTM
Ortakl, dnyada kullanm hzla ar-
tan akll cep telefonlarna uyarlanabi-
lir yazlmlar da devreye sokacak. Bir
kereye mahsus olarak cep telefonuna
indirilecek bir uygulama sayesinde
When the practice of Museum
Cards for foreign tourists comes
into effect, the entrance to muse-
ums for foreign visitors will be
facilitated through high-tech
equipment using computer
software programmes enabling the
storage of personalized data. The
visitor will then be welcomed at the
toll gate by a greeting message in
its own language. Electronic data
collecting systems will enable,
through on the spot surveys, the
transmission of customer satisfac-
tion reports on visitors general
impressions to the Ministry.
Communication, transportation
and visit with a single card
TRSAB-MTMs efforts to promote
cultural tourism and enhance
product quality and customer
satisfaction encompass even
further projects. TRSAB is taking
steps with a view to creating a new
type of multi-purpose card to be
valid for a period of 2 or 3 days,
which will enable tourists not only
to enter museums but also to use
the means of transportation such
as city busses, underground, ferries
etc. and which will be used also to
make home calls from automatic
phone booths. Moreover, the same
card will provide the possibility to
benefit from price reductions when
shopping at designated stores.
These projects are intended to
make life easier for the 4 million
250 thousand individual tourists
who visit Turkey each year.
Smart phones at the
service of tourism
Furthermore, TRSAB-MTM is also
working on a type of software
programme to be utilized in smart
cellular phones, increasingly in use
around the world. This will be an
application to be downloaded once
onto cellular phones and which will
deliver information concerning
museums and tourist destinations
in the vicinity, about time, contents
and location of various cultural
events and activities. Through a
double dimension code, the users
will be able to have their cellular
ziyareti, evredeki mzelerin konumlarn, buralardaki etkinliklerin zamann ve
ieriini renebilecek. Cep telefonuna gnderilen iki boyutlu bir kod saye-
sinde yabanc ziyareti, telefonunu turnikelere okutup mzeye giri yapabile-
cek, gerektiinde turizm danma hattna, gerektiinde ise kolluk kuvvetlerine
ulaabilecek. Bu kartlar, internetten, lke sathnda giydirilmi olarak gezen zel
minibslerden ve nemli noktalarda konumlandrlm bfe tarz TRSAB-MTM
Ortakl noktalarndan satn alnabilecek.
Tantm faaliyetleri hzlanyor
Ziyaretiyi mzeye ekmek iin tantm almalarna da hz veren TRSAB-
MTM Ortakl, Trkiyenin drt yanna altar metrelik led ekranlar yer-
letiriyor. Bu ekranlardan Trkiyedeki mzelerin renyerlerinin ve buralarda
gerekleen kltr sanat faaliyetlerinin tantm filmleri yaynlanyor, yerli ve
yabanc potansiyel ziyaretilerin ilgisi ve farkndal arttrlyor.
Ulusal ve uluslararas medyada yaplacak kampanyalar tantmn bel kemi-
ini oluturuyor. Sz konusu 48 mze ve renyeri internet siteleri yoluyla
da tantlacak. Bu kapsamda, internet sitesi olmayan mze ve renyerleri
fotoraflanarak dev bir grsel ariv oluturulacak. Mzelerle ilgili ayrntl
bilgiler kendi sitelerinde yaynlanacak. Ayn alma kapsamnda boyutlu
sanal mze ziyaretlerinin de yaplabilmesi ve bu yolla mze gelirlerinin de
arttrlmas sz konusu. Alt yln sonunda da TRSAB-MTM Ortaklnn
elde ettii gelir, mzelerin renovasyonu ya da kent mzelerinin oluturulma-
sna harcanacak.
Ksacas, bu i birlii sayesinde, Trkiye kltr turizminde, heyecan verici
yepyeni bir dnem balayacak.
*TRSAB-MTM Ortakl ile gie iletimi ve modernizasyonu yaplan mze ile renyer-
lerinin tam listesi 76. ve 77. sayfalarda.
phones screened at the new type toll gates, thus utilizing the same
software programme as a mode of payment. They will also have phone
access to tourism information office line as well as police and gendarmerie
hotlines in case of emergency. The corresponding GSM cards will be made
available for sale on the internet, on mobile TRSAB-MTM facilities such
as special vehicles and special kiosk counters placed at important tourist
destinations and pertinent locations.
Promotion activities speed up
TRSAB-MTM is installing six meter- wide LED screens in public places all
around Turkey with a view to attracting the attention of domestic and
foreign visitors to museums and creating increased awareness about diverse
destinations of interest. Documentary films on historical sites, museums
and various events and activities performed in such places will be shown on
these giant screens. It is clear that campaigns on national and international
television stations as well as on the internet constitute the backbone of
promotion programmes. In this framework, a vast visual archive will be
created containing photographs of museums (without a proper internet
website) as well as of historical and other points of interest. Detailed
information on particular museums will be displayed on their own internet
websites. This project will also include tri-dimensional virtual museum visit
programmes on the internet which will contribute to increased income for
the museums. The revenue gained by TRSAB-MTM within the six years of
the implementation of the contract will then be re-invested for the renova-
tion and restoration of museums as well as for the creation of city muse-
ums. In short, an exciting new era will begin in the field of cultural tourism
in Turkey, thanks to the cooperation established between the Ministry of
Culture and Tourism and the TRSAB-MTM Partnership.
*The complete list of museums and historical sites subject to the TRSAB-MTM
management and modernization project is shown on Pages 76 and 77.
Efes Antik Kenti, Yamaevlerden duvar resimleri ve detaylar.
Ancient City of Ephesus, murals and details from Yamaevler (Slope Houses).
Topkap Saray,
Harem Dairesinde
Topkap Palace,
tourists in the Harem
(womens quarter).
mnster of culture and toursm
erturul gnay: our museums are n
good hands.
mnster erturul gnay says, thanks to the
cooperaton establshed between our mnstry
and the trsab-mtm busness partnershp, we are
progressng towards a sound and modern
system. we are gettng ncreased revenues from
museum tcket booths and we beneft from
a techncally advanced supervson capablty
whch allows us to exercse a complete control
over the toll gates.
bakan erturul gnay, trsab-mtm ile yaptmz i birlii
sayesinde her bakmdan salkl ve modern bir sisteme
ilerliyoruz. denetim imkanlarmz ve gie gelirlerimiz artt
dedi ve ekledi: artk gielerden bizden habersiz ku uamaz!
Kltr ve Turizm Bakan
Mzelerimiz emin ellerde
Yaz -Text
Ayim Alpman
Trkiye genelinde 48 mze ve renyerinin gie iletim ve modernizasyonunun
TRSAB-MTM Ortaklna devredilmesinin ardndan Kltr ve Turizm Bakan
Erturul Gnay, sorularmz yantlad. Birliin, Kltr ve Turizm Bakanl
dnda, yasa ile kurulan tek rgtlenme olduunu dile getiren Bakan Gnay,
TRSAB ile ayn alanda alan iki kurumun, dayanma iinde olmas gerektii
bilinci ile hareket ediyoruz. ok yakn i birlii iindeyiz. Gielerin modernizas-
yonu gibi konularda yaplan hizmet alm anlamalar sayesinde asli ilerimize
dnme imkan bulduk dedi.
MZE DERG: Son yllarda mzecilik ve kltr turizmi konusunda bir atlm
gryoruz. Bakanlnzn konuyla ilgili almalarndan bahsedebilir misiniz?
ERTURUL GNAY: 2008den beri mzelerimizi, kltr varlklarmz ve ren-
yerlerimizi Trkiyenin gndemi iine almaya gayret gsteriyoruz. Bu kapsamda,
hizmet kalitesini de ykseltmemiz gerekiyordu. Gie letim ve Modernizasyonu
halesi ncesinde de, birka adm attk. Mzekart Projesini uygulamaya soktuk.
Bu proje, bizim insanmzn uygun fiyatlarla mzelerimizle tanmasn salad.
Ardndan mze maazalaryla ilgili olarak, zel giriimci katlm iin ihale atk.
Trkiye apnda, Avrupa standardnda rnlerimiz olumaya balad ve mze
maazalarmz ald. Bu tip almalar, mze kavramnn tartlmaya balanma-
In the aftermath of the transfer of the operational responsibility of 48 museums
and historical sites to the TRSAB-MTM Business Partnership, we conducted
an interview with the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Erturul Gnay, who
kindly answered our questions. Mr. Gnay emphasized that the Association of
the Turkish Travel Agencies (TRSAB), having been established by law, is the
sole organization in this field with a legal status besides the Ministry itself. He
said, Therefore, we work in close cooperation with TRSAB, in the understand-
ing that two major institutions who operate in the same area should act in
coordination and solidarity. The service sale contracts concluded between our
Ministry and TRSAB, concerning areas like museums ticket booths moderni-
zation, allow the Ministry to devote more time to its principal functions.
MZE DERG (MUSEUM JOURNAL): There has been a noticeable progress
in recent years in the area of cultural tourism and the conceptual approach to
museums. Would you please dwell upon the endeavours of your Ministry
concerning the subject matter?
ERTURUL GNAY: We are working on creating an increased public
awareness as to Turkeys cultural heritage, its museums and historical sites,
since 2008. In this context, we have seen it as a necessity to enhance the
service quality. We took a few steps even before dealing with the modernization
project of the museum ticket booths. For instance, we introduced the Museum
Card system which enabled our domestic customers to visit the museums at a
reduced rate, so that a greater number of Turkish citizens could be acquainted
with the cultural heritage of their own country. Furthermore, we invited tenders
from private investors concerning museum shops. As a result of this, a number
of museum shops were open all around Turkey, offering high quality products
for sale. These efforts paved the way to a lively discussion in the public opinion
on the general concept of museums. Recently, we invited bids for the moderni-
zation project of museums ticket booths and toll gates. The TRSAB-MTM
Business Partnership won the tender and was awarded the contract for a six
years term, on the modernization of the 52 ticket booths of 48 museums and
historical sites in various regions of Turkey.
MZE DERG: Why was the project on the modernization and operation of
museums ticket booths subject to outward commissioning? What sort of basic
problem was preoccupying the Ministry concerning the ticket booths?
ERTURUL GNAY: Especially the generally mediocre standard of the
employees was the greatest handicap. Their lacking the proper qualification
and a genuine commitment to their job was conducive to many cases of illicit
Gnay, Mulann Milas ilesinde bulunan 2 bin 400 yllk mezar odas ve lahitin
bulunduu alan incelerken.
Gnay inspects the 2,400 years old chamber tomb in the district of Milas and the
area where the sarcophagus was found.
Erturul Gnay, Antalyann Demre lesindeki Myra Andriake liman kenti kazlarn
Minister Gnay inspects excavations at the harbor city of Myra Andriake in the
Demre district of the province of Antalya.
sn salad. Ardndan da, gielerin modernizasyonu konusunda ak ihale yaptk.
Bu ihaleyi de, TRSAB-MTM Ortakl kazand. Toplam 48 mze ve renyerinin
52 giesi zerinden 6 yllk bir anlamaya imza attk.
MZE DERG: Gielerin iletim haklar ve modernizasyonu neden ihale konusu
oldu? Gielerde bakanln yaad temel sorunlar nelerdi?
ERTURUL GNAY: Mzelerimizde, mzecilikle ilgili fazlaca bilgisi olmayan,
orta standartta memurlar alyordu. Mze ile ilgili iselletirdikleri zel bir
duygu, aldklar eitim olmad iin gielerde baz problemlerle karlayor, ok
sayda kayrma, kollama, kaak ihbar alyorduk.
Gielerin iletimini TRSAB-MTM Ortaklna devrettikten sonra, 150ye yakn
personelimizi gvenlik gibi baka alanlarda deerlendirme imkanmz oldu.
Onlarn yerine, eitilmi, yeni personel gielerde iba yapt. Mze ziyaretile-
ri, gielerde giyim standartlarndan, davranlarna kadar pek ok alanda daha
yksek dzeyli grevlilerle karlama ansna kavutu. TRSAB-MTM Ortakl
da buradan gelir elde etmeyi hedefledii iin, kaaklar asgariye indi. Gemi
yllarda ne kadar kaak ve ne kadar kayrma olduuna ilikin birok ipucu almaya
MZE DERG: Gielerdeki modern turnikeler sayesinde her gei belgelenmi
oluyor. Bunun turizm istatistiklerine yansmas olacak m?
ERTURUL GNAY: Evet. Yaptmz i birlii sayesinde, ziyareti kimlik
eilimi ortaya kmaya balad. nceki yllarda, yerel yneticilerin, mze gvenlik
birimlerinin, baka baz elemanlarn, bizim rakamlarmza yansmayan giriler
yaptn tespit ettik. 2011 ylnn ilk aynda turist says artt, buradan mze
girilerine de bir yansma oldu. Ancak girilerde kaaklar engellendii iin, mze
ziyaretlerinde, Trkiye ortalamasnn zerinde bir art grnyor. imdi hem
daha salkl bilgi elde etmeye baladk, hem de mzelerden daha ok gelir elde
etme imkanna kavutuk.

MZE DERG: TRSAB-MTM Ortaklnn gielerden kaak girilerin engel-
lenmesi, gie gelirlerinin arttrlmasnn yan sra bakanlnza 195 taahhd
daha var. Bunlarn arasnda size en dikkat ekici gelen hangisidir?
entries. Following the transfer of the ticket booths operation to the TRSAB-
MTM Business Partnership, we retrained around 150 of our employees towards
various other jobs including security. New, better-trained personnel was put in
the care of the ticket booths. Visitors are now enjoying a higher quality of
service at museums entrances. They are welcomed by well-trained employees,
including attitude, politeness, knowledge and a better external appearance in
the way of the personnels clothing standards. Since the TRSAB-MTM
Partnership is committed to raise the level of income from ticket booths, they
are eager to prevent illicit entries of which the number was already seriously
reduced in a very short period of time. This experience is giving us some clue
as to the dimension of the problem in the past.
MZE DERG: We understand that each crossing through the toll gates is
recorded i.e. documented due to a newly installed technically advanced
equipment. Is it to expect that this technique will have an improving effect on
statistical data collecting in the field of tourism?
ERTURUL GNAY: Yes. This type of cooperation allows us to gather data
on visitors profiles. In previous years, local authorities, museum security
employees and some other staff members effectuated entries which were not
reflected upon our statistics. In the first quarter of 2011, we recorded an
increase in the number of tourists coming to Turkey and this was naturally
reflected upon the number of museums visitors. However, the augmentation
in the number of museum visits is sensibly exceeding the overall increase
figure of tourists, due to the fact that illicit entries were effectively prevented.
Consequently, on the one hand, we are now able to gather reliable statistical
data and, on the other hand, we will succeed in securing a higher revenue from
the museums.
MZE DERG: The TRSAB-MTM Business Partnership made an overall
number of 195 different pledges in the framework of this contract, besides
preventing illicit entries and contributing to an increase of the income from
museums. Which commitment on behalf of TRSAB-MTM is the most
remarkable in your opinion?
Erturul Gnay, Ayasofya Mzesinde zeri
metal maskeyle kapatlm olan
6 kanatl 4 melek figrlerinden yz alan
melek figrn inceledi.
Erturul Gnay inspected the angel
figure, one of the 4 six-winged angel
figures covered with metal masks, of
which face was uncovered.
ERTURUL GNAY: Birincisi hizmet kalitesini yksek tutmak... Turistin gi-
eyle karlatktan sonra memnuniyetinin ykselmesi ve lke imajna olumlu
katk salanmas... Bizim iin en nemli vaat budur.
MZE DERG: 48 mzenin internet sitelerinin kurulmas, sanal mze uygula-
mas kapsamnn geniletilmesi, yeni bir Mzekartn uygulamaya sokulmas
sz konusu.
ERTURUL GNAY: Eskiden mze giri bileti temin etmenin tek yolu gie-
den satn almakt. hale sonras aradan geen birka ay ierisinde internetten
de artk bilet satn alabilme olana oluturuldu. ok ksa bir zaman ierisin-
de belli bal mzelerin girilerine yerletirilecek kiosklardan da bilet satn
alnabilecek. stelik yurtdndan internet zerinden satn alnan bir biletin
kiosklarda basks yaplarak mze bileti temin edilebilecek. Bunun yan sra
mzekart da eitlendiriyoruz. Artk farkl bir Mzekart satn alan bir kii bu
kartla zel mzeleri de ziyaret edebilecek. Ayrca hedef kitlesi yabanc turistler
olan ve otel lobilerinden temin edilebilecek 72 saat geerli mzekartlar kar-
tyoruz. Snrl zamana sahip olup bilet almak iin sra beklemek istemeyen
mze heveslilerinin hizmeti ayana gtryoruz.
MZE DERG: Gielerin nasl denetlendiinden bahsedebilir misiniz?
ERTURUL GNAY: Denetimleri eskisine gre ok daha dikkatli yapabili-
yoruz. Bir kere fiyat artlaryla ve mzelerin btn ileyileriyle ilgili bakan-
ln tm yetkileri sryor. Ancak i birlii sayesinde denetim mekanizmalar
gelitiriyoruz. Bir ilde, hem o ildeki btn mzeleri bir merkezden denetlemek,
hem de Ankaradan bu denetimleri takip edebilmek mmkn hale geldi. Bu
eskiden elimizde bulunmayan bir imkand. Ayrca TRSAB-MTM Ortakl,
uluslararas hizmet veren bir denetim kuruluu tarafndan da takip ediliyor.
Yaptmz i birlii sayesinde, her bakmdan daha salkl ve modern bir siste-
me ilerliyoruz.
ERTURUL GNAY: To upgrade the service quality is the main objective...
The visitor must feel happy about the treatment he or she receives at the ticket
booth, so that he or she will keep a positive mental image of Turkey and leave
our country with a good impression and feeling. This is our most cherished
goal and this is what we are expecting from TRSAB-MTM in the first place.
MZE DERG: The project includes components such as the creation of
individual internet websites for each museum, the expansion of the scope of
virtual museum visits, the inception of a new type of Museum Card etc...
ERTURUL GNAY: Yes, of course... For instance, we were not allowed to
receive payment in foreign currency at ticket booths because of a legal
obstacle. This constituted a disadvantage from a marketing point of view
because some guests without Turkish currency at the moment were simply
walking away. We changed that situation, now we can sell our services against
foreign currency. Furthermore, museum tickets can be purchased in advance
through internet and/or at special kiosks at airports or even by telephone. In
consequence, we now have a much more efficient marketing network, offering
great flexibility to the customer who can purchase tickets in a variety of ways,
in the currency of his or her preference.
MZE DERG: Can you tell us in which way the supervision of ticket booths is
carried out?
ERTURUL GNAY: We are able to conduct a more careful supervision than
before. The Ministrys competence as regards price determination and the
overall administration of museums is maintained. We are developing supervi-
sion schemes within our cooperation with TRSAB-MTM. For instance, we now
have the technical capability to conduct a local supervision of all museums at
a given regional centre, coupled with a simultaneous central supervision of
museums around Turkey at the Ministrys headquarters in Ankara, some
possibility that we were missing earlier. Moreover, the TRSAB-MTM Business
Partnership is being monitored by an international auditing firm. Thanks to
this type of solid collaboration, we are progressing towards a sound and
modern system.
MZE DERG: You were already involved in an earlier cooperation with
TRSAB as regards the stanbul Archaeological Museum, before the current deal
concerning 48 museums. Would you please briefly dwell on that experience?
ERTURUL GNAY: We had a principal sponsorship agreement with
TRSAB on this matter. TRSAB is the sole institution established by law in
this field besides the Ministry of Culture and Tourism itself. There are, of
course, many other associations and professional organizations of hotel
Erturul Gnay Adyaman, Nemrut Danda. (stte)
Burdurun Alasun ilesindeki Sagalassos antik kentinin en nemli eserlerinden
Antoninler emesi. (sada altta)
Erturul Gnay, Adyaman, Mount Nemrut. (above)
Antonine Fountain, one of the most important works in the ancient city of
Sagalassos in the Alasun district of the province of Burdur. (bottom right)
Bakan, Denizlideki Laodikya antik kentinin Denizli Belediyesine yetki devrinin
protokol treninde.
The minister at the official ceremony for the transfer of authority for the ancient
city of Laodicea in the province of Denizli to the Municipality of Denizli.
MZE DERG: Bu ihaleden nce stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri konusunda da
TRSAB ile bir i birlii iine girmitiniz. Bu deneyimden biraz bahsedebilir
ERTURUL GNAY: TRSAB ile ana sponsorluk anlamas yapmtk.
TRSAB bizim dmzda yasa ile kurulmu tek turizm sorumlusu. Bu anlamda
farkl dernekler var, otelcilerin, rehberlerin, dernekleri var ama TRSAB yasa
ile kurulmu bir rgtlenme ve ok yakn i birlii iindeyiz. Bize getirdikleri
konular, bizim onlara gtrdmz konular, ayn alanda alan iki kurumun
dayanma iinde olmas bilinciyle yrtlyor. Arkeoloji alannda almalar-
mza byk destekler alyoruz. Mzelerimizin, renyerlerimizin dzeni konusun-
da zaman zaman taleplerimiz oluyor. Birok altyap ihtiyacnn giderilmesinde
ortak almalarmz oldu... stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri alannda olduu gibi baz
zel szlemeler yapld. Trkiyede turizmin sadece klasik anlamda kalmamas,
tarihe kltre ynelmesi, hem bakanln prestiji, hem de Trkiye turizminin
gelimesi asndan son derece nemlidir. Her iki kesim de bu bilinle ve daya-
nma anlay iinde alyor.
MZE DERG: Mzelerde kaak geilerin bu i ortakl ile engellenebileceini
dnyor musunuz?
ERTURUL GNAY: Elbette. TRSAB, Trkiyeye, mzeye gelen turisti getir-
mekten, tamaktan sorumlu bir organizasyon. Bu alann denetimini TRSAB-
MTM Ortakl ile birlikte yaptmz zaman, bizden habersiz bir ku uamaz.
MZE DERG: Bu tip hizmet alm anlamalar bakanln i ykn hafifletiyor
ERTURUL GNAY: Mzelerde hizmet standard son ylda ciddi biimde
ykseliyor. Mzekart bir admd, mze maazalar bir admd. Gielerin moderni-
zasyonu bir adm. Ben biliyorum ki, gieler emin ellerdedir, maazalar emin el-
lerdedir, mzeler emin ellerdedir. Mzekart ile vatanda rahata gidip gelmekte-
dir. Bizim iimiz daha ok mzeleri gelecee salkl biimde tamaya almak.
imdi onlarla megul olabiliyorum. Mesela Topkap Saraynn 3nc ve 4nc
avlularnda yrttmz restorasyon ilerimiz byk lde hzland.
MZE DERG: Trkiyenin kltr varlklarnn korunmas kapsamnda,
TRSAB ile yaptnz i birliine dair eklemek istedikleriniz var m?
ERTURUL GNAY: Trkiyede turizmin, toplumsal gelime ve ekonomi
asndan temel bir sektr haline geldiini gryoruz. Turizmi klasik, bilinen ve
kolay snrlarndan dar tama ihtiyac hissediyorum. O yzden mzelerimizi,
renyerlerimizi, tarihi mekanlarmz, tescilli kltrel yaplarmz, doal mekan-
larmz korumak iin yeni formller aryoruz. Bu projelerin arasnda en nemlile-
rinden biri de TRSAB ile yaptmz i birliidir. Bizimle i birlii yapan herkese
ok teekkr ediyoruz.
businesses, tourist guides etc. But TRSAB is the legal representative organi-
zation of all Turkish travel agencies. In such capacity, it has a vocation to stand
in close cooperation with our Ministry. We make proposals, we listen to their
proposals; both sides benefit immensely from this collaboration conducted in
a spirit of solidarity. They support our endeavours in the field of archaeology.
We formulate requests and seek advice from them concerning the system of
museums and historical sites. We also cooperate in the area of infrastructure
restoration... We had some specific contracts with TRSAB such as the one
regarding the stanbul Archaeological Museum. It is of outmost importance
that tourism in Turkey does not remain confined to a casual and shallow
routine, but develops itself more and more in the direction of tourism of
culture and history. This is significant from the vantage point of the prestige of
our Ministry as well as for the future of Turkish tourism industry. Both sides
share these objectives and coordinate their work in this direction.
MZE DERG: Do you think that the problem of illicit entries at museums can
be defeated through this business partnership?
ERTURUL GNAY: Yes, I do. TRSAB is an organization in charge of
bringing tourists to Turkey, also responsible for ensuring their access to the
museums. Therefore, since the supervision is assured through the cooperation
between the Ministry and the TRSAB-MTM Business Partnership, this
problem can be eradicated.
MZE DERG: Do this kind of collaboration agreements alleviate the task of the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism?
ERTURUL GNAY: The standard of the service at museums has been
constantly upgraded within the last three years. The Museum Card was an
important step forward, likewise, the museum shops. The modernization of
ticket booths is yet another significant step. I am sure that the ticket booths, the
museum shops and the museums themselves are in good hands. The Museum
Card system allows our people to visit easily museums and historical places.
The mission of the Ministry is to assure the overall administration of the
museums with a view to preparing them for future challenges, such as wear and
tear etc. It is now possible for me to devote more time to these necessary and
vital tasks. For example, the restoration work we are conducting in the 3
and 4

courtyards of the Topkap Palace is now moving on much faster.
MZE DERG: Would you like to mention any other point pertaining to your
cooperation with TRSAB in the area of the conservation of Turkeys cultural
ERTURUL GNAY: We realize that tourism has become a fundamental
sector in Turkey, as much for the economy as for social development. I feel the
need to go beyond the classical, ordinary and simple boundaries of the tourism
business. We are searching for new solutions as how to protect our museums,
our historical sites, our architectural heritage, our natural spaces. In this context,
our collaboration with TRSAB occupies a foremost place. We are grateful to
everyone who cooperates with us.
Kltr ve Turizm Bakanl ve TRSAB ibirlii ile oluturulan Mzekart Projesi
tantm toplantsndan.
From the introductory meeting for the Museum Card project developed under the
cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and TRSAB.
Yamaevler kazlarndan
kartlan fldii frizler bugn
Efes Arkeoloji Mzesinde
sergileniyor. (sada)
TRSAB Ynetim Kurulu Bakan
Baaran Ulusoy
Ivory friezes unearthed during
Yamaevler (Slope Houses)
excavations are exhibited
in the Efes Archaeological
Museum. (right)
Baaran Ulusoy TRSAB
Chairman of The Board
baaran ulusoy,
trsab charman of the board:
we are ntroducng a new concept:
the nvtng, welcomng and
hosptable museum
trsab, n collaboraton wth mtm, was awarded
the operatonal responsblty of
48 museums for a perod of sx years by the mnstry
of culture and toursm. trsab-mtm pledged to
ncrease the number of vstors at those museums
and wll put ther sgnature under a seres of new
concepts for the frst tme n turkey.
trsab, mtm ile i birlii yaparak
48 mzenin gie iletme hakkn 6 yllna
devrald. bakanla ziyareti saysn
arttrma taahhdnde de bulunan
trsab, trkiyede ilklere imza atacak.
Ynetim Kurulu Bakan
baaran ulusoy:
mzelerimiz olacak
Yaz -Text
Sevin Akyazl
Fotoraflar -Photos
Rasim Konyar
The TRSAB-MTM Business Partnership won a tender concerning the moderni-
zation and operational management of 48 museums and historical sites ticket
booths and toll-gates for a six years period. The Partnership who is committed
to boost visitors entries, will employ itself to introduce modern technologies
and operational methods. TRSAB Chairman of the Board, Mr. Baaran Ulusoy
answered our questions related to the work of the TRSAB-MTM Partnership
on this matter, as well as the process through which they have been awarded
the relevant contract.
MZE DERG (MUSEUM JOURNAL): You made a commitment to pay 1.575
billion Turkish pounds for this project. What was your motivation when you
made this bid? Which gains are you expecting from the realization of your
endeavours in this regard for TRSAB and for the Turkish tourism industry?
BAARAN ULUSOY: We participated in the tender of the Ministry of Culture
and Tourism concerning the operation of 48 national, state-owned museums
and historical sites and we won the bid. I would like to underline that this is not
a privatization or privilege transfer deal, it is a service sale contract. To begin
with, ticket booths and toll gates will be equipped with modern technology so
as to prevent unauthorized entries and reach a greater number of visitors. We
took over the toll booths quite recently. Nevertheless, we already recorded a
decrease of 87 percent in the number of illicit entries since the 3
of January.
The passage of a tourist through the toll gate will be completed within seconds.
Modern methods and practices will facilitate the journey of individual tourists
in Turkey so that they will leave our country with better impressions.
MZE DERG: The Protocol you signed with the Ministry includes the
modernization of the museum ticket booths in addition to their operational
responsibility. Would you please dwell upon your investment prospects with
regard to infrastructure renovation?
BAARAN ULUSOY: We plan to invest 18 million Turkish pounds. We will
have completed 70 percent of this investment in the first year. When we add on
the personnel wages and operational charges and calculate the amortization,
this figure will sum up approximately to the double.
MZE DERG: We know that you made 197 pledges within this contract.
Which, among those, is for you the most exciting one?
BAARAN ULUSOY: With regard to museums and archaeological sites, we
will introduce modern and innovative methods and practices that will be firsts
for Turkey. One of the most important one of them is cards with different
MZE DERG: What will be the special features of those cards?
BAARAN ULUSOY: We create the concept of the museum which recognizes
its visitor thanks to advanced computer software programmes allowing
individualization. It is our objective to expand the Museum Card system, for the
time being available only to Turkish citizens, so as to cover individual foreign
tourists visiting our country. When we will reach that point that we start selling
personalized museum cards to international tourists, those cards will, for
instance, greet the visitor at the museum entrance with an oral welcoming
message in its mothers tongue. Supposing that the tourist in question is
German, the toll gate equipment will welcome her or him with a Guten Tag,
willkommen greeting phrase, following the screening of her or his card. The
guest will be congratulated on her or his birthday when such will be the case.
We intend to be able to receive payments in foreign currency for those cards.
There are legal aspects that we have to address before this practice can be
called into life. We will offer to guests from abroad the possibility of acquiring
multi-function cards which will be valid for a certain number of days and which
will allow them also the use of the city transportation system and/or to make
long distance phone calls accordingly. With a card costing 60-70 Turkish
pounds in average, the guest will take the bus or any other means of public
transportation to arrive at its point of interest, where it will be able to enter the
museum or the historical site by having the same card screened at the corre-
sponding toll gate. The cards will also be equipped with the technical possibil-
ity of surveying customer satisfaction. This particular feature will permit us to
store up an adequate and reliable database with regard to the needs and
expectations of foreign visitors to our country. We will make the access to
museums and the visit inside the museums more comfortable thanks to the
installation of multiple orientation signboards at the necessary places and
locations, allowing guests to get easily to the particular department they would
like to visit. Through one-time only applications downloadable on smart mobile
phones, the tourist will be informed of particular cultural activities taking place
in the area where she or he finds herself or himself, of theatres, museums,
TRSAB Ynetim Kurulu Bakan Baaran Ulusoy, Bergamaya
gerekletirdii inceleme gezilerinden birinde.
Baaran Ulusoy, President of the Executive Board of TRSAB,
in one of his investigation visits to Bergama.
TRSAB-MTM Ortakl, Kltr ve Turizm Bakanlna bal 48 mze ve ren-
yeri turnikelerinin modernizasyon ve iletim hakkn 6 yllna devrald. Mze
ve renyerlerine yaplan ziyaretlerin arttrlmas iin de almalara balayan
Ortakl, Trkiyede bir ilk olma zellii tayan ok sayda uygulamaya imza
atmaya hazrlanyor. TRSAB Ynetim Kurulu Bakan Baaran Ulusoy, tantm
faaliyetlerine de hz veren TRSAB-MTM Ortaklnn, almalar ve ihalenin
alm sreci hakkndaki sorularmz yantlad.
MZE DERG: Sz konusu ihalede, bakanla 1.575 milyon lira deme taah-
hdnz var. Bu ihaleye hangi motivasyonlarla girdiniz? Gerekletireceiniz
projeler TRSABa ve Trk turizmine neler kazandracak?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Kltr ve Turizm Bakanlna bal 48 mze ve renyeri-
nin 52 giesinin iletim hakk ihale usuluyle alnd.
Bu bir zelletirme ya da imtiyaz hakk deildir. Bir hizmet almdr, bunu zellik-
le belirtmek isterim. Gielerin modernizasyonu ile kaak geiler engellenecek,
ziyareti says arttrlacak. 3 Ocaktan bu yana cretsiz girilerde yzde 87 azalma
var. Gielerden turist geii, bir ka saniye iinde tamamlanacak. Trkiyeye mn-
feriden gelen turiste salanacak modern uygulamalar onlarn hayatn kolaylat-
racak, dolaysyla Trkiyeye ynelik izlenimleri daha olumlu olacak.
MZE DERG: Protokol sadece gielerin iletimini deil modernizasyonunu da
ieriyor. Bu konudaki altyap yatrmlarnz aktarr msnz?
BAARAN ULUSOY: 18 milyon TL yatrm ngrdk. Yatrmn yzde 70ini
ilk yl yapm olacaz. Personel ve iletme giderlerini, amortismann da hesap
edersek bu rakam yaklak iki katna kacak.
MZE DERG: hale kapsamnda 197 taahhdnz var, bunlar arasnda size en
heyecan verici gelen hangisi?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Mze ve renyerleri konusunda ada, yeniliki ve
Trkiyede ilk kez rneklerini greceiniz uygulamalara imza atacaz. Bunlarn
en nemlilerinden biri de farkl zelliklere sahip kartlar.
MZE DERG: Bu kartlarn zellii nedir?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Baz kiiselletirme programlar sayesinde, ziyaretisini
tanyan mze kavramn oluturuyoruz. Bizim hedefimiz sadece Trkiye Cum-
huriyeti vatandalarna tannan Mzekart uygulamasn geniletip kiiselleti-
rerek, lkemizi ziyarete gelen mnferit turistlere de satabilmek. Uygulamann
balamasyla birlikte, kartmz sahibini tanyacak ve rnein sahibi Alman bir
turistse, mze ve renyeri giriinde, Guten tag. Willkommen diyecek, doum
gnyse bir kutlama mesaj iletecek. Mevzuatla ilgili ksmn zebilirsek bu
kartlar dolar ve euro zerinden de satlabilecek.
Yurtdndan gelen ziyaretiler iin iki ya da gn geerli olacak, farkl zel-
liklere sahip kartlar sunacaz. Bunlar hem kent ii ulam hem de iletiimi
salayacak. Kii, fiyat 60-70 liralk bir kart kullanarak, toplu tama imkanlarn-
dan faydalanp mzeye ulaacak, iinde bulundurduu iletiim kontr kadar
iletiimini salayacak ve mze ziyaretlerini gerekletirecek.
Kartlarn iinde mterinin memnuniyetini len anket almalar bulunacak.
Bu sayede lkeye gelen yabanc turistin ihtiyalar konusunda gvenilir bir
veri taban oluturacaz. Ynlendirme tabelalar ile turistin mzeye ula-
mnn kolaylamasn, mze iinde de arad galeriyi rahata bulabilmesini
salayacaz. Bir kereye mahsus akll cep telefonlarna indirilecek bir uygula-
ma sayesinde, mnferit turist, bulunduu blgedeki mze ve renyerlerinin,
tiyatrolarn konumunu renip, buralardaki kltr sanat aktivitelerini haber
alabilecek, belli indirim avantajlarndan faydalanacak, telefonunu turnikelere
okutarak gei yapabilecek. Bu tip zel yazlmlar zerinde alyoruz. Bunlar
mnferit turistler dnlerek yaplacak almalar. Zaten acente mterileri,
acentelerinden bu tip hizmetleri alyor.
MZE DERG: Bu tip uygulamalar baka lkelerde var m?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Bu detayda olmasa da, kent ii ulam ve mze giri
imkan veren, rezervasyon ncelikleri ve alverilerde indirimler salayan Ams-
terdam Kart, Londra Kart var. Biz, kartlarmz lkeye gelen mnferit mteri-
nin tm ihtiyalarn karlayabilecek ekilde detaylandrarak daha cazip hale
getirmek istiyoruz.
MZE DERG Gielerde grev alacak 200 akn personel de sizin tarafnz-
dan seildi. Personel almnda ve eitiminde nasl bir yol izliyorsunuz?
BAARAN ULUSOY: , para tahsilat ve turistle dorudan iletiim olduu
iin insan kaynan olutururken referans sistemi iinden szdmz kiileri
setik. Bilgileri bizde bulunan, kendilerine kefil olabileceimiz adaylar zel
bir eitime tabi tuttuk. Bu eitim ilk aamada 60 saat srd. Halden, tavrdan
anlayacak, yabanc dil bilen, yeri geldiinde belli lde inisiyatif alabilecek
bu personel adaylar, genel turizm yaklam, etkili iletiim, ikna, yabanc dil,
teknik eitim, temel hukuk ve kalite sistem ynetimi alanlarnda eitildikten
sonra snava tabi tutuldu. Snav geebilenler iba yapt.
MZE DERG Projeden salanacak gelir Trkiyenin kltrel dokusu ve turiz-
mine nasl yansyacak?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Bu projeden gelir elde etmemiz halinde bu geliri biz
yine mevcut mzelerin bakm ve renovasyonu iin harcayacak ya da lkeye
bir iki kent mzesi hediye edeceiz. Yapszlktan tr sergilenmeye imkan
bulamam, depolarda rmeye terk edilmi eserleri, kent mzesi gibi form-
larda gn na kartmay hedefliyoruz. Bu, ticari bir proje deil, bir sosyal
sorumluluk projesi. Ama para deil itibar kazanmak. Burada TRSAB-MTM
Ortaklnn stlendii rol alklanacak bir roldr.
various points of interest in the same vicinity, take advantage of certain
shopping discount possibilities, enter museums by having the mobile phone
screened at the ticket booths or toll gates. We are indeed working on the
development of such special software applications. The target group with
regard to these new methods are, of course, the individual tourists, whereas
tourists travelling in organized trips receive basically these services from their
travel agencies.
MZE DERG: Do you know of such practices in other countries?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Yes, even if it is not in such detailed form, there are, for
instance, the Amsterdam Card and the London Card which offer museum access,
use of public transportation, reservation priorities, shopping discounts, but those
are still rather limited compared to the cards that we are planning to procure.
What we want is to make that system more appealing by introducing cards with
such detailed features that they will be able to respond to most of the needs of
our individual customers.
MZE DERG: You recruited 200 employees to operate the ticket booths. Which
methods do you apply regarding staff selection and training?
BAARAN ULUSOY: Indeed, the booth operation is a delicate task. It involves
direct contact and communication with the visitor and also money collecting.
Therefore, we went through a very careful selection within a reference system
while recruiting the human resources. The candidates with positive merits
deserving our approval were submitted to a special training for a duration of 60
hours in the first phase. In the second phase, those candidates with sufficient
good manners, speaking foreign languages and capable of taking some initiative
when needed, went through a more detailed training in the field of general
approach to tourism, efficient communication, persuasion, foreign languages,
technical know-how, basic law and system quality management. Finally they had
to take a test before qualifying for the job. Those who succeeded in this examina-
tion were then recruited.
MZE DERG: What are the ways and means through which the income secured
from this project will benefit Turkeys cultural heritage and Turkish tourism
BAARAN ULUSOY: In case we realize some profit from this project, we will
spend these earnings for the maintenance and renovation of existing museums or
hopefully use these funds to build some city museums, as a gift to our country. In
fact, there is a great number of very valuable pieces which cannot be presented to
the public because of the lack of appropriate exhibition space. We would like
these objects to come out to the daylight in new museum buildings such as city
museums. In short, we are not dealing here with a commercial project, but with a
project of social responsibility. The aim is not make money but to merit esteem.
The role played by the TRSAB-MTM Business Partnership in this respect
deserves to be commended.
TRSAB Bakan Baaran Ulusoy Efes Antik Kenti gezilerinden birinde.
Baaran Ulusoy visits the Ancient City of Ephesus.
istanbul arkeoloji
mzelerinde pek ok yeni
uygulamaya imza atld.
kafeleri yenilenen, bahe
dzenlemesi yaplan,
giesi modernize edilen
istanbul arkeoloji
mzeleri, mzeciliin
glmseyen yz oldu.
ne TRSABn eli dedi...
a seres of new practces were ntroduced at
the stanbul archaeologcal museums. wth
ts refurbshed cafs, ts newly landscaped
courtyard, ts renovated tcket booth,
stanbul archaeologcal museums s now a
lvng model for the upcomng modernzaton
of the remander of turksh museums.
RSABn, mzecilik alanndaki ilk gz ars olan
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri, tantm kampanyalar,
uzman kadrolarn grleri alnarak yaplan restoras-
yon almalar, kltrel dokusuna uygun etkinlikler ve
imza att sosyal sorumluluk projeleri ile gn getike
genleti, gzelleti.
700 bin eserlik koleksiyonunun zenginlii ile Trkiyenin en nemli kltr
sanat miraslarn barndran stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri, TRSAB ile Kltr
ve Turizm Bakanl arasnda imzalanan protokol erevesinde, Avrupa
standartlarnda bir mze haline geldi.
Hazrlanan 8 yllk protokol erevesinde, stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerinin
yeniden yaplandrlmas, topluma mal edilmesi ve turizme katksnn artt-
rlmas hedeflendi. Protokoln hedefleri bir yl iinde meyvelerini verdi.
Dnyaca nl arkeolog, mzeci ve ressam Osman Hamdi Beyin abalary-
la 1891 ylnda hayata geen mze, TRSABn almalaryla yepyeni bir
ehreye kavutu.
En yetkili uzmanlara danld
Dnyann en nemli mzelerinden biri saylan stanbul Arkeoloji
Mzelerinin, fiziksel iyiletirme ve uluslararas bir marka haline
getirilmesi hedefi dorultusunda, ie mimari belgeleme alma-
lar ile baland. Yksek Mimar smail Byksegin tarafndan
hazrlanan restorasyon ve restitsyon projeleri tamamland,
evre dzenlemeleri yapld. almalarn tmnde alannda
saygnlklar ile bilinen, Prof. Dr. Metin Szen, Prof. Dr. Re-
fik Duru, Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasolu, Yksek Mimar Kemal
Tokgz, stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri eski Mdr smail
Karamut ve Sabanc Mzesi Mdr Nazan lerden
oluan Danma Kurulunun grlerine bavuruldu.
Bu almalar srasnda, mzenin arka bahesinde antiye
olarak kullanlan yap ile mze ve Topkap Saray Mzesi Birin-
ci Avlusunu ayran paravanlar yenilendi. Mzenin ana giri
kaps boyanarak binann genel grmnnde belirgin
bir iyileme saland.
Mobilya, terifat ve sergilemeye ynelik dzenlemeler
yaplarak, eserlerin daha rahat ve konforlu bir biimde izle-
nebilmesine imkan tannd. Yerletirilen banklar sayesin-
de ziyaretilerin mola verip dinlenebilmesi mmkn
hale geldi. Eski ark Eserleri Mzesinin at
tamirat yaplarak binann zarar grmesi
engellendi. Duvar ve vitrinler boya-
narak alnlk yazlar deitiril-
Project stanbul Archaeological Museum was the first experience of
TRSAB in the field of museum modernization. In the framework of the
implementation of a protocol signed between the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism and TRSAB, TRSAB carried out renovation work at the
Museum, based on professional surveys, organized activities in line with
the cultural background and initiated promotion campaigns as well as
social responsibility projects. It was of outmost importance to bring to
present-day museum standards the stanbul Archaeological Museum
housing a collection of over 700 thousand pieces, an impressive part of
Turkeys foremost cultural and artistic heritage. Amongst the goals of the
relevant protocol, priority was given to re-structuring the Museum and
enhancing service quality so as to ensure a greater public interest and
support and thus create the pre-condition for an increased contribution
of the Museum to the tourism industry. The strategy yielded tangible
results in the first year already. stanbul Archaeological Museum estab-
lished in 1891, thanks to the tireless efforts of world-famous Turkish
archaeologist and painter Osman Hamdi Bey was re-vitalized in
great respect to his memory through the modernization work
undertaken by TRSAB.

The most competent experts were consulted
Architectural documentation constituted the first phase
of activities aimed at the physical improvement of
the stanbul Archae-
ological Museums,
which is consid-
ered one of
worlds most
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri
iinde barndrd eserler
kadar bahesi ve bina
mimarisiyle de ziyaretilerine
grsel bir len yaatyor.
Not only the pieces housed in
the stanbul Archaeological
Museums, but also its garden
and the architecture of its
building offers a visual
feast to visitors.
di. Ziyaretilerin yaz ve k aylarnda s farkndan rahatsz olmamalar iin
klimalar yenilendi. Gerekli blgelere ynlendirme tabelalar yerletirilerek,
ziyaretilerin mzeyi bulabilmeleri kolaylatrld.
Tarihin glgesinde ay keyfi
Mzenin en nemli eksiklerinden biri de, ziyaretinin bir kahve molas
verecek mekannn bulunmay idi. TRSABn almalar sonucu biri
baheye dieri de mze binas iine iki kafe kuruldu. Mze bnyesinde
hazrlanan maazada da, mzede sergilenen eserlerin replikalar, tarih
kitaplar ve brorler sata sunuldu.
Kiiye zel tekno-rehber
Mzeye rehberlik hizmeti almakszn gelen mnferit ziyaretilerin rahat da
unutulmad. Czi bir cretle mze giriinde kiralanan sesli rehber cihazlar
sayesinde, ziyaretiler 10 dilde sergilenen eserler hakknda ayrntl bilgi
sahibi olma imkanna kavutu.
Tantm kampanyalar etkili oldu
Belirli aralklarla stanbul genelindeki stgeit ve reklam panolarnda
mzedeki sergiler, etkinlikler ve koleksiyonun tantm yapld. Yerli ve
yabanc fuarlardaki TRSAB standlarnda mzenin brorleri datl-
d. Mzede gerekleen tm sergi ve etkinlikler, e-bltenler, mzenin
kendi internet sitesi ve sosyal paylam sitesi Facebookta oluturulan
zel sayfa araclyla duyuruldu. Bastrlan el ilanlar kentin hareketli
blgelerinde datlrken, otel yaynlarnda ve ulusal medyada stanbul
Arkeoloji Mzesi ile ilgili haberlerin yer almas saland. Her ay birer
arkeoloji belgeseli gsterime sunuldu.
Bir blm mze bahesinde dzenlenen KSV Mzik ve Jazz Festivali ile
Tuluyhan Uurlu konserleri gibi etkinlikler ziyareti saysnn arttrlma-
snda nemli rol oynad. Trkiye turizmi konusunda, ulusal ve uluslara-
ras baarlara imza atan TRSAB, mzecilik alannda da almalarna
son hz devam ediyor.
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzesi Ana Bina birinci kattaki Troia Salonunundan genel grnt,
Thrakia Bithynia Salonu (kk fotoraf).
General view of the Hall of Troy in the first floor of the main building of the stanbul
Archaeological Museum, the Thrace Bithynia Hall (small photo).
museums, and building an international brand. Restoration and restitu-
tion projects prepared by master architect smail Byksegin have been
completed and landscaping has been done. An Advisory Board composed
of the most competent experts in their respective fields such as Prof. Dr.
Metin Szen, Prof. Dr. Refik Duru, Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasolu, Dipl.
Architect Kemal Tokgz, Former Director of stanbul Archaeological
Museum smail Karamut and Sabanc Museum Director Nazan ler, were
consulted and their approval was assured at each successive phase of the
project implementation. The screens separating the first yard of the
Topkap Palace Museum from the backyard of the Archaeological Museum
used as worksite during the project were replaced with new ones. The
main gate of the Museum was re-painted in order to enhance the outward
appearance of the faade. The furnishings destined to the use of the
public were renewed, new display units were created with a view to
offering a more comfortable environment to the visitor. A greater number
inili Kk Mzesi, znik inileri Koleksiyonundan bir para (solda),
Ab- Hayat emesi. (sada)
Tiled Kiosk Museum, a piece from the Collection of znik Tiles (left),
Fountain of Youth. (right)
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri in-
ternet sitesi Trke ve ngilizce
olarak www.istanbularkeoloji. adresinden yayna geti.
Mze ve iindeki eserlerin ayrn-
tl sunumlarnn yapld web
sitesi, 8inci Altn rmcek Web
dlleri Yarmasnda, Kamu
Kurumu Kategorisinde nc
seilerek baarsn tescilledi.
The internet website of stanbul
Archaeological Museum is on
line at: www.istanbularkeoloji. The website where the
Museum itself and the articles
on display therein are pre-
sented in detail, was awarded
the Third prize in the category
of public service websites at the
Golden Spider Web Awards
tasarm dl
Grme ve iitme engellilere zel uygulama
itme engellilere zel, grntl rehberlik cihazlar
hazrland. Grme engelliler iin de Braille Alfabesi ile
Trke ve ngilizce mze brorleri yapld. nmz-
deki gnlerde, mzede grme engelliler iin zel bir
blm oluturulacak. Bu blmde, izinleri alnarak
lazer tarama yntemi ile retilmi Ephebos Heykeli,
Artemis Heykeli, Marcus Aurelius Heykeli, Taz
Rlyefi ve Lir alan Moussa eserlerinin replikalar
yer alacak. Grme engelliler de bu replikalara dokuna-
rak tarihte bir yolculuk gerekletirecek. Davet eden,
karlayan ve arlayan mzecilik alannda TRSABn
ilk eseri olan stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerindeki yeni
dnemi yerinde grmek, kltr, tarih, sanat ve elence
dolu bir gn geirmek istemez misiniz?
of benches were placed on several stations to
give the guests sufficient possibility to rest
when needed during their visit. The roof of the
Department of Oriental Art was repaired thus
preventing further damage to the building. The walls
and the display cabinets were re-painted, the pedi-
ment inscriptions were renewed. The air-conditioning
system was replaced. A number of new signboards were
installed where necessary to direct the visitor to the depart-
ment of his or her interest.
Tea sipping pleasure in the shade of history
Something important missing at this museum was the lack of an
adequate resting station for the visitor. TRSAB installed two new cafs,
one in the garden, the other inside the museum building. Moreover, there
is now a museum shop where history books, pamphlets, memorabilia as
well as replica and reproductions of the works of art displayed at the
museum can be purchased by tourists.
Individual techno-guide
Extensive information about the works of art on display at the museum is
provided through headsets operable in 10 languages which are made available
for rental for the comfort of the individual visitors not enjoying the services of
a professional tourist guide.
Promotion campaigns were successful
The stanbul Archaeological Museum, its collections, the events held at the
Museum were subject to advertisement campaigns with regular intervals in
and around the city of stanbul on billboards, overpasses etc. Brochures of
the Museum were distributed at TRSAB stands in various tourism fairs
in Turkey and abroad, promotion activities were organized.
Exhibitions and other cultural events taking place at the
Museum were made public through the own internet
website of the Museum, through e-bulletins, as well as
through a special page on Facebook social network.
Hand flyers were distributed throughout the city,
advertorials were placed on hotel magazines, news
broadcasted regarding the Museum on national media.
Every month, a Museums documentary was produced
and published through different means. The cultural
events which took place at the Museum, such as the
Music and Jazz Festival organized by the stanbul Culture
and Art Foundation (KSV) and the Tuluyhan Uurlu
Concert contributed to an increase in the number of
museum visitors. TRSAB, praised nationally and
internationally for its longstanding contribution in
the area of tourism is making rapid progress in the
field of museum management as well.
A special application is being put into practice
for the vision-impaired, hearing-impaired
In coming days, a special section destined to the
vision-impaired visitors will be established. Replica
of the famous Statue of Ephebos, Statue of Artemis,
of Marcus Aurelius and similar well-known pieces of
the Museum will be produced through laser screening
and will be presented to the vision-impaired through
the tactile sensing system. There are also special visual
devices for the hearing-impaired as well as Braille
alphabet booklets in Turkish and English languages destined
to the vision-impaired visitors.
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerinden genel grnt.
General view of the stanbul Archaeological Museums.
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzesinin kurucusu, ressam ve arkeolog Osman
Hamdi Bey, kukusuz ki bu topraklarn yetitirdii en nemli sanat-
lardan biridir. Lbnanda 1887-1888 yllar arasnda yrtt Sayda
Kral Mezarlar kazsnda, skender Lahdini bularak dnya sanat tarihi-
ne damgasn vuran Osman Hamdi Bey, 30 Aralk 1842de stanbulda
dodu. ada Trk Mzeciliinin kurucusu kabul edilen Osman Hamdi
Bey, Osmanl sadrazamlarndan brahim Ethem Paann byk oludur.
Osman Hamdi Bey, babas brahim Ethem Paann istei zerine, hu-
kuk renimi iin Parise gitti. Pariste kald 12 yl boyunca, dnemin
nl ressamlarndan olan Jean-Lon Grme ve Boulangerden resim
dersi ald. Ayn dnemde, eker Ahmet Paa ve Sleyman Seyyid de bu-
rada resim eitimi alyordu. Bu kii daha sonra, Trk resim sanatnn
ilk kuan oluturdu.
Yurda dndkten sonra devletin yksek kademelerinde grev ald. lk
grevi Badat li Yabanc ler Mdrl idi. Bu grevi srasnda ehrin
eitli grnmlerini yanstan tablolar yapt, Badat tarihi ve arkeolojisi
ile ilgilendi.
stanbula dndnde, Saray Protokol Mdr Yardmcs olarak atanan
Osman Hamdi Bey, 1875 ylnda Kadkyn ilk ehremini, bugnk
adyla belediye bakan olarak grevlendirildi ve bu grevi bir yl sr-
drd. Osmanl-Rus Savandan sonra devlet memurluundan ayrlan
Osman Hamdi Bey, 1891de Mze-i Hmayuna yani mparatorluk
Mzesine mdr olarak atand. Bir yl sonra da Trkiyenin ilk gzel
sanatlar okulu olan Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi Mdrlne getirildi.
lk mzecilik yasasn o kartt
Mze-i Hmayun mdr olarak, eski eserlerin yurt dna gtrlme-
sini yasaklayan bir tzk hazrlatt. Mze mdrl srasnda ilk Trk
bilimsel kazlarn balatan Osman Hamdi Bey, Nemrut Da, Mula
Yataandaki Lagina ve Lbnanda Sayda kazlarnn bakanln yapt.

Eserlerini mze ile talandrd
Osman Hamdi Bey, kazlar sonucunda gn yzne kan eserleri sergi-
leyebilmek iin yeni bir bina arayna girdi. Eserler, Aya riniden sonra
inili Kke tanmt ancak buras da yetersiz gelmekteydi. Devrin y-
neticilerini ikna ederek bugnk stanbul Arkeoloji Mzesi binasn ina
ettirdi. Mze-i Hmayun, arkeoloji arlkl bir mze olmutu. Koleksi-
yondaki silahlar ve askeri tehizatlar Aya rinide brakld ve Esliha-i
Askeriye Mzesi adyla yeniden dzenlendi. Bugnk Askeri Mzenin
temeli olan bu yeni bina, 1908de ziyarete ald. Osman Hamdi Beyin
stanbul dndaki kentlerde kurdurduu eser depolar ilerde kurulacak
blge mzelerinin temeli oldu. Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi rencilerinin
eserlerini Byk Salonda toplayarak Gzel Sanatlar Mzesinin ekirde-
ini oluturmaya balad.
lk figr kullanan Trk ressam
Osman Hamdi Bey, mzecilik ve arkeoloji almalarn srdrrken
resim yapmay hi brakmad. Trk resminde ilk kez figrl kompo-
zisyonu kullanan ressamd. Resimlerinde okuyan, tartan, zlemini
duyduu Trk aydn tipini ve darya alm kadn imgesini ele ald.
Dekor olarak tarihi yaplar, aksesuar olarak tarihi eyalar kulland.
Kaplumbaa Terbiyecisi (1906), Silah Taciri (1908) Osman Hamdinin
en ilgi eken ve zgn eserlerindendir. Bir ok resmi stanbul Resim
ve Heykel Mzesi, Londra, Liverpool ve Boston mzelerinde sergi-
lenmektedir. 1910da hayatn kaybeden sanatnn cenazesi, vasiyeti
zerine Eskihisara defnedildi. Mezarnn bana isimsiz iki Seluklu
ta yerletirildi.
The founder of the stanbul Archaeological Museum, painter and archae-
ologist Osman Hamdi Bey is certainly one of the most important Turkish
artists and art experts. He discovered the Alexander Sarcophagus at the
Saida (Sidon) royal tombs excavations in Lebanon in 1887-1888. Consid-
ered the greatest archaeological discovery of the 19
century it was the
cause of the museums foundation. Osman Hamdi Bey was born on 30

December 1842 in stanbul as the eldest son of Ottoman Grand Vizier
brahim Ethem Pasha. In compliance with his fathers wish, he went to
Paris to study law where he stayed for 12 years. He took painting lessons
from famous French painters, Jean-Lon Grme and Boulanger. During
the same years, two other Turkish painters, eker Ahmet Pasha and
Sleyman Seyyid were also studying painting in Paris. Those three painters
were later going to form the first generation of Turkish painting artists.
Osman Hamdi Bey was assigned to high-level public offices upon his
return to Turkey. His first assignment was the post of Director of Foreign
Affairs in the Province of Baghdad. During his stay there, he painted
various paintings reflecting city views of Baghdad, he was also involved in
archaeological and historical studies on Baghdad. Upon his return to
stanbul, he took office as the Deputy Chief of Protocol of the Ottoman
Court. In 1875, he was appointed the first Mayor (ehremini) of Kadky,
where he was active for one year. Following the Ottoman-Russian War
(1877-78), he resigned from public office, but he was appointed Director of
The Imperial Museum (Mze-i Hmayun) in 1881. One year later, Osman
Hamdi Bey was assigned Director of the Fine Arts School (Sanayi-i Nefise
Author of the first museums legislation in Turkey
He decreed a regulation prohibiting the taking out of the country of old
works of art during the time he was Director at the Imperial Museum.
During the same period, he initiated the first official Turkish archaeological
excavations. He led the excavations at Mount Nemrut, Lagina in Mula
Yataan and Saida (Sidon) in Lebanon.
He crowned his work through the creation of museums
Osman Hamdi Bey, having made significant discoveries as a result of his
excavations began to look for an adequate building to display the artefacts
he discovered. First exhibition hall for those pieces was the former Aya Irini
Church, later they were transferred to the inili Kk (Tiled Pavilion).
However, neither was spacious enough for this purpose. Finally, he
convinced the Ottoman Government to build what became the present-day
stanbul Archaeological Museum. The former Imperial Museum had become
a museum mainly allocated to archaeology, the weaponry and military
equipment belonging originally to its collections remained at Aya Irini and
were re-organized under the name of Esliha-i Askeriye Mzesi (Military Mu-
seum). That new building, constituting the basis of the current Military
Museum was inaugurated in 1908. The storage halls set up outside stanbul
in various Anatolian towns by Osman Hamdi Bey constituted the basis of
the regional museums to be established later. At the Fine Arts School, he
collected at the Main Hall the artwork produced by his students to form the
nucleus of the later established present-day Museum of Fine Arts.
First Turkish figurative painter
Osman Hamdi Bey, while he kept himself busy with archaeology and
museums, never abandoned his passion for painting. He was the first
Turkish painter to compose a figurative painting. In his paintings, he
depicted the ideal type of enlightened Turkish intellectuals and emanci-
pated women he was looking forward to see in his country. As background
he used the historical buildings and historical objects as accessories. His
best-known original paintings are the Turtle Trainer (1906) and the Arms
Merchant (1908) which continue to draw great attention and provoke
enthusiasm. His paintings are on display at various museums, particularly
at the stanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture and museums in
London, Liverpool and Boston. Osman Hamdi Bey died in 1910 and was
buried in Eskihisar upon his will. Two anonymous Seljukian steles were
erected in lieu of his tombstone.
ilk trk
ressam ve
hamdi bey
osman hamdi bey, the frst turksh
museum bulder, panter and
trkiyenin ilk mzesi
frst museum
of turkey
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri; Arkeoloji Mzesi, Eski ark Eser-
leri Mzesi ve inili Kk Mzesi olmak zere ana birimden
oluuyor. Bu nedenle stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri olarak anlyor.
ARKEOLOJ MZES: Osman Hamdi Beyin istei zerine
inili Kkn karsna dnemin nl mimari Alexandre Vallaury
tarafndan ina edilen ve Mze-i Hmayun (mparatorluk Mzesi)
olarak kurulan stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri 13 Haziran 1891de
ziyarete ald.
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri, 1993 ylnda Avrupada yln Mze-
si seilerek Avrupa Konseyi Mze dln almt.
ESK ARK ESERLER MZES: 1883 ylnda Sanayi-i Nefise
Mekteb-i lisi (Gzel Sanatlar Akademisi) olarak Osman Hamdi
Bey tarafndan yaptrlmt. Mze, Anadolu, Mezopotamya, Msr
ve Arabistan yarmadas eserleri olmak zere 4 ana koleksiyondan
NL KK MZES: Bina hakknda geni bilgiye rastlan-
mamakla birlikte 1472 ylnda Topkap Sarayn saran surlarnn
iine yaptrld biliniyor. Yap, Seluklu etkisinde yaplm
Osmanl sivil mimarisinin stanbuldaki tek rnei. Seluklu ve
Osmanl ini ve seramiklerinden esiz rnekler sergileniyor.
The Museums of Archaeol-
ogy of stanbul consist of three
main buildings, the Archaeological
Museum, the Museum of Ancient
Oriental Art and the Tiled Pavilion
Museum. This is the reason why they
are also referred to as the stanbul
Museums of Archaeology.
Archaeology Museum: The stanbul Museum of
Archaeology build originally as the Imperial Museum (Mze-i H-
mayun) by renowned architect Alexandre Vallaury across from the
Tiled Pavilion (inili Kk) was inaugurated on the 13
of June 1891.
The Museums of Archaeology of stanbul were awarded the Euro-
pean Museum of the Year Prize by the Council of Europe in 1993.
Museum of Ancient Oriental Art: Built in 1883 as the Great
School of Fine Arts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mekteb-i lisi)- present-day
Academy of Fine Arts- by an initative of Osman Hamdi Bey. The
building houses 4 different main collections divided according to
their origins, namely, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Arabic
The Tiled Pavilion Museum (inili Kk Mzesi): The structure
was constructed in 1472 within the ramparts of the Topkap Palace.
It is the only example of civilian Ottoman building in stanbul influ-
enced by Seljukian style architecture. On display in that museum are
magnificent samples of Ottoman and Seljuk tiles and ceramics.
Nehir Tanrs Okeanos Heykeli (solda), stanbul Arkeoloji Mzesi inili Kk Binas.
Statue of the River God Oceanus (left), stanbul Archaeological Museum Tiled Kiosk Building.
Radar Tepesinden Dalyan Deltas.
Delta of Dalyan view from Radar Hill.
One Region
One Ancient City
d o a n n b e n z e r s i z m c e v h e r i
dalyan, labirenti andran deltasndan denize
ulaan sular, yksek bir tepeden akdenize
bakan kaunos antik kenti, kayalarna
oyulmu kral mezarlar, usuz bucaksz
plajlar ve koruma altndaki caretta
carettalaryla adeta bir yeryz cenneti.
Hmeyra Konyar
Rasim Konyar
alyan doa anann en ayrcalkl davrand yerlerden
biri... Buraya gelen ziyaretileri, binlerce yl nce bu
topraklarda yaayan Kaunoslularn, krallar iin kayalara
oyduu grkemli mezarlar karlar. Krallar aradan binler-
ce yl gememi, medeniyetleri tarihin tozlu sayfalarna
karmam gibi gzetler denizi. Sanki ziyaretilerinin dost mu dman m
olduunu anlamaya alr gibi...
Kurulu tarihi iin farkl grler ileri srlse de Kaunosun izleri
M..10uncu yzyla kadar gidiyor. Bugn Dalyan kent merkezinin karsnda-
ki tepelerde kurulu antik yerleim ylesine gizli kalm ki, aadan bakld-
nda hibir ipucu vermiyor. Kaunos renyerine ulam motorlarla sala-
nyor. Dalyandan kalkan tekneler renyerine kan merdivenlerin iskelesine
natures unique jewel:
dalyan and kaunos
dalyan, wth waters reachng the sea through ts
labyrnth-lke delta, the antque town of kaunos
overlookng the medterranean from the top of ts hgh
hll, the kngs tombs carved n ts rocks, ts endless beaches
and ts caretta caretta turtles under specal protecton
s, n short, paradse on earth.
Dalyan is one of those places privileged by nature. The visitors are here
welcomed by the spectacular view of the kings tombs carved in rocks.
Kings are still watching over the sea from their tombs as if thousands of
years did not go by and their civilization was not left behind the dusty
pages of history; as if they were trying to tell apart friends from foes
among the visitors coming up the hill. Even though there are different
theories as to the foundation history of the antique city of Kaunos, its
available traces go back as far as the 10
century B.C. The settlement on
the hills across from midtown Dalyan is hidden in such a way that when
you look up from the bottom of the hill, there is no clue as to its existence.
Access to Kaunos is only possible through the sea by motorboats. Boats
departing from Dalyan dock at the pier downstairs from the historical site.
Town hidden inside the hill
Arriving at the peak, one is surprised by the density of the ruins of the
antique city. With its theatre, its acropolis, the city walls, the temple ruins,
a huge city is stretching out before your eyes. Particularly the ancient
theatre and its seats are quite well preserved. There are also interesting
architectural details which make out the particularity of the Kaunos
theatre. The spectator seats are carved in stone in a shape almost similar
to modern theatre armchairs. Sit down, close your eyes and once you cross
the time tunnel, imagine that an old Sophocles tragedy is about to begin!
Nature prepared its end
Although of Carian origin, the people of Kaunos thought of themselves as
Cretans. Due to its location on a seaport, Kaunos was a rich commercial
centre until alluvial deposits coming from mainland rivers filled the port
and the city lost its previous prominence and became history, not unlike
several other antique cities of the Aegean and Mediterranean. The
geographer and historian Strabo refers to the city of Kaunos, also quite
often cited by Herodotus, as being provided, in addition to its dockyard,
with a large harbour whose mouth can be closed when needed.
Nowadays Slkl Lake was originally the harbour of Kaunos and the sea
was stretching all the way to the area where the ruins of the city are now
located. Famous historical figures such as Mavsolos, Alexander the Great,
Carian Princess Ada and Macedonian Satrap Antigonos are among those
Dalyan Deltas, esiz doal gzellikleri ile ziyaretilerine unutulmaz anlar yaatyor.
The Delta of Dalyan makes visitors experience unforgettable moments thanks to its unique natural beauties.
Tepenin iine gizlenmi kent
Tepeye varldnda, Antik Kent kalntlarnn younluu karsnda insan b-
yk bir aknla kaplyor. Tiyatrosu, akropol, surlar, tapnak kalntlar ile
kocaman bir kent gzlerinizin nnde uzanyor. Kentin en ilgi ekici ayrntla-
rndan biri de, tiyatronun gnmze kadar ayakta ve olduka salam kalmay
baaran izleyici koltuklar. Evet, antik tiyatronun mimarisi de geleneksel
tiyatro mimarisinden farkl. Her bir seyirci iin tatan, tek kiilik, gnmzde-
ki tiyatro ve sinema koltuklarnn neredeyse ayn koltuklar tasarlanm. nsan,
bu ta koltuklara oturup gzlerini kapattnda, zaman tnelinden geip, bir
antik tiyatro oyunu izleyebilecei hissine kaplyor...
Sonunu doa hazrlad
Tarihilere gre Kaunos halk, Karya soyundan gelmelerine ramen kendi-
lerini Giritli sayard. Liman kysndaki konumu sayesinde, zengin bir ticaret
merkezi olan Kaunos da, Ege ve Akdenizdeki pek ok antik kent gibi, liman
alvyonlarla dolunca nemini kaybettti, tarihe kart. Heredotun da yazla-
rnda geni yer ayrd kenti, dnemin corafyacs Strabon yle tarif ediyor:
Tersanesinin yansra istenirse az kapatlabilen byk bir liman var.
Bugnk Slkl Gl, Kaunosun limanyd ve deniz kentin bugn grlebi-
len yaplarna kadar uzanyordu. Mausolos, skender, Prenses Ada, Antigo-
nos gibi dnemin nl hkmdarlarnca ynetilen kent, daha sonra Rodos,
Bergama ve Roma egemenliine girdi.
6 bin yldr denizi gzlyorlar
Kent yerleimi ve grkemli kaya mezarlar, adeta insan bedeni ve zihninin
snrlarnn ne kadar zorlanabileceini gsterebilmek iin tasarlanm.
Yamalara gml Kaunos mezarlarnn ykseklii 8 metreyi buluyor. Antik
a mezar kltrne uygun olarak, Kaunoslular da krallar, soylular ve zen-
ginleri iin bylesi gsterili mezarlar yapm, llerini deerli eyalar ile
birlikte gmm. Bu kartal yuvalarn andran mezarlar, tam 6 bin yanda.
Tanrlar kovalayan halk
Yamalara gml Kaunos Kral Mezarlar karsnda, Yabanc Tanrlar Kova-
layan Kaunos halknn, azmine hayranlk duymamak mmkn deil. Kaunos-
lular, yaadklar dneme bakldnda ok ilgin bir halk. Gizemlerini zmek
g ve ortaya kan her belge de haklarndaki sorulara bir yenisini ekliyor.
Homeros, yaam tarzlar ve inanlar o dnemdeki dier toplumlardan farkl
olan Kaunoslular yle anlatyor: Kendilerine yabanc olan tanrlar iin bir
din uyarlamlar ama sonradan vazgemiler. Yalnz babalarnn tandklar
tanrlara tapmay kararlatrmlardr. Bunun zerine lkenin genleri silah-
lanmlar, bu tanrlar havaya kl sallayarak Kalynda snrna kadar kova-
lamlardr. Bunu Yabanc tanrlar ite byle kovaladk diye anlatrlar. Bu
ulusun gelenekleri byledir.
Sultaniyenin sular ifa datyor
Dalyanda grlecek yerler renyerleri ile snrl deil. Dalyan aynda
motorlarla gidilen gnbirlik turlar, birbirinden keyifli alternatifler sunuyor.
Sultaniye Kaplcas ve ztuzu Plaj karlmamas gereken gezi yerlerinin ba-
nda geliyor. Kyceiz blgesinden gelen kaplca sularnn iyiletirici gcne
inanlyor. ifal sularn asl merkezi Sultaniye Kaplcas. Kyceiz Glne
doru uzanan motorlar, Sultaniye Kaplcasnda mola veriyor. Buras gerek-
ten de hasta olanlara bir umut sunuyor. Radyoaktivite seviyesi asndan
who ruled the city. Following its period of glory, Kaunos came under the
domination of Rhodes, Pergamon and Rome.
Watching the sea for six thousand years
The layout of the settlement on a steep hill and the splendid rock-carved
tombs seem as if they were designed to challenge the limits of the human
body and mind. The height of the tombs carved on hill slopes reaches
eight meters. The inhabitants of Kaunos buried their kings, the nobles and
the wealthy in spectacular tombs where the dead bodies were placed
along their worthful belongings in accordance with the burial culture of
the Antique era. These sumptuous tombs reminding of eagles nests are
literally six thousand years old.
The people who chased gods
The people of Kaunos are admirable yet for another reason besides their
Kings Tombs, namely for their courage to fight foreign deities. They are a
very genuine community compared to other communities of their time. It is
a difficult task to unravel their mystery and with every newly found docu-
ment new questions emerge as regards their culture. According to the great
poet Homeros: The people of Kaunos adapted a new religion in order to
accommodate gods initially unknown to them. Later they abandoned that
idea and decided to return to their traditions so as to venerate only the
deities known to their ancestors. Upon this decision, the young people of
the town took up arms against foreign gods and chased them by swinging
sword all the way to the boundaries of neighbouring Calynda. They are
proud about this and keep telling this story to everyone: This is how we
chased foreign gods! Such are the customs of that peculiar people.
The thermal waters of Sultaniye are dispensing health
Other sightseeing opportunities around Dalyan include daily excursions
with motorboats up the river Dalyan. The thermal spring at Sultaniye and
the ztuzu Beach are among those places one should not miss in the area.
The thermal waters at Sultaniye originating from the region of Kyceiz are
believed to possess healing powers. The boats sailing in direction of the
Kyceiz Lake make a stopover at Sultaniye. The thermal spring offers a
glimmer of hope for ill people. The waters contain calcium sulphate,
calcium sulphide, calcium chloride and radon. Its radon that lends
Sultaniye the highest available level of natural radiation among Turkish
thermal waters. Since it is believed that these waters have a healing effect
on gynaecological, dermatological diseases, reumathical and sciatical
pains as well as a positive impact on sexual potency, many tourists
domestic and foreign are coming to the area with aim of benefitting from
Farkl duraklara urayarak, blgenin belli bal noktalarna ziyaret imkan salayan gnlk turlar yerli ve yabanc turistlere uygun fiyatl gezi alternatifleri yaratyor.
Daily tours including different stops facilitate visiting the major points in the region and provide affordable trip alternatives to domestic and foreign tourists.
Dalyan kaya mezarlar.
Rock-cut tombs of Dalyan.
Ay olmadan hayatta kalamazlar
ztuzu Kumsal, nesli tkenmekte olan Caretta Caretta
kaplumbaalarnn reme alan. Bu zel kaplumbaalarn her yl
belirli dnemlerde buraya braktklar yumurtalardan kan yavrular,
ay n izleyerek denize ulamaya alyor. Gn doduunda
denize ulaabilen yavrular hayatta kalyor, hzl hareket edemeyenler
ise ya scaktan kavruluyor ya da kulara yem oluyor. Caretta
Carettalar, byyp de yumurtlama zaman geldiinde, igdsel
olarak yine bu kumsala geliyor. Dalyan artk sadece doal gzellikleri,
denizi, kumu iin deil ayn zamanda Caretta Carettalarn da reme
alan olduu iin koruma altnda. Sahile braklan yumurtalar
izleniyor, yumurtadan k dnemlerinde, ay nn etkisi azalmasn
diye kumsalda suni klar yaklmas engelleniyor. Dnyann drt
bir yanndan gelen evreciler, buradaki yetkililer ile birlikte denize
ulamakta glk eken yavrulara yardm ediyorlar.
They cannot survive without the moonlight
ztuzu beach is the breeding area for Caretta caretta. The baby turtles
breaking their eggs can only reach the sea by following trails under
the moonlight. Those having reached the sea before sunrise will
survive. Those who have been too slow, are either parched under
the sunlight or eaten by birds. The adults come back instinctively to
the same beach when it is time again to lay eggs. Dalyan is not only
important because of the cultural and historical significance and the
geological importance of the Dalyan-Kyceiz hinterland, but also
because of the natural characteristics of the ztuzu beach and its
significance as a turtle habitat. Since May 2009 there has been a sea
turtle centre at the beach, run by the Biology Dpt. of Pamukkale Uni-
versity. The staff and volunteers patrol the beach and keep records
during the breeding season. Injured turtles found at the beach or at
the estuary are taken to the centre for treatment and rehabilitation.
Lighting of torches or any other manmade light is prohibited to
avoid diluting the moonlight vital to baby turtles.
Trkiyenin en deerli kaplca merkezlerinden biri olan Sultaniyenin kay-
nayan sularnda, kalsiyum slfat, kalsiyum slfr, kalsiyum klorr ve radon
bulunuyor. Kadn ve cilt hastalklarna, romatizma ve siyatie iyi geldii
belirtilen suyun, cinsel gc de arttrd ileri srld iin, yerli yabanc
herkes bu ifal sulara akn ediyor. Tepeden trnaa amura bulanmak, daha
sonra ifal sularla ykanmak byk bir elenceye dnyor.
ztuzundan vazgemek ne mmkn
Dalyann sular kanallardan geip de Akdenizle bulutuunda Trkiyenin
en gzel sahillerinden ztuzu kyor ortaya. Kanaln denizle kesitii blge-
de ikiye blnen kumsal her iki tarafa da ipek bir rt gibi kilometrelerce
uzanyor. Burann gzellii sadece insanlar deil hayvanlar da cezbediyor.
ztuzu binlerce yldr dev deniz kaplumbaalar Caretta Carettalara da ev
sahiplii yapyor. Koruma altna alnm Carettalar bu plaj dnda bir yere
these potential powers. First drabbling in mud and then bathing in healing
waters turns into an entertaining activity.
It is not allowed to forsake ztuzu
The Dalyan estuary is a labyrinth of canals through the reeds. Where the
rivers waters flowing down the canals finally meet with the Mediterranean,
you find one of the nicest beaches of Turkey called ztuzu. The beach is a
narrow spit of land, which forms a natural barrier between the fresh water
delta of the Dalyan river and the Mediterranean. It is one of the main
breeding grounds for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the
Mediterranean and is therefore often referred to as Turtle Beach. The
loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) is on the IUCN Red list of endangered
animals. For this reason the beach has had a protected status since 1988
and is part of the Kyceiz-Dalyan Special Environmental Protection Area.
Kaunos Antik Kenti Tiyatrosu (solda), Dalyanda dev deniz kaplumbaalar da Caretta
Carettalar kadar ilgi ekiyor. (stte)
Theater of the Ancient City of Kaunos (left), huge sea turtles in Dalyan attract as much
interest as loggerhead sea turtles. (above)
World Museums
a short walk through the louvre
museum, home to the major works
of world s hstory of art: t s has
been mentoned that f one spends
only one mnute to admre each
exhbted tem, one wll need 364 days
to complete the vst of the museum.
Louvre ve Cam Piramit (solda),
Mona Lisa tablosu. (stte)
Louvre and the Glass Pyramid
(left), Mona Lisa painting.
dnya sanat tarihinin en nemli
eserlerine ev sahiplii yapan ve
her eseri iin sadece bir dakika
ayrlsa, ziyaretin ancak 364
gnde tamamlanaca sylenen
louvre mzesinde ksa bir gezinti.
s anat
Louvre Mzesi
Sevin Akyazl
Louvre is certainly one of the most preponderant symbols of Paris. In
Paris, referred to as the world capital of love, romanticism and art,
narrated and portrayed in countless novels, poems and paintings, the
cultural, artistic and touristic life of the city is unfolding around Louvre.
As much as it is impossible, when visiting Paris, to ignore the Champs
Elyse, with its magnificent historical buildings, its colourful cafs and
restaurants where the most exclusive tastes of French cuisine and the
most exquisite French wines are served, such is the case for the Louvre
where you find the most outstanding masterpieces of world cultural
Originally a residential palace to French royalty, the building, having
resisted the corrosive impact of centuries, fires and plunders, is nowadays
more than a museum, a living and breathing monument with its ever-
growing splendour and grandeur. The palace was converted into a
museum following the French Revolution. The Louvre which opened its
doors on 10 August 1793, under the name of Muse Central des Arts with
only 537 oil paintings as Frances first national museum, houses today
one of the worlds largest and most stunning artwork collections.
The original Louvre was built as a fortress 807 years ago in 1204 under the
reign of King Philip (II) Augustus. Remnants of the fortress are still visible
in the basement level. The building was extended many times to form the
present Louvre Palace. It was the actual seat of power where French kings
lived and governed, until Louis XIV moved his court and government to
Versailles in 1682. The Louvre was then essentially abandoned, no royal
personages residing there and its apartments being farmed out to the
royal academies, until the Revolution turned it into a public museum. The
building was set afire by the insurgent Communards during the Commune
de Paris upheaval in 1871, but was only partly damaged, the fire having
been prevented from spreading.
Subject to never-ending restoration and renovation endeavours during the
and 20
centuries, the Museum utilizes nowadays a total exhibition
area of 68 thousand square meters. However, a large portion of its
collections still remains in storage rooms due to the lack of sufficient
exhibition space.
Louvreun en ok ziyareti eken eseri, Da Vincinin Mona Lisas (stte), Milo Vens
(st sada), mze bahesinden genel grnt. (sa sayfada)
Louvres most popular attraction, Da Vincis Mona Lisa (above), Venus de Milo
(above right), general view of the garden of the museum. (right page)
ukusuz, Paris denilince akla gelen ilk simgelerden biri Lo-
uvre Mzesidir. Romanlara, iirlere, resimlere konu olan,
akn, romantizmin ve sanatn bakenti olarak anlan
Parisin kltr-sanat hayat, turizmi, Louvreun evresinde
akar. Champ Elysee birbirinden renkli cafeleri, Fransz da-
mak tadnn en sekin lezzetlerinin, enfes araplarn servis edildii restoranlar,
gz alan tarihi yaplar ile nasl Parisin olmazsa olmazysa, Louvre da yledir.
Fransz Kraliyet Ailesine ev sahiplii yapan Louvre, zamann ypratc etkisine,
yangnlara, yamalara direnmi, yaayan ve yaadka byyen bir abideye d-
nmtr. Fransz htillinden sonra, 10 Austos 1793te, 537 para yalboya
tablo ile alan ve Fransadaki ilk devlet mzesi olma zelliini tayan Louvre,
bugn dnyann en geni sanat koleksiyonlarndan birine sahip.
Gnmzden 807 yl nce, 1204 ylnda Fransa Kral Phillip Auguste tarafndan
ina ettirilen ve 14nc yzylda kraliyet merkezine dnen Louvre, sarayn
15inci yzylda Loirenin kysna tanmasyla bakmsz kald. 1871de kan
byk yangnda ise ciddi biimde hasar grd. Yangnn bu grkemli binada
yaratt tahribat o kadar byk oldu ki, tadilat ancak 61 ylda bitirilebildi. 1932
ylnda biten bakm ve onarm almalar sonucu Louvre bugnk halini ald.
Diplomatik krize neden oldu
Avrupann en ok ziyareti arlayan mzesi sfatn tayan Louvre Mzesi, Re-
sim, Heykel, Dou Sanatlar, Msr Sanatlar, Yunan Sanatlar, Sanat Eser-
leri ve Desen blmleri olmak zere 7 blmden meydana geliyor. Tam 68 bin
metrekarelik sergi alanna ramen mzede ciddi bir yer sknts yaanyor. Bu
nedenle mzenin sahip olduu eserlerin byk bir blm depolarda tutuluyor.
Dou Sanatlar blmnde, birbirinden zel heykeller ve Akat uygarlklarndan
eserler bulunduran mzenin en ilgi ekici blmlerinden biri de Msr Sanatlar
blm. Kahire Fransz Enstits tarafndan yaplan aratrmalarda ortaya kan
ve Msrdan Fransaya getirilen eserler, iki lke arasnda zaman zaman diploma-
tik krizlerin kmasna yol aacak kadar nemli. Yunan Sanatlar Blmnde,
2009 ylnda 8.5 milyon kiiyi arlayan
Louvre, Avrupann en ok ziyareti alan
mzesi nvanna sahip.
Avrupann enine en geni binas olan
Louvre, yere yatrlarak arka arkaya eklenmi
3 Eyfel Kulesinden daha uzun.
Bir turist ortalama 7 saatini mzede
Fransann Lens ehrinde ve Birleik
Arap Emirliklerinin bakenti Abu Dabide
iki Louvre Mzesi daha ina ediliyor.
Fransada ina edilen yeni mzede, Louvreda
sergilenemeyen eserler gsterime girecek.
Koleksiyona en ok katk salayan devlet
adam, ele geirdii lkelerin eserlerini
Louvrea getiren Napolyon Bonapartedr.
slam Eserleri blmnde sergilenen
Osmanl ve Trk eserlerinin yzde 90 znikten
gtrlen mavi inilerden oluuyor.
The Louvre who welcomed 8,5 million
visitors in 2009, holds the title of the
European museum receiving the greatest
number of visitors.
The Louvre is Europes broadest building
in width. In length, it is larger than three times
the height of the Eiffel Tower.
Each visitor spends an average of seven
hours at the Louvre Museum.
Two more Louvre dependencies are being
constructed, the first in Lens in France, the
second in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United
Arab Emirates. These are destined to house
the pieces which are kept in storage in Paris
due to the lack of sufficient exhibition space
at the main Louvre Museum.
Napoleon Bonaparte
is the statesman who
contributed the most
to the collections of the
Louvre, since he brought
back many vestiges and
works of art from his
military campaigns in
Europe and elsewhere,
particularly from
Ottoman and
Turkish objects
exhibited in the
Department of
Islamic Art consist
to a large extent of
blue znik tiles and
M.. 2 bin yl ile M.S. 3nc yzyl eserlerini, Sanat Eserleri Blmnde, Ortaadan gnmze kadar
gelen ssleme sanatnn en iyi rneklerini grmek mmkn. Ortaa Fransz ve Avrupa resim koleksiyon-
larnn en kymetli eserlerinin yer ald Resim Blmnde, dnya tarihinin akn betimleyen tablolar
nemli yer tutuyor. Heykel Blm ise Avrupa heykel sanatnn en nemli eserlerini barndryor.
Mona Lisann srr
M.. 6nc yzyldan M.S. 19uncu yzyla kadar tarihlenen 35 bin para sanat eserine ev sahiplii yapan
mzenin en ilgi eken eseri, kukusuz ki Leonardo Da Vincinin 1503 ylnda balad ve drt ylda
bitirdii Mona Lisas. Kimlii hatta yz ifadesi bile tam olarak zlemeyen, ardnda srlar, ifreler, gizler
brakt dnlen Mona Lisa, tarihin en gizemli hanmefendilerinden biri olarak Louvreda ziyareileri-
ni arlyor. Son yllarda Leonardo Da Vinci ve gizemcilik konularnda yazlan romanlar, 77x53 santimetre
ebadndaki esere ilgiyi daha da arttrd. Bu sanat aheserini yakndan grmek isteyen sanatseverler ve
gizem avclar Mona Lisann nnde uzun kuyruklar oluturuyor, bilim adamlar ise hala tablonun srrn
zmeye alyor.

Fransz Devriminin simgesi
Yine mzenin en ok ziyareti toplayan eserlerinden biri de, ressam Eugene Delacroixnn, Halka Yol
Gsteren zgrlk isimli tablosu. Tablo, 1830da Kral X. Charlesn tahttan indirilmesine sebep olan halk
ayaklanmasnn ansna yaplm, tm dnyada Fransz Devriminin bir simgesi olarak kabul grmt.
Fransann en nemli ressamlarndan saylan Delacroixy, airlerin Prensi kabul edilen Baudelaire,
Rnesans dneminin son, modern dnemin ise ilk byk ressam olarak tanmlamt. Tabloda gzel bir
kadn olarak resmedilen zgrlk, bir elinde Fransz bayra, dier elinde tfei ile dnemin devrimcileri-
ne yol amt.
Modern a gizemi mi
estetik katliam m
Sanat tarihileri ve ehir planlamaclarnn en sert eletirdii yaplardan
biri de Louvrea giri kaps olarak tasarlanan Cam Piramitler. Dnemin
Fransa Devlet Bakan Franois Mitterand tarafndan grevlendirilen, in
asll Amerikal Mimar Leoh Ming Peinin tasarm olan cam piramitlerin
1989 ylndaki al, sadece Fransz basn ve sanat evreleriyle snrl
kalmayan bir eletiri frtnasna yol at. Hatta Fransz gazeteleri,
Mitterandn kendini lmszletirmeye alan bir firavun olduunu
bile yazmt. Antik gizemleri aa karmak zere yazlan kitaplarn
ve komplo teorilerinin fazlasyla ilgi ektii 2000lerde ise bu Cam
Piramitlerin, kimi zaman Mason, kimi zaman da lluminati sembol
olduu savlar tartld. Ancak bu alanda yazlan hibir kitap, Dan
Brownun Da Vinci ifresi kadar ilgi ekmedi. Louvre Mzesi mdrnn
ldrl ile balayan roman, Vatikan ile mcadele halindeki lluminati
Tarikatnn izini sryor ve Cam Piramitleri de bir modern zaman ifresi
olarak tanmlyordu.
Srf bu nedenle bile mzenin ziyareti saysnda art yaand. Cam
piramitlerin mimar Pei bir rportajda, Kimse insanlarn Louvrea
piramitleri grmek iin geleceini tahmin edemezdi. Piramitin bir ikon
haline geleceini hi dnmemitim. demiti. zerinde tartmalarn
tkenmedii Cam Piramitler, imdi yeni ziyareti saysn kaldrabilecek
ekilde yeniden tasarlanyor.
Mystery of modern times or
aesthetic massacre?
Art historians and urban planners who created an uproar as the Eiffel
Tower was erected in Paris at the turn of the twentieth century, were
also the usual suspects who severely criticized the project of the
glass pyramids meant to serve as entrance gates to the Louvre. The
inauguration, in 1989, of the Glass Pyramids built in the courtyard of
the Louvre Museum by renowned Sino-American architect Ieoh Ming
Pei, commissioned by the then French President Franois Mitterrand,
caused a big charivari in the French public opinion and art circles;
the French media suggested that Franois Mitterrand was seeking, by
having these pyramids built, to immortalize himself in the fashion of
the Egyptian pharaohs. At the outset of our twenty-first century, where
books on antique secrets and on plot and conspiracy theories became
very popular, the Louvre pyramids have been referred to as Masonic and/
or Illuminati symbols. The most interesting book in this regard is The
Da Vinci Code of American author Dan Brown. The story begins with the
murder of the Director of the Louvre Museum, goes on searching the
traces of the secret Illuminati sect, which is presented in constant fight
against the Vatican, in all European historical works of art. According
to the book, the Glass Pyramids of the Louvre keep the secret code of a
contemporary mystery. Hence, the book paved the way for a substantial
increase in the number of visitors to the Louvre. Architect I.M.Pei said in
an interview, Nobody would have guessed that people would come to
the Louvre to see the pyramids. I never thought that the pyramid itself
would become an icon. The ever-controversial glass pyramids are now
in the process of being re-designed in order to accommodate the rising
number of visitors.
Diplomatic crisis
The collection of the Louvre, Europes first-ranking museum with the largest number of visitors, is grouped into eight
Curatorial Departments, namely, Paintings, Sculptures, Near Eastern Antiquities, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan,
and Roman Antiquities, Islamic Art, Decorative Arts, Prints and Drawings. The Near Eastern Department houses very
special antique sculptures dating from the Achaemenid period in Assyria. The Department of Egyptian Antiquities is
probably one of the most interesting parts of the museum. It presents vestiges from the civilizations that developed in the
Nile Valley from the late prehistoric era (c. 4000 BC) to the Christian period (4
century AD). These vestiges, excavated by
the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo and brought over to Paris, are of such great significance that they
continue to cause diplomatic disputes between France and Egypt, who claims that the historical pieces should be
returned to their homeland. The Department for Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities present sculptures and
wall-paintings from the period between 2000 BC and 300 AD. In the Department of Decorative Arts, one can admire
the most outstanding examples of decorative arts from the Middle Ages up to our era. The most valuable specimen
of medieval French and European painting and major masterpieces of the art of painting describing the course of
world history occupy a foremost place in the Department of Paintings. The Department of Sculptures houses the
most important samples of the European art of sculpture.
Mona Lisas secret
The best-known piece in this museum, housing 35 thousand different pieces
dating from the 6
century BC to the 19
century AD, is undoubtedly the portrait
known under the name of Mona Lisa, which Leonardo da Vinci started painting in
1503 and finished in four years. Mona Lisa, the lady whose identity is unknown, never
revealing the mystery of the expression on her face, who drags along countless legends,
secret codes and mysteries, is welcoming her visitors in the Louvre
as one of the most enigmatic ladies of history. The books
published in recent years on mysticism and Leonardo da Vinci
contributed to an increased interest for the painting having the
dimensions of 77x53 cm. Experts still pursue their efforts to analyze
and unravel the secret of the challenging smile of Mona Lisa. From the
very entrance of the museum, signboards indicate the way to follow in order
to reach the most famous painting of the world. The public has to stand quite
long time in queue before being able to see Mona Lisa at close range.
Symbol of the French Revolution
Liberty Leading the People, painted by Eugne Delacroix, the
acknowledged leader of the Romantic school in French painting, is yet
another artwork attracting a great number of visitors. The painting is
commemorating the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled Charles X of France. A woman
personifying Liberty leads the people forward over the bodies of the fallen, holding the tricolore flag of
the French Revolution in one hand and brandishing a bayoneted musket with the other. The painting is
perhaps Delacroixs best-known work and considered symbol of the French Revolution all over the
world. The painting inspired the Statue of Liberty in New York City, which was given to the United States
as a gift from the French only 50 years after Liberty Leading the People had been painted. Baudelaire, the
Prince of Poets characterized Delacroix as the last great representative of Renaissance painting and the
first great painter of the modern period.
Louvre Mzesi Avrupann
enine en geni binasdr
(stte), Daphneyi takip eden
Apollo. (altta)
Louvre Museums building
is the longest building in
Europe (above), Apollo
following Daphne. (below)
hititten osmanlya
imparatorlar istanbulda
istanbul arkeoloji mzeleri, hitit dneminden osmanl
imparatorluuna kadar uzanan 3 bin 500 yllk srete
anadolu topraklarnda hkm sren imparatorlar arlyor.
the istanbul museums of archaeology are hostng the
emperors who regned on anatolan lands for 3 thousand 500
years, from the httte era to the ottoman empre.
It is common knowledge that Anatolia is a fertile soil where
many great civilizations flourished, a treasure of cultures.
Nevertheless, it is still very impressive to see the emperors, the
kings, the sultans who represent those civilizations gathered in
one place. It gives you the feeling that, up until then, you failed to
realize the grandeur and the richness of that treasure. Meanwhile,
we are talking about a limited number of civilizations, not all of
those who set foot here in Anatolia but only the greatest: the Hittite
Empire, the Persian Empire, the Empire of Alexander the Great, the
Macedonian, the Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire and the
Ottoman Empire...
The magnificent exhibition at the stanbul Museums of Archaeology,
composed of various artefacts from several museums of different regions
of Anatolia, including giant marble statues, ancient coins, manuscripts,
seals and many other articles, constitutes a real festival of history. The
210 items displayed at this exhibition, organized with the assistance of
Minister of Culture and Tourism, Erturul Gnay, were selected from 16
different museums, from 14 museums under the administration of the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and 2 military museums under the
administration of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces.
In the first section, the visitor is met by the Emperors of the Hittite
Empire who reigned 2000 B.C. over a large portion of Anatolia and partly
nadolunun nasl bir uygarlklar hazine-
si olduu bilinir, hep sylenir. Yine de o
uygarlklar temsil eden imparatorlar, krallar,
sultanlar bir arada grmek insan artyor.
Hazinenin zenginliini, bykln kavraya-
mamm duygusu uyandryor. stelik bunu, Anadoludan gelip
geen uygarlklarn tmne deil de sadece en byklerine yer
vererek yapyor: Hitit mparatorluu, Pers mparatorluu, Makedon-
yal skenderin mparatorluu, Roma mparatorluu, Dou Roma
mparatorluu (Bizans) ve Osmanl mparatorluu...
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerindeki muhteem sergi, Anadolunun
deiik mzelerinden seilmi dev mermer heykellerden sikkelere, el
yazmalarndan mhrlere birok eserle, bir tarih leni yaatyor.
Kltr ve Turizm Bakan Erturul Gnayn katklaryla dzenlenen
sergide, bakanla bal 14, Genelkurmay Bakanlna
Hadrianus Byk skender Alexander the Great Byk Kostantin Constantine the Great Augustus
bal 2 olmak zere toplam
16 mzeden gelen 210 eser
Serginin birinci blmnde
ziyaretiyi, M.. 2 bin ylda
Anadolunun byk bl-
mnde ve zaman
zaman da Ku-
zey Suriyeye
de hkm sren Hitit mparatorluunun iz brakan
imparatorlar karlyor. mparatorlar betimleyen
kabartmalar ve onlar temsil eden eserler, eitli
fotoraflarla desteklenerek sergileniyor. kinci b-
lmde, tarihe damgasn vurmu iki byk uygarln
izi srlyor: Biri, doudan gelerek M.. 6 ve 7nci
yzyllar arasnda Anadoluyu egemenlii altna alan
ve Yunanistana uzanan Pers mparatorluu... Die-
ri batdan gelerek M.. 4 ila 1inci yzyllar arasnda
Anadoludan Hindistana uzanan Makedonyal skenderin
imparatorluu... Sadece yaadklar a deil, tarihin akn
etkileyen bu iki uygarlk heykeller, kabartmalar ve sikkelerin
yan sra bilgi panolaryla anlatlyor.
nc blmde, M.. 27 ylnda Roma Cumhuriyetini sarsan
savalara son veren Octavianus ile balayan Roma mparatorlu-
u eserleri sergileniyor.
Burdura bal Sagalassos Antik Kentinde ortaya kartlan
Hadrianus ve Marcus Aurelius heykellerine ait kolossal (deva-
Hanedan- Ali Osman Nian. (stte)
Arkadius Ba. (altta ortada)
Order of the Illustrious Ottoman
Dynasty. (above)
Head of Arcadius. (below, middle)
over Northern Syria. The
bas-reliefs depicting the
emperors and various
other objects
representing them are
supported by
shots of the
original places
where they
At the second section, we are following the trails of
two giant civilizations: first the Persian Empire,
coming from the east and going all the way to Greece,
subjugating Anatolia between the 6
and 7

centuries B.C... The second, coming from the west
and stretching from Anatolia all the way to India in
the 4
century B.C. and lasting until the 1
B.C., the Empire of Alexander the Great, the
Macedonian... Those two empires having not only made
a great impact during their era but left deep traces behind
them in history, are represented through statues, bas-
reliefs, coins and their history is presented to the public of
information boards.
The third section is presenting the Roman Empire, starting
in 27 B.C., with Octavianus who put an end to the wars
shaking the Republic of Rome. The sculpture fragments
believed to belong to giant statues of Hadrianus and
Marcus Aurelius found during the excavations at the
Roma mparatoru Marcus Aurelius.
Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
Hadrianus Ba.
Head of Hadrian.
Grkemli sergiye grkemli al
Hititten Osmanlya-mparatorlar stanbulda isimli serginin,
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri bahesinde yaplan al treninde,
brokratlar, sivil toplum rgt temsileri ve sanatseverler bir
araya geldi. Trende konuan Kltr ve Turizm Bakan Erturul
Gnay, Bir Kltr Bakannn duyabilecei en gzel heyecan,
lkesinde sergilerin, yeni ve gzel mzelerin almasn
grmek, milyonlarca insann cebinde Mzekartn olduunu
bilmek ve bu alandaki ilginin gen kuaklara doru dalga dalga
yayldn hissetmeye balam olmaktr. Bu sergiyi nce
dier kentlerimize sonra da dnyaya tamalyz. mparatorlar
stanbulda... Bundan daha gzel bir sergi ismi olabilir mi?
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerini yenilemek iin TRSAB ile
birlikte altklarn dile getiren Bakan Erturul Gnay,
Sevinle sylemek isterim ki, 4 yllk abalarmz amacna
ulayor. diye konutu.
Serginin alnda, Kltr ve Turizm Bakan Erturul Gnay
ve ei Glten Gnay, Birlemi Milletler Dnya Turizm rgt
Genel Sekreteri Taleb Rifai, stanbul Valisi Hseyin Avni Mutlu,
Fatih Belediye Bakan Mustafa Demir, TRSAB Bakan
Baaran Ulusoy ve ei adiye Ulusoy, stanbul Kltr Sanat
Vakf Bakan Blent Eczacba, Sabanc Holding Ynetim
Kurulu Bakan Gler Sabanc, Akbank Ynetim Kurulu
Bakan Suzan Sabanc Diner, DDF Bakan Esra Ekmeki
ile Trkiyenin tantm yz seilen manken Tlin ahin gibi
isimler de hazr bulundu.

The Exhibition From Hittites to Ottomans, Emperors Gather in stanbul was
inaugurated with a solemn ceremony held at the gardens of the stanbul
Archaeological Museums, attended by prominent guests from bureaucracy,
non-governmental organizations and art lovers. In his inaugural speech, the Minister
of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Erturul Gnay shared his feelings in following words:
The highest enjoyment for a Minister of Culture is to experience the opening of
interesting exhibitions, of excellent new museums, to know that millions of people
in his country are in possession of the Museum Card opening the doors of museums
to them, that the interest for culture is expanding in progressive waves to the
younger generations. We must take this exhibition to other cities in our country and
also present it to the world abroad. Can there be a more adequate title for this
exhibition than Emperors Gather in stanbul?. Referring to the cooperation
established some time ago between his Ministry and TRSAB concerning the
re-structuring and modernization of the stanbul Archaeological Museums, Minister
Gnay said: I am happy to note that our joint endeavours are bearing fruit in the
direction of our common goals. Present at the opening ceremony were, among
other, the Minister of Culture and Tourism and his spouse Ms. Glten Gnay, the
Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Mr.
Taleb Rifai, the Governor of the stanbul Province, Mr. Hseyin Avni Mutlu, the
Mayor of the Fatih District, Mr. Mustafa Demir, the President of TRSAB (Association
of Turkish Travel Agencies), Mr. Baaran Ulusoy and his spouse adiye Ulusoy, the
President of the stanbul Culture and Art Foundation, Mr. Blent Eczacba, the
Chairperson of the Governing Board of Sabanc Holding Ms. Gler Sabanc,
Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Akbank, Suzan Sabanc Diner, Chairperson
of DDF, Esra Ekmeki and Ms. Tlin ahin, renowned fashion model appointed the
smiling face of Turkish tourism industry.
sa) boyutta ba, bacak, ve ayak paralar serginin en
arpc eserlerini oluturuyor. Bunlarn dnda,
mparatorie Livia ba, mparator Claudius
ve Agrippina kabartmas, mparator
Neronun heykeli de sergilenen eser-
ler arasnda yer alyor.
Drdnc blmde ser-
gi, Dou Roma (Bizans)
mparatorluu ile devam
ediyor. Bu dnemden
gnmze kalan az say-
daki eser, mozaik, sikke
ve minyatr basklaryla
destekleniyor. stanbulu
bakent olarak seen
ba, ona ait olduu
dnlen lahit
paras, Arcadiusun
bst ve IIInc Tut-
mosis dikilitann kai-
desinde yer alan imparator
ve maiyeti kabartmasnn mulaj, bu blm
zenginletiren eserler arasnda yer alyor.
Beinci blm, Osmanl mparatorluuna ait
eserlerden oluuyor. Osmanl kltr ve sana-
tn ifade eden, mparatorluk kavram balamnda
simgesel nem tayan, padiahlarn zel ve resmi yaantsn izleyiciye ak-
taracak eserler sergileniyor. Padiah portreleri, silahlar, mhrler, sorgular,
murassa eya, ferman ve kaftanlar sergilenen eserler arasnda yer alyor.
Osmanl sultanlaryla sona eren sergi, kelimenin tam anlamyla tarihe bir
yolculuk... Serginin kahramanlar 3 bin 500 yl boyunca bu topraklara hk-
metti. Ama sizin gezip grmek iin sadece haftalarnz var. Sergi 1 Austos
gnne kadar devam edecek. Yolunuz derse de, bilin ki sizi kendi alarn-
da dnyay titretmi imparatorlar, krallar, sultanlar karlayacak!
Antique city of Sagalassos near Burdur, heads, legs and feet
of colossal dimensions constitute the most striking
elements of the exhibition. Furthermore, the head of
Empress Livia, the bas-reliefs of Claudius and Agrippina, the
statue of Emperor Nero are other interesting pieces of this
section. The fourth section is reserved to the Eastern
Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire. Although limited
in number, mosaics, coins, miniatures, the head of a
statue believed to be that of Constantine who made
stanbul (Byzantium) the capital of his empire, a
piece of sarcophagus believed to belong to
Constantine as well, the bust of Arcadius, the
cast of the bas-relief of the Emperor and his
suite which is carved on the pedestal of the
Egyptian Tutmosis III obelisk located near
the Grand Bazaar in stanbul are among
those interesting pieces on display at
this section.
The fifth section is devoted to articles
from the Ottoman Empire: Portraits of
Sultans, arms, seals, panaches
(helmet crests), jewellery and
bejewelled objects, imperial orders
(decrees) and caftans (imperial
robes). Those articles reflecting the
Ottoman culture and art, pieces with
a symbolic value within the context of
the concept of Empire, items
objectifying the private and public
life of the sultans to the public,
represent the last great empire
having flourished on these
territories. The exhibition is
literally a historical journey from the
Hittites to the Ottomans. The characters of
this story are heroes who ruled these
territories for 3 thousand and 500 years. But
you only have a few weeks to see them at the
exhibition which is going to last until the 1
August 2011.
Mermer Tiran Ba Pers (stte). Murassa mifer 16. yy. (yanda)
Marble Head of a Persian Tyrant (above). Jeweled helmet from 16
century. (on the side)
Stately inauguration for a stately exhibition
If Stones
Could Speak
Hmeyra Konyar
Rasim Konyar
Artemis Tapna
Temple of Artems
dnyann 7 harikas arasnda saylan artemis tapna dneminin
en grkemli mermer yapsyd. antik an mimari eserleri arasnda
ilk ant olarak da anlan tapnaktan bugn yalnzca bir ka
ta paras kald ama artemisin hreti hi azalmad. tanray
betimleyen farkl heykel ise efes mzesinin ba tac oldu.
the temple of artems (artemson), known as one the seven wonders of the
ancent world, was the most mpressve marble monument of ts tme.
t was known as the frst monument among the archtectural buldngs
of the antque perod. although there are only very poor remans of ths
temple today, the fame of artems never faded away. the three dfferent
statues depctng the goddess consttute nowadays the foremost peces of
the ephesus museum.
Efes Arkeoloji Mzesinde sergilenen Artemis heykelleri (solda) ve Philips Gallenin izimiyle Artemis Tapna.
Statues of Artemis exhibited in the Ephesus Archaeological Museum (left) and the Temple of Artemis drawn by Philips Galle.
zmirin Seluk ilesinde yer alan Artemis Tapna kalntlar (solda), tanra heykelinin boynundaki
kolyeden detaylar (stte) ve Efes Artemisi. (sa sayfa)
Remains of the Temple of Artemis in the Seluk district of zmir (left), details from the necklace on
the goddess statue (above) and Artemis of Ephesus. (right page)
iyasi ve ticari adan dnemin en nl kentlerinden biri olan Efes,
Meryem Ana, St. Jean ve St. Paulun gelmesiyle dini bir merkez ola-
rak da dikkat ekmeye balamt. Depremler ve istilalar ile birka kez
ykldysa da, her yeni gelen halk iin kutsal sayld. Bu kutsalln en
geerli sembol ise Artemis Tapna idi.
Dnyann 7 Harikas arasnda saylan Artemis Tapna, dneminin en byk ve en grkemli
mermer yapsyd. Antik an mimari eserleri arasnda ilk ant olarak da anlan tapnan
yaklak 138 metre boyunda ve 70 metre eninde olduu, 127 stun zerinde ykseldii bili-
niyor. Tarih boyunca defalarca yamalanan bu muhteem yapdan gnmze ne yazk ki bir
ka ta paras kald... Tapnak talarnn St. Jean Kilisesi, Ayasofya gibi yaplarn inasnda
kullanld biliniyor. Kaz srasnda ele geen deerli fildii, altn ve bronz paralar ise bu-
gn British Museum ve stanbul Arkeoloji Mzesinde sergileniyor.
Anadolunun anaerkil toplumlar kadn ba tac etmi, kadn ve anay, simgeleyen tanra-
lar yaratmt. Amazonlardan balayan ve byyerek yaylan bu inan, birbirinden muhte-
em ok sayda kutsal alan, tapnak ve tanra heykellerinin yaratlmasna neden olmutu.
Ephesus, one of the most significant political and commercial cities of its time, came also to
be known as a religious centre due to the stay there of Virgin Mary, St. John and St. Paul.
Earthquakes and invasions caused several times the destruction of the city. But Ephesus
always remained a sacred city in the eyes of each new population which settled on its territory.
The actual symbol of this holiness was the Temple of Artemis. Considered one the Seven
Wonders of the World, the Temple was the largest and the most spectacular marble structure of
its time. In historical sources, the temple is described as 138 meters long and 70 meters wide
made almost entirely of marble. The Temple consisted of 127 columns, each 19 meters in
height; many of which were carved decoratively. Only a few stone parts remain today on the
location of this once sumptuous building which was plundered several times throughout
history... Marble fragments of the temple were used in the construction of structures such as
the St. John Church and the Hagia Sophia Basilica. The valuable ivory, gold and bronze
artefacts discovered in archaeological excavations are now being displayed at the British
Museum in London and the stanbul Archaeological Museum.
Women were held in great esteem and honoured by old Anatolian matriarchal civilizations who
created sacred mother figures and worshipped female gods. This tradition, originating from
the Amazons and expanding in time and geography, paved the way to the creation of various
sacred spaces, temples and goddess statues.
From Artemis to Virgin Mary
As the cult of the Mother Goddess in Anatolian homes turned into the worship of Mother
First destruction of the Temple of Artemis was carried
out by the Kimmerians (Cimmerians) coming from
the Caucasus. During the reconstruction, Herostratus,
a young man and historic arsonist seeking notability
burned down and destroyed the temple again. To the
question, Why Artemis, if a goddess, was not able
to protect her own temple?, the people of Ephesus
answered, Alexander the Great was just being born,
Artemis went to assist and help his birth... If she did
or not is another question, but, in fact, as years later
Alexander the Great came to Ephesus, the restoration
of the temple was still going on. Since Alexander was
deeply impressed by Ephesus and Artemis, he offered
to help complete the reconstruction of the temple, on
one condition, that his name be written on the votive
stone. The smart people of Ephesus then answered:
A god cannot offer oblation to another god.
So the people of Ephesus, keen on safeguarding the
independence of their goddess, were able to solve the
issue, thanks to their quick wit and subtle diplomacy,
without provoking Alexanders anger...
lk ola rak Kim mer ler ta ra fn dan y k lan ta p nak,
ye ni den in a edi lir ken bu yol la n l ola ca n
d nen bir akl hastas ta ra fn dan bir kez daha
y kl m t. Efes li ler, Ar te mis bir tanraysa, ken di
ta p na n ne den ko ru ya ma d? so ru su ze ri ne,
B yk s ken der dn ya ya ge li yor du, do u ma yar d-
ma git mi ti ya n t n ver mi ler di... Do u mu na yar-
dm et mi miy di bi lin mez ama B yk s ken der yl lar
son ra ken te gel di in de ta p na n onarm hl de-
vam edi yor du. Efesten ve Ar te misten ok et ki le nen
s ken der, adak ta na ken di ad nn da ya zl ma s
ko u luy la ta p na n bi ti ril me si ne yar dm ede ce i ni
sy le yin ce Efes li ler u ce va b ver mi ler di: Bir tan r,
di er bir tan r ya adak ta bu lu na maz... Ar te misin
ba m sz l n ko ru ma ya a l an Efes li ler, in ce bir
ze ka ve dip lo ma tik bir ce vap la, B yk s ken deri kz-
dr ma dan so ru nu z m ler di...
ince diplomasisi
The subtle diplomacy of the
people of Ephesus
Artemisden Meryem Anaya
Evlerdeki Tanr Ana tapnaklardaki
Kybeleye dntnde nitelikleri ay-
nyd: Toprak, doa ve bereketi temsil
ediyordu. atalhyk iin Ana Tan-
ra neyse, Anadoluda Kybele,
Mezopotamyada tar, Egede
Artemis oydu... Bat Anadoluda
ortaya kan Artemis de bu inancn
devamyd. zelliklerine dourgan-
lk, bekaret ve savalk eklenmiti.
sann havarilerinden St. Paul, M.S.
53 ylnda geldii Efeste, Hristiyanl yay-
maya alrken karsna kan en byk engel
Artemise duyulan inant. Hristiyan inancna halk-
tan gelen olumlu yaklamlar, Artemis Tapnana
byk apta i yapan altn ve gm ustalarnn
tepkisini ekmiti. Kuyumcularn en byk geliri
Artemis ile ilgili rettikleri taklard ve saya duyul-
maya balanan inan, bu pazarn ellerinden kayma-
sna neden olacakt. Bu kaygyla balayan direni,
kentte byk bir ayaklanmaya dnecek ve St. Paul
bir daha dnmemek zere Efesi terk edecekti...
Artemis Tapna, zengin snfn kasasna dn-
tke, ezilen halk, tpk Roma ve Bizansta olduu
gibi Hristiyanl benimsemeye balamt. Mer-
yem Ana da onlar iin tpk Artemis gibi bakire ve
anayd... Gnmzde Seluk Mzesinde sergilenen
ve her gn binlerce ziyareti tarafndan hayranlkla
izlenen Artemis heykelinin zellikleri:
Artemis, bandaki katl kuleyle tapnaklar ve
kentleri koruduunu ifade eder.
Bir Ay Tanras olarak gsndeki ember, do-
lunay simgeler. emberin iki yannda Grifon olarak
bilinen, yars aslan, yars kartal olarak betimlenen
mitolojik hayvanlar yer alr.
Bunun altnda 12 burcu temsil eden gerdanl var-
Gsnde drt sra halinde dizili olan yaklak 40
meme (baz kaynaklar erkekliin simgesi olarak grr),
bolluk ve bereketin simgesidir.
Elbisesinin eteinde alt kat halinde sralanm hey-
kelciklerin tm dnemin kutsal hayvanlardr. Bunlar
srasyla aslan, kei, boa, grifon, sfenks (Eski Msr ve
Yunan mitolojisinde insan bal, aslan gvdeli yaratk-
lar) ve ar figrlerinden oluur.
Mitoloji ve dinlerdeki pek ok yk ve tasvirde oldu-
u gibi Artemisin de kutsal says dr. says
Artemisin karakterini simgeler: Gen kz, evli ka-
dn ve ana. Dourgandr, arlarn kraliesidir. Evren-
deki tm canllarn yneticisidir...
Goddess Cybele in temples, their characteristics
were the same: they represented earth, nature
and abundance. Mother Goddess in atalhyk
(Neolithic settlement in Turkey) Cybele in
central Anatolia, Ishtar in Mesopotamia,
Artemis in the Aegean region, they all
are the links of the same chain.
Artemis represented the continua-
tion of this cult in western Anatolia.
Though she was equipped with
additional characteristics such as
fertility, virginity and belligerence. As
St. Paul, one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ, arrived in
Ephesus in 53 AD, the main obstacle to his efforts to
propagate Christianity was the cult of Artemis. The positive
response of the population to the Christian faith provoked
the harsh reaction of the gold masters and silversmiths
whose main source of income was the manufacture and sale
of gold and silver ornaments and statues of Goddess
Artemis that they were selling at the Artemis Temple. The
assimilation of the population to Christian faith would
deprive them from this vital market. The worries of the
jewellers turned eventually into a large-scale uprising in
Ephesus, as a consequence of which St. Paul had to leave the
city for good... However, since the trade at the Temple of
Artemis was only contributing to the prosperity of the wealthy,
Christianity began to be more and more popular with the poor
people, such as in Rome and Byzantium. Against this back-
ground, Virgin Mary was, in their eyes, a mother and a virgin,
exactly like Artemis...
The characteristics of the Great Artemis statue on display at the
Ephesus Museum, welcoming thousands of visitors every day,
are as follows:
Artemis carries a three-story tower on top of her head. This
means that she is the protector of the temples and towns.
The circle on her chest symbolizes the full-moon; she is a
moon goddess. On each side of the circle are depicted the
mythological creatures, half lion, half eagle known as gryphons.
Below the circle, she wears a necklace representing the twelve
signs of the zodiac.
The four rows of ten breasts each, a total of forty nipples on
her chest are the symbols of abundance and fertility (some
sources see them as symbol of virility).
The series of small sculptures placed on her skirt in six rows
represent the sacred animals of her time: lions, goats, gryph-
ons, sphinx (the creatures with human head and lion trunk in
ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology) and bees.
Three is the sacred number of Artemis, as it is the case in a
variety of religious and mythological traditions. Trinity
symbolizes the three characters of Artemis: maid, wife and
mother. She is prolific, she is the goddess of the bees. She is
the leader of all living beings in the universe.
insanolunun binlerce yldr oynad tavla, zaman ve kaderi temsil ediyor.
iki imparatorun mesajn da gnmze ulatran oyun ztlarn birliini anlatyor...
tpk hayatn kendisi gibi... insanoluna oyun oynayarak ve oynatarak!
Efes Mzesinde sergilenen tavla masalar (solda) ve
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzelerinden tavla ta ve pullar. (stte)
Backgammon tables exhibited in the Ephesus Museum (left)
and backgammon stone and checkers. (above)
the game whch narrates and ressts the tme
backgammon, the game that manknd has been playng for thousands of years.
backgammon, carryng to us the messages of two emperors throughout ages,
has been tellng ts story about the rhythm of tme, the unty of the opposites and
about luck and fortune for thousands of years.
Parayla oynanan ilk oyun
ki kiiyle oynanan bir ans ve yetenek oyunu olarak tanmlayabile-
ceimiz tavlann benzerlerinin M. 3 bin ila bin 700 yllar arasnda
yaygn olarak oynandna dair arkeolojik kalntlar bulunuyor. En
eski kalntlar, tavlann atas olarak tanmlanabilecek Senet denilen
oyuna ait antik objeler... Bu objeler oyunun Antik Msr ve Roma
dneminde icat edilmi olabileceini gsteriyor. Tavla, Pers ve Hint
mparatorluklar, Smer ve Roma medeniyetleri zamannda yaygn-
lat. Roma mparatorluu zamannda, Tabula yani Masa Oyunu
eklinde Trkeye evrilebilecek bir oyuna dnt. Hayli popler
olan Tabulann bu kadar ok sevilmesi ve yaygnlamasnn neden-
lerinden biri de tarihte parayla oynanan ilk oyun olmas.
Hint ve Pers mparatorlarnn birbirlerinin felsefi ve stratejik
zekalarn tartmak iin gelitirdii sembol dili, tavlann gnmzde
oynanan versiyonunun yaratlmasna neden oldu. Bu oyun, tabii ki
ne ran ne de Hindistan ile snrl kald. Ticaret yollar sayesinde bu
kk kutu ve iinde saklad srlar Uzakdouya ulat, Arap igaliy-
le Gney Avrupaya girdi. Hal seferleri de byk ykmlar ve harita
deiiklerinin yansra pek ok kltrel eyle birlikte tavlay da
Avrupaya tad. Yeni Dnya yani Amerikann kefiyle birlikte mede-
niyetin olduu her lkeye ulat. Oyunun ismi yayld lkelere gre
farkllk gsterse de tavla terimi, 1645 ylnda bir ngiliz tarafndan
retildi. Aratrmaclar, terimin Sakson dilinden tretildiini ve geri
oyun anlamna geldiini ileri sryorlar.
enc- se, severler gzeli gencse szn bilmeyen var
mdr bu topraklarda! Ama tavlann tarihinin gnmz-
den bin 400 sene ncesine dayandn, antik kalntlar
arasnda mermer tavlalara ve zarlara rastlandn, tav-
ladaki saylarn zaman ve kaderi temsil ettiini biliyor
Zamana direnerek 21nci yzyla ulaan bu oyunun izini srmek iin tarihin
koridorlarnda elenceli bir gezintiye ne dersiniz?
Gnmzden tam bin 400 yl nce Pers mparatoru Neirvann saraynda bir
gn... Azametli imparator Neirvan, kendisine Hint mparatoru tarafndan bir
mektup ile birlikte gnderilen ve 64 kare zerine yerletirilen talarla oynanan
satrancn srrn zm ancak yine de ne akln ne de kalbini dinginletire-
bilmitir. Hint mparatorunun mektubunda yazan, Kim daha ok dnyor,
kim daha iyi biliyor, kim daha ileriyi gryorsa o kazanr... te hayat budur
szlerine taklmtr akl imparatorun...
En gvendii Veziri Buhur Mehiri de yanna aran imparator, bir sre konu
hakknda dndkten sonra, Hint mparatoruna gnderilmek zere bir oyun
hazrlamasn ister... Ancak bu sradan bir oyun olmamaldr. En az kar taraf
da kendisi kadar dndrecek, strateji gelitirmeye itecek ve mesajn doru
verecek bir oyun olmaldr.
Penc se, severler gzeli gencse (approximate translation: five and three,
to love beauties when they are young is free) is a well-known popular Turkish
rhyming expression which associates luck at dice with the love for young
beauties. Did you know that the origin of backgammon goes back to 1400
years in history, that backgammon tables carved in marble and marble dice
were found in ancient ruins, that each dice number at backgammon is
representing the rhythm of time and fate? Backgammon standing out against
time, regained its former popularity in the 21
century thanks, among other,
to the widespread practice of internet backgammon. Let us now embark upon
an entertaining excursion into the hallways of history to discover and follow
the footsteps of this famous game. The following episode takes place, one
thousand four hundred years ago, in the palace of Persian Emperor Neshirian.
The august Emperor of Persia was successful in untangling the secrets of
chess, a game played with pieces placed on a 64 squares, which was sent to
him as a gift accompanied by a letter by the Emperor of India. Nevertheless,
neither his mind nor his heart were appeased, because he was intrigued and
challenged by the following sentence from the letter of the Emperor of India:
The one who thinks more, who knows better, who has better foresight will
win... This is what is life all about. Emperor Neshirian, after having given
in-depth consideration to the subject matter, calls to him his most trusted
minister, Grand Vizier Buhur Mehir and asks him to invent a new game to be
delivered to the Emperor of India... However, this should not be an ordinary
game, but a game which will constitute as much food for thought as has been
the case for him with chess, which will necessitate developing strategy and
send the right message to the Emperor of India.
Message conveyed by the letter
The Vizier, following weeks of reflection, comes finally before the Emperor
with a small box in his hands, being now sure that he has devised a game in
which he was able to wrap philosophy, mysticism and the proper message to
be conveyed to the Emperor of India... Neshirian is now satisfied and serene,
after getting wise about all the things that this small box is hiding... It is his
turn to send a letter to the Emperor of India, together with the game invented
by his Vizier he is so proud of... And, here below are the eloquent thoughts he
included in that letter: Yes, the one who thinks more, who knows better, who
has better foresight will win, but some luck will help.
Efes Mzesinde sergilenen ta tavlalar (sa sayfa stte) ve Efes Yamaevlerine ait
bir tavla masas. (sa sayfa altta)
Stone backgammon boards exhibited in the Ephesus Museum (right page, top) and
a backgammon table from the Ephesus Slope Houses. (right page, below)
It is not uncommon, based on archaeological evidence, to trace back
to the period between 3000 and 1700 B.C. the widespread practice of
different varieties of this game which can be described as a game of
luck and ability played between two persons. The oldest items found
belong to a game called Senet which can be considered as the
forefather of backgammon. During the time of the Persian Empire,
backgammon became popular in Mesopotamia under the Sumerians.
Tabula - table game is another version of it practiced during the time
of the Roman Empire. The widespread popularity of tabula is
probably to explain, among other, with the fact that it was the first
game of chance played for money, first example of gambling in
history. The symbols language originating from a competition
between two emperors who wanted to test their abilities in the field
of philosophy and strategy led to the creation of backgammon, which
did neither remain confined to the borders of Persia nor to the
borders of India. The box and its secrets travelled first to the far East
through trade routes, reached southern Europe through Arab culture.
The Crusades, on the one hand, caused extensive suffering and
destruction, on the other hand, they were the occasion for various
cultural features of the Orient, including backgammon, to reach
western Europe. Later, following Americas discovery, the New World
also came to know this famous game and finally, the whole civilized
world became acquainted with backgammon, nowadays a universal
game. Its name varies from one region or country to the other.
However, according to researchers, the term backgammon was
probably forged in 1645 from Saxon language by an Englishman and
meant, understandably, back game.
First game played for money
Mektupla giden mesaj
Haftalarca dnen ve bir oyunun iine hem felsefeyi hem mistizmi hem de
mesaj saklamay baaran vezir, sonunda kk bir kutuyla geliverir Neirvann
huzuruna... Neirvan, bu kck kutunun iinde neler saklandn rendi-
inde tatmin olmu ve huzurludur artk... Vezirinin hazrlad oyunla bir de
mektup gnderir Hint mparatoruna...
Mektupta u szler yer almaktadr:
Evet, kim daha ok dnyor, kim daha iyi biliyor, kim daha ileriyi gryorsa
o kazanr ama biraz da ans gerekir.
Pullarn ve zarlarn srr
Peki, Neirvana bu szleri yazdran kck kutu
iinde hangi srlar barndrmakta, hangi mesaj
vermektedir? ncelikle tavlada bir sembol dili
yaratlmtr kutu, zar ve pullar araclyla...
Tarihi tanmlayabildiimiz en temel l yldr
ve bir yl anlatr tavlann kutusu... Drt ke-
si drt mevsimi, tavlann iindeki karlkl
altar hane 12 ay, pullarn toplam ayn 30
gnn, zarlarn zt yzlerindeki saylarn top-
lam olan 7 haftann 7 gnn, siyah beyaz
pullar gece ve gndzn ard ardna gelii-
ni, karlkl 12er hane gnn 24 saatini
simgeler... Tavla, ztlklar zerine kuruludur.
Byk vezir Buhur Mehir, siyah ve beyazn ay-
rlmazln, yenilgi ve zaferin ayn anda yaanmasn, hayat olmadan lmn,
lm olmadan hayatn anlamszln sdrvermitir tavla kutusunun iine.
The secret of the playing pieces and the dice
What is the secret message contained in this small box which inspired
the above statement to Emperor Neshirian? First of all, the backgammon
game created a symbolic language mediated through the box, the dice
and the playing pieces... The basic measure of time is the year; the
backgammon box describes the year. Its four corners are the
four seasons, the two sets of six triangles facing one another in
the backgammon box symbolize the twelve months of
the calendar, the total number of the
playing pieces corresponds to the 30
days of the month; 7, the sum of the
numbers on each pair of the
opposite sides of the dice (6+1, 5+2,
4+3) represent the seven days of the
week, the two groups of black and
white playing pieces represent the
alternation of night and day, the two
rows of twelve triangles facing one
another in the box symbolize the 24
hours of the day. Backgammon is
based on contrast and opposition. It
narrates the story of the dialectical
inseparability of the opposites, of
black and white, of defeat and victory,
of life and death, the meaninglessness
of life without death and of death
without life, all this put in a small box by Grand Vizier Buhur Mehir.
Yet another very exciting excavation was carried out at the
ancient city of Troy, long-time believed to be purely a
myth. In 1871, the German researcher Schliemann was
able to locate Troy and started the excavations. Although
he secretly smuggled the most precious gold jewellery he
found there out of the country, he obtained from the
Government of the Ottoman Empire the authorization to
continue his excavations in 1876. The discovery of Troy
was the most prestigious event in the world of
archaeology next to uncovering Pompeii.
Pompei kadar heyecan verici bir baka kaz
da, efsaneden teye gitmedii sanlan Truva
Kentinde gerekleti. Alman arkeolog Schli-
emann, 1871 ylnda Truvann gerek yerini
saptad. Kazlara balad. Ortaya kard
buluntular gizlice karmasna ramen, 1876
ylnda Osmanl hkmetinden bir kez daha
kaz izni ald. Pompeiden sonra arkeoloji dn-
yasnn en byk yldz Truvay gn na
Arkeolojiye ksaca eskinin bilimi denebilir. Ancak bir bilim dal olarak ok
yenidir. Byk apl ilk kazlar, 18inci yzylda balad. Hem de dnyann
grp grebilecei en dramatik sonula... nk kaz alan, M.S. 79 tarihinde
patlayan Vezv Yanardann klleri altnda kalm antik bir ehirdi. Kaz
bittiinde ortaya, bir anda ta kesmi insanlaryla Pompei kmt.
Herhalde btn arkeologlarn ryas, byle byk projelere, bululara imza
atmaktr. Onlarn banda kayp mezarlar geliyor. zellikle iki byk ismin
mezar: Commagene Kral Antiochos ve Byk Hun mparatoru Attila.
Ne dersiniz? Arkeoloji gerekten de tarihi yeniden yazdracak, stelik her biri
ayr bir film senaryosu olabilecek kadar renkli ykler sunmuyor mu? Yeter ki
Sandk Odasna arada bir urayalm... Daha ne ykler bizi bekliyor, kimbilir!
Archaeology can be called the science of the old. But as a science, it is
quite a young discipline. The first major archaeological excavations date from
the 18
century. And, these resulted in the most dramatic findings the world
could ever imagine... The location where the excavations took place was the
antique city of Pompeii covered by the ashes of the Vesuvius volcano which
erupted in 79 A.D. The sight of the uncovered petrified human bodies was
amazing. Probably every archaeologists dream is to discover one day
something as big as Pompeii. They pursue major goals like finding the lost
tombs of great historical figures such as King Antiochus of Commagene and
Emperor Attila of the Huns.
Indeed, archaeology offers so many occasions to rewrite history and so many
colourful stories to create film scenarios. All you have to do is to look every
now and then at the storage room of history to find new surprises.
Truva Antik Kenti kale duvarlarndan bir kesit
ve simgesel Truva At (aada), Gbeklitepe
ve kazlardan kartlan tapnak talar.
A section from the citadel walls of
the Ancient City of Troy and a
symbolic Trojan Horse (below),
Gbeklitepe and temple
stones unearthed during
excavations. (right)
Storage Room
Aylin en
Hollywoodun nl aktrleri Msr
piramitlerinin labirentlerinde kotu-
rup hain mumyalarla savaadursun,
Trkiye henz tam anlamyla anlayp
anlatamad- olaanst bir arkeo-
loji mirasna sahip. Truva... Nemrut...
Efes... nsanlk tarihini yeniden yaz-
dran atalhyk... Ve daha niceleri.
Ama bu zincirde yle bir halka var
ki, tarihi bir daha yazdracak. ddia-
nn sahibi Alman bilimadam Klaus
Schmidt diyor ki, Bildiimiz herey
Bylesine nemli bir iddiann merkezi,
anlurfaya 20 kilometre mesafede bu-
lunan Gbeklitepe. Schmidt, Gbek-
litepe yksn yle anlatyor: Bu
kalntlara rastladm zaman nmde
iki seenek vard: Ya hi kimseye
birey sylemeden hemen buray
terk edecektim ya da hayatmn
geri kalann burada geirmeye
raz olacaktm. Ben ikinci seenei
setim. Peki, Gbeklitepe bize
ne anlatyor ki, bir bilim adamna
byle bir seim yaptrabiliyor?
te birka yant: Yaklak 12 bin
yl ncesine iaretlenen en eski
tapnak Gbeklitepede yaplm.
Oysa, bu tr yaplarn ok daha ge
dnemlerde ve yerleik hayata gemi
uygarlklarda yapld sanlyordu. Ay-
rca henz anak-mlek yapmay bile
bilmedikleri varsaylyordu. Gbeklite-
pe sakinleri, ite btn bu varsaymlar
tarihe gmd. nk deil anak-
mlek, stunlar olan bir tapnak
ina etmilerdi. Dahas, bu yapnn da
ortaya koyduu zere, yeryznde ilk
RADAYIZ sorusunu kendilerine soran
While Hollywood stars run around the labyrinths of
Egyptian Pyramids fighting terrible mummies, Turkey
possesses an extraordinary archaeological heritage
whose true significance remains still to be
determined. Troy, Mount Nemrut (Nimrod),
Ephesus... atalhyk, the Neolithic
settlement near Konya, which provoked a
re-writing of history and many more sites.
Yes but, there is one new link in the chain
that is going to lead to a renewed re-writing
of history according to German archaeolo-
gist Klaus Schmidt from the University of
Heidelberg. He maintains that all our
knowledge about the prehistoric era would
have to change. The centre of that assertion
lies at Gbekli Tepe, 20 kilometres away from
the city of anlurfa (Edessa) in south-eastern
Turkey. Klaus Schmidt tells the story of this
revolutionary discovery as follows: As I
encountered these vestiges, I had two choices:
either I was not going to tell anyone about this
and I would immediately leave that place or I was
going to spend the rest of my life here! I opted for
the second alternative. Vow! What is here at stake
that incites a scientist to make this choice? Here
some answers: Gbekli Tepe is the oldest human-
made place of worship yet discovered, dated 12
thousand years old! Gbekli Tepe is regarded as an
archaeological discovery of the greatest importance
since it profoundly changes our understanding of a
crucial stage in the development of human
societies. It seems that the erection of monumen-
tal complexes was within the capacities of
hunter-gatherers and not only of sedentary farming
communities as had been previously assumed. In
other words, as excavator Klaus Schmidt puts it:
First came the temple, then the city. The
inhabitants of this place apparently were already
asking themselves the ontological question, What
is the universe and why are we here?
Nemrut Da geit verse, kimbilir nasl bulgulara ulalacak... Kimbilir dnyann en
byk uygarlklarndan Commagene bugnn insanna neler anlatacak... Bilmi-
yoruz. Ama bir baka kaz, bilim insanlarna ok ey anlatt. Chicago niversitesi
arkeologlar getiimiz yaz Trkiyede, Zincirlide yaptklar bir kazda M.. 8inci
yzyla iaretlenen bir mezar ta buldu. Tata 13 satrlk bir yazt vard. Ve o yaztta
Kuttamuwann ruhu iin bir ko kurban edilmesi isteniyordu. Kurban adetinin
tarihini aydnlatmas bir yana, uzmanlara gre yaztn bambaka bir nemi daha var:
Bu kitabe, insanlarn teki dnya ile ilikilerini RUHLARI ile zdeletiren EN ESK
Who knows what we would be able to find about Commagene, one of the earliest and
greatest human civilizations, if it were possible to unveil the mystery of Mount Nemrut
and what message would then transpire towards our modern society? We dont know.
But, another Anatolian excavation at Zincirli yielded quite meaningful results for
scientists. Researchers from the University of Chicago found an inscribed stele,
apparently erected upon the death of Kuttamuwa, an eighth century B.C. royal official
from Samal (Hittite: Yadiya) a Hittite and Aramaean city located at Zincirli Hyk in the
Anti-Taurus Mountains of Turkeys Gaziantep Province, The inscription requested that
his mourners commemorate his life and his afterlife with feasts by sacrificing a ram for
my soul that is in this stele. It is one of the earliest references in a Near East culture to a
soul as a separate entity from the body and to the tradition of sacrificing animals.
Antiochos bu topraklarn ilk nderlerinden biri olduu iin, elbette onun mezar-
n bulmak Trkiye iin ok byk anlam tayor. Ancak, gnmzn teknolojisine
ramen, bunun gerekleme ihtimali neredeyse yok. nk, Antiochosun mezarn
ve muhtemelen servetini saklad sanlan hyk, her biri yumruk byklnde
milyonlarca tatan olumu. En ufak mdahalede halinde aratrmaclarn zeri-
ne ylyor ve geit vermiyor. Bu durum, aslnda Antiochosun mezar kadar gizemli
bir bilmece: Gnmzden yaklak 2 bin yl nce nasl bir yntemle o talar bir yn
haline getirilebildi? 2 bin yl boyunca milyonlarca ta nasl kaymadan bir blok
halinde srr koruyabildi?
Since Antiochus of Commagene was one of the early rulers of these territories, it
has some significance for Turkey to find his tomb. However, even with todays
technology, it is not possible for this goal to materialize. The hill believed to hide
the tomb and the treasure of King Antiochus is made of millions of fist-sized
stones, tending to turn into a dangerous avalanche of stones as soon as one tries to
dig underneath. This situation is even so enigmatic as the tomb itself: How could
all these stones be piled up 2000 years ago to form such a huge hill? And, how was
it possible that these stones remained in place in one bloc for 2 thousand years
without eroding downhill and destroying this man-made peak?
Adyaman, Nemrut Dandaki grkemli heykeller.
Magnificent statues on Mount Nemrut, Adyaman.
Tlsml Gmlekler, Topkap Saray Mzesi
Padiah Giysileri Koleksiyonundaki, 87 tlsm
ilemeli gmlek, bir takma yaka, be takke
ve on yazl rt ile yaklak 100 parann
incelenmesi sonucu ortaya kan ilgin bir
kitap... Doent Doktor Hlya Tezcann bu
koleksiyon zerinde yapt aratrmalar,
sarayn srlarn gn na kartyor.
Kitapta incelenen tlsm ilemeli gmlekler,
genel olarak padiahlarn ve saray erkannn,
hastalklardan, kt gzlerden korunmas,
savalarda zafer kazanlmas gibi amalarla zel
olarak hazrlatlm. Pek ou seferlerde giyilen ve
zerine Fetih Suresi ilenmi gmleklerden oluan
koleksiyonda, sanat tarihi asndan hayli ilgin
paralar yer alyor.
slam sembolizminin rnekleri
Cem Sultandan 3nc Murata kadar, pek ok
padiahn nemli gnlerde giydii gmleklerin
anlatld kitapta, bu paralarn ne amala kimlere
hazrlatld aklanyor. Kitapta gmleklerin
zerlerindeki hat sanat rnekleri, el iilikleri slam
sembolizmi asndan akademik bir gzle inceleniyor.
Enchanted Shirts, is the title of an interesting
book based on a research performed by Associate
Prof. Dr. Hlya Tezcan on nearly one hundred
pieces of clothing including 87 shirts embroidered
with talismans, one attached collar, five skullcaps
and ten embroidered covers at the Sultans
Garments Collection of the Topkap Palace
Museum, revealing the secrets of the Ottoman
The talismanic shirts examined in the book are
those special garments supposed to protect
sultans and other members of the dynasty from
illness, from evil eyes and to bring victory at the
battle field. The shirts worn during military
campaigns by the sultans embroidered with the
Al-Fath Surah (Conquest chapter of the Holy
Quran) present interesting details for art
Examples of Islamic symbolism
The book analyzes from an academic point of view
the handicraft work of the embroideries in
relation with Islamic symbolism, sheds light on
the meaning of the Islamic calligraphy on the
shirts, explains by which craftsmen and to which
end these shirts were manufactured and on which
occasions they were worn by Ottoman rulers from
Sultan Cem to Murat III.
Tradition from China to Spain
Talismanic shirts are not confined to the Ottoman
court and geography, according to the research
doent doktor hlya tezcann topkap saray mzesi,
padiah giysileri koleksiyonundaki gmlek, yaka, takke
ve rtlerden oluan yaklak 100 para zerinde yapt
aratrma sarayn srlarn gn na kartyor.
the research performed by assocate professor dr. hlya tezcan on
nearly one hundred garment peces ncludng shrts, collars, skullcaps
and covers at the sultans garments department of the topkap palace
museum brngs to the daylght the mysteres of the court.
Hlya Tezcan
stanbul niversitesi, Edebiyat Fakltesi Sanat Tarihi Blmnden 1968 ylnda
mezun oldu. 1971 ylnda Topkap Saraynda greve balayan Tezcan 1978 tarihinden
itibaren Padiah Elbiseleri Blm sorumlusu olarak alt ve 2006 ylnda emekli
oldu. Mzeye girdii yllarda akademik kariyerine balad ve 1983 ylnda sarayn
Osmanl ncesi arkeolojisini konu alan aratrmasyla doktor nvann ald. Bu
alma Topkap Saray ve evresinin Bizans Devri Arkeolojisi (stanbul: TTOK
Publication 1989) ismiyle yaynland. Yzn zerinde makalesi, ansiklopedi maddesi
bulunan, ulusal ve uluslararas kongrelere bildirileriyle katlan ve kuratrlk de yapan
Tezcann kitap balklar yle: Osmanl dokumacl Atlaslar Atlas, pek: Imperial
Ottoman Silks and Velvets, Silks for the Sultans, Ottoman Imperial Garments from
Topkap Palace, Kbe rtleri, Estar l Haremeyn-i erifeyn stanbul, Osmanl
Saraynn ocuklar: ehzadeler ve Hanm Sultanlarn Yaamlar, Giysileri. Sarayn
Terzisi: M. Palma
Hlya Tezcan
Hlya Tezcan graduated in 1968 from the Art History Department of the Faculty of Letters of
stanbul University. Having started her academic career at the Topkap Palace Museum in 1971,
she was in charge of the Sultans Garments Department from 1978 onwards and retired in 2006.
Her work on the archaeology of the palace in the pre-Ottoman period brought her the Doctorate
(PhD) Degree in 1983. Her PhD dissertation was published by the Turkish Touring Club Editions
in 1989 under the title Archaeology of the Topkap Palace and its Vicinity in the Byzantine
Period. Dr. Tezcan published over one hundred articles in academic reviews, wrote articles for
encyclopaedias, made various communications at national and international fora and was active
as curator as well. The titles of books published by Dr. Tezcan are as follows: Ottoman Weaving
Art: Satin of Satins, Silk: Imperial Ottoman Silks and Velvets, Silks for the Sultans, Ottoman
Imperial Garments from Topkap Palace, Kaaba Covers, Estar-l Haremeyn-i erifeyn stanbul,
Children at the Ottoman Court: Life and Clothing Style of Princes and Princesses,
Garmentmaker of the Court: M. Palma
inden spanyaya sren gelenek
Doent Doktor Tezcann aratrmalarna
gre, tlsml gmlek kavram, sadece
Osmanl dnemi ve corafyasyla snrl
deil. inden Hindistana, spanyadan
Japonyaya kadar, pek ok lkede
insanlar gmleklerin koruyucu gcne
inanm. Yantra ad verilen tlsmlar
inde ruhaniyet atfedilen kiiler
tarafndan kullanlrken, Hindistanda
da 15-16nc yzyllarda sultanlar,
bu gmleklerden koruma ummu.
Japonyada ise uzun beyaz ve zerinde
zel yazlarn bulunduu gmleklerin
giyeni grnmez klacana inanlm.
19uncu yzylda spanyol zenginler
kendilerine zel tlsml gmlekler
Tima Yaynlarndan 2011 ylnda
Do. Dr. Hlya Tezcan imzal ve 204
sayfa olarak okurla buluan bu kitap
sayesinde, Osmanl Padiahlarnn
tlsml gmleklerini tek tek incelemek
ve tlsml gmlek kavramna genel bir
perspektiften bakmak mmkn.
conducted by Dr. Tezcan, but people in
various countries from China to India,
from Spain to Japan believed in the
protective power of blessed garments.
Talismans called Yantra were being
used in China by spiritual
practitioners. Until the 15
and 16

centuries, sultans in India were
wearing talismanic shirts in the hope
to be shielded from evil. In Japan, it
was believed that white tunics
inscribed with special prayers would
render invisible those wearing them.
In the 19
century, wealthy people in
Spain were ordering custom-made
talismanic shirts. Dr. Hlya Tezcans
book of 204 pages published 2011 by
Tima Editions gives its readers the
possibility on the one hand, to
dissect one by one the good luck
charmed shirts and talismanic tunics
of the Ottoman Sultans and, on the
other hand to have an overall insight
into the general practice of
talismanic shirts.
Sarayda gnlk yaam
Milli Saraylar Daire Bakanl, 19uncu yzylda
saray ve kasrlarda kullanlan objeleri halkla
buluturuyor. Saraylardaki yaam biimini
ve buradaki gndelik hayat anlatmak
amacyla bir araya getirilen eserler, Saray
Koleksiyonlar Mzesinde izleyiciyle
mparatorluk dnemine ait koleksiyon,
yalnz Dolmabahe Saraynda kullanlm eser ve eyalar deil, zamannda
Osmanl Hanedannn kullanmnda olan Aynalkavak, Kksu, Ihlamur ve
Maslak Kasrlar ile Beylerbeyi ve Yldz Saraynda kullanlan eser ve eyalar da
kapsyor. Sipari usulyle yaptrlan, kataloglardan seilerek satn alnan, hediye
olarak gelen ya da saray marangozhanelerinde retilen eserler, sergilenme
olana bulunamayan mevcutlar iinden seildi. Serginin bir dier zellii ise,
objelerin gndelik hayatta nasl kullanld ile ilgili olarak bilgi ak eliinde
izleyiciye sunulmas. Saray Koleksiyonlar Mzesinde sergilenen objeler, Sultan
Abdlmecid, Sultan Abdlaziz, Sultan V. Murad, Sultan II. Abdlhamid, Sultan
V. Mehmed Read, Sultan VI. Mehmed Vahideddin ve Halife Abdlmecid
Efendi dnemine ait. Sergide, Atatrk ve ardndan ikinci Cumhurbakan smet
nnnn Dolmabahe Saraynda kald yllarda kulland az sayda eyay da
grmek mmkn. Saray Koleksiyonlar Mzesi, Pazartesi ve Perembe gnleri
dnda her gn 09:0017:00 saatleri arasnda gezilebilir.
The Department of National Palaces offers the articles used in palaces and
mansions during the 19th century to the eyes of the public. The articles
gathered together with a view to illustrating the life style and the day-to-day
life in Ottoman palaces are put on display at the Museum of Palace
Collections. The collection from the imperial period includes articles from
the great Dolmabahe Palace, as well as from various palaces and mansions
used as residence by the members of the Ottoman Dynasty, such as the
Aynalkavak, Kksu, Ihlamur and Maslak mansions and the Beylerbeyi and
Yldz Palaces. Custom-made objects, articles purchased from catalogues,
gifts from abroad, items manufactured in the palaces carpenters workshop
were selected from among those kept in storage due to the lack of proper
exhibiting space. An interesting aspect of this exhibition is that the
displayed articles are presented together with the instructions
on the way they were being utilized in daily life. The pieces on
display at the Museum of Palace Collections belong to the
periods of Ottoman Emperors, Sultan
Abdlmecid, Sultan Abdlaziz,
Sultan Murad V., Sultan
Abdlhamid II., Sultan Mehmet
Read V., Sultan Mehmed
Vahideddin VI. and of Calife
Abdlmecid Efendi. It is also
possible to see a limited number of
articles which were used by Atatrk
and smet nn, the first and second
Presidents of the Turkish Republic,
during the time they stayed at the
Dolmabahe Palace.
The Museum of Palace Collections
is open to visitors every day
between 09:00-17:00 hours,
except Monday and Thursday.
osmanl saray ve kasrlarnda,
19uncu yzylda kullanlan objeler,
saray koleksiyonlar mzesinde!
the artcles used n ottoman palaces and mansons
durng the 19
century are on dsplay at the museum
of palace collectons!
The Adventure
of Taste
rokinin, srgn yllarnda Bykadada grd bir balk
nedeniyle Stalin ve Sovyet kadrolarn heyecana boduunu
duymu muydunuz?
Ya Marmarann balklarndan birine neden Peygamber Bal
dendiini biliyor musunuz?
Balk deyip gememeli! Balk, arkeolojik mirasn en ok rastlanan figrlerindendir.
O kadar ki Bizans paralarna resmedilmitir.
Arkeoloji dnyann hafza kaytlarn tutar. Bize, binlerce yllk bir kaydn ifrelerini
verir. O ifreler de; dnyann eitli kelerinde yaam ve birbirinden habersiz
nice uygarln ayn simgelerle haberletiini, anlatn gsterir. rnein gz
izimi... Ya da farkl durularyla farkl eyler anlatan bir el... Ve en eski simge /
iaretlerden biri: Balk.
inden Msra, Mezopotamyadan kuzeyin souk kylarna balk, bereket anlam-
na gelmitir nk. Tabiatn en kolay, en cmerte sunduu varlklarndan biridir.
nsanolunun ulaamad karanlk sularda yaad iin de bir para gizemlidir.
Eski Msrda belki bu nedenle- reenkarnasyonun simgesi saylr. Ancak balk, asl
Hristiyanln simgesi olmu ve yzlerce yl da yle kullanlmtr. Hristiyanlar,
bu konudaki pek ok rivayet arasnda bir tanesine ncelik verir. O da, sann muci-
zevi bir ekilde 5 bin kiiyi balk ekmekle doyurduuna ilikin inantr.
Nitekim, ilk Hristiyanlar birbirlerini tanmak iin bir tr ifre/parola niyetine top-
raa balk figr izmitir.
Yz ackl bakan bir insan andran dlger balna, Marmara ahalisinin Peygam-
ber Bal demesi de muhtemelen bu inann mirasdr.
Trokinin grd balk ise bu zel tarihenin en elenceli sayfasdr. Dnem
1920lerin sonu, 1930larn ba. Sovyet Devriminin nclerinden Troki,
Stalinle ters dm, kam ve Bykadaya snmtr. Srgn yllar, evre-
sindeki birka isimle ve mektuplar araclyla ideolojik tartmaya odaklanmtr.
Ama elbette gnn her saati deil! Troki bo zamanlarnda balk tutar. zellikle
Amerikadaki dostlarndan rica ettii uzun ve zel misina geldiinde keyfi tamam-
lanr. O misina ile tuttuu bir kaya bal ise Sovyet ynetimini bile kartracaktr.
nk baln altnda eki, kuyruunun zerinde ise orak figr vardr. Balk
konusundaki akademik almalaryla bilinen Troki, bala Orak eki bal
adn verir. Troki kamaya devam ettii iin almasn tamamlayamaz. Ancak bir
sre sonra Stalin, Sovyet bilim adamlarna almay bitirme talimat verir. Baln
Bizans sikkelerinde bir krallar vard bir de
arkeoloji, dnyann
hafza kaytlarn tutar.
bize, binlerce yllk bir
kaydn ifrelerini verir.
o ifreler de, dnyann
eitli kelerinde yaam
ve birbirinden habersiz nice
uygarln ayn simgelerle
haberletiini, anlatn
gsterir... ve o en eski
simgelerden biri: balk...
archaeology keeps the memory
archves of the world, presents us
wth the codes of traces, thousands
of years old. those codes showng
us that dfferent cultures havng
flourshed at dfferent corners
of the world wthout drect
contact wth each other, were
usng smlar sgns and symbols for
communcaton purposes. one of
those oldest symbols common to
manknd s fsh...
Aylin en
Rasim Konyar
Did you know that Trotsky put on alert Stalin and the whole Soviet nomenclatura
because of a fish he collected at the Prince Islands shore during his years of exile in
stanbul? Or why a certain kind of fish of the Marmara Sea is called Prophets fish?
Fish is indeed one the most common figures encountered in archaeological remains.
So much so that it figures on Byzantine coins. Archaeology keeps the memory
archives of the world, presents us with the codes of traces, thousands of years old.
Those codes showing us that different cultures having flourished at different corners
of the world without direct contact with each other, were using similar signs and
symbols for communication purposes. For instance, the eye design... Or, a hand,
having different meanings when pictured in different positions... And, one of the
oldest symbols: the fish! From China to Egypt, from Mesopotamia to the cold shores
of the North, the fish meant abundance and fertility, because it is one of the
biological assets nature is offering with ample generosity. It also carries some
mystery with itself because it keeps living in the darkness of deep waters. Maybe this
is why fish was the symbol of reincarnation in ancient Egypt. Actually, fish has also
been the symbol of Christianity and used as such for several centuries. Among
different tales on how fish was related to Christianity, Christians attribute priority to
the belief that Jesus Christ saved five thousand people from hunger by feeding them
with fish and bread. In fact, the early Christians were using fish drawings on the
ground as a code to recognize each other discreetly, thus avoiding persecution. This
is probably why the people of Marmara used to call the john dory fish, whose face
reminds us of a human face with a tragic expression, Prophets fish or Saint Peters
fish. Again, Trotskys rockfish story is one of the most amazing and ironic episodes of
this unusual historical account on fish. End of the twenties, beginning of the thirties,
one of the leading personalities of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky, had to flee the
Soviet Union due to his disagreement with Stalin and took refuge in Turkey, namely
in stanbuls Prince Islands. His exile years were focused on ideological discussions
with some friends around him and through correspondence with other friends and
foes. But of course, there was time for leisure and Trotskys preferred pastime was
fishing. He asked a friend, in a letter, to buy for him some line possibly 200 meters
long for underwater rods used for catching big fish. Apparently it was with this line
sent to him from the United States that he collected three specimen of the rockfish
which provoked big turmoil in Kremlin. Trotsky noted the unusual hammer and
sickle pattern, the emblem of the Soviet Communist Party, on the fishs flanks.
Known for his academic work in the field of ichthyology, Trotsky baptized (!) this
rockfish as the Hammer and Sickle Fish. But, since he had to continue to escape
from Stalins secret police still after him, he was unable to finish his scientific study.
It was Stalin who later ordered Soviet scientists to follow up on Trotskys footsteps
to complete the research on the so-called hammer and sickle fish. Finally, a
description of the new rockfish species was published in 1942 by Joseph Stalin in the
Zoological Journal where he was naming it Sebastes Lenini supposedly in
remembrance of his predecessor Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Marmara, the Prince Islands and particularly the Bosporus enjoy a rich heritage in
such fish anecdotes embracing thousands of years. The favourite figure in this
heritage is the one of pelamyd, a fish also called horse mackerel or bonito (in the
Atlantic Ocean), which used to cross the Bosporus in earlier years in large schools
and which became rather rare in recent years. Due to its smooth-shaped body,
pelamyd was considered the most handsome among fishes. The fact that it was
found in large quantities in the area, pelamyd was at all times greatly respected in
stanbul from the period of the oldest civilizations up to our era. Byzantion chose
pelamyd as the citys emblem and, Byzantine coins were engraved with the pelamyd
pattern during the 2
century A.D. Later, the fish pattern continued to be imprinted
on coins along with kings pictures.
adn da, Lenine ithafen bizzat kendisi koyar: Sebastes Lenini... Marmara,
Adalar ve zellikle stanbul Boaz, balk konusunda byle ilgin anekdotlarla
binlerce yl kucaklayan bir mirasa sahiptir. O mirasn en gzde bal ise, bir
zamanlar Boaz sularnda srler halinde grlen palamuttur.
Palamut, hem dzgn ekliyle balklarn yakkls sayld hem de bolluu
yznden stanbulun en eski uygarlklarndan gnmze ba tac edilmitir.
Byzantion, kentin simgesi olarak palamutu semi. MS 2nci yzylda sikkeleri-
nin palamut resmini naketmi. Sonrasnda da kimi Bizans paralarnn zerin-
de, krallarla birlikte onun resmi yer alm.
Palamut, yzyllar boyun-
ca stanbul sofrasnda yerini
alm. Kimi zaman, gnm-
ze kadar uzand gibi, kmr
zgarasnda kzartlp ekmek
aras yaplm. Kimi zaman
piirilip zel soslarla servis
Bugnk lezzet anlayna hi
uymayabilir; ancak Bizansllar
palamutun barsaklar ve
kann toprak bir kaba koyar;
gnete bir sre bekletir,
sonra zerine biraz arap ve
zeytinya ekleyip baln
zerine dkermi. Bu zel sos
daha ok zengin sofralarnda
kullanlrm ve herhalde o
dnemde palamut tarifi
istense, ilk sray bu zel sos
alrm. Dedik ya, gnm-
ze hi uymayacak bir tarif
bu. Ama lezzetin binlerce
yllk yolculuunda, bugne
kk de olsa bir iz brakm.
Palamut yahnisi buna ilgin
bir rnek:
Palamut yahnisi
Yedi btn soan yarm
halkalar halinde dorayn.
5 di sarmsak ve 1 demet
maydonozu kyn. 3 havucu
da dilim dilim dorayp ha-
zrlayn. Soan zeytinyanda
kavururken, 1 kg. civarnda
gelen palamutu ayklayp ksk
atete halayn. Yumuadkla-
r zaman derisini yzp beyaz
etlerini aln. Soan kavrulun-
ca 2 kak domates salasn
ekleyin. zerine de kalan har-
c koyun ve soteleyin. Damak
tadnza uygun baharatlar ve
bir miktar suyla, sebzeler yu-
muayncaya kadar kaynatn.
Sonunda baln beyaz etini
de ekleyip bir tam daha
Yerken de bu topraklarn,
bu dnyann bizden nceki
sakinlerini dnn. Bir dinin
simgesi saylan, paralarn
zerinde resmedilen balk
acaba hangi sofralara nasl
Ve arkeoloji denilen eskinin
bilimi bugne ne syl-
yor? Bir zamanlar
Boazdan sr-
lerle geen
kral pa-
lamut, tahtna
dnebilecek mi?
Pelamyd, on stanbuls dinner
tables for centuries, some-
times served standing as
grilled fish sandwich, other
times being served in more
gourmet fashion with
succulent sauces. Byzantines
used to put the bowels and
the blood of the fish in a terra
cotta pot and kept it under
the sun for a while, then
added olive oil and wine and
used the mixture as a special
delicacy sauce on fish dishes.
This special sauce was used
rather at dinner tables of the
wealthy and probably
constituted the most praised
pelamyd recipe of its time.
Perhaps not ideal for our
palates today, it has neverthe-
less left its mark behind
throughout the ages. The
pelamyd ragout or stew is
maybe a good illustration.
Pelamyd Stew: Cut seven
whole onions in half circles.
Chop up five cloves of garlic
with one bunch of parsley.
Prepare three carrots by
cutting them in slices. While
roasting the onions in olive
oil, boil approximately one
kilogramme of cleaned out
pelamyd fish on low heat.
When they become tender,
peel off their skin and take the
white meat aside. Add two
table spoons of tomato paste
onto the roasted onions and
pour the rest of the filling on
top of them and keep
sauting the whole mixture.
Boil the vegetables in a little
water with preferred spices
until they soften. At the end,
put in the fish white meat and
bring the whole one more
time to the boil. Its ready to
be served. While eating the
stew, think about the worlds
previous inhabitants who
lived before us. Imagine at
which dinner tables and in
what way was served the fish,
symbol of a religion, engraved
on coins, before our time?
Give thought to what
archaeology, the science of
the old could tell us today.
Have we been able to
preserve the pelamyd
crossing once upon
a time the
Bosporus in
Will the
king of
the fishes
be able to
return to its
Gaziantep Bykehir Belediyesinin, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatrk ansna Bey
Mahallesinde yapmna balad Atatrk Mzesi almalarnda sona gelindi.
Gaziantep Bykehir Belediye Bakan Asm Gzelbey, Mustafa Kemal Atatrkn
aziz hatrasn kalplerimizde yaattmz gibi, Atatrk Mzesinde de yaatacaz.
dedi. Gzelbey, 26 Ocak 1933te ehrimize gelen Ulu nder Mustafa Kemal Ata-
trk Antepliler tarafndan byk bir cokuyla karland ve kendisine fahri heme-
rilik berat verildi. Aslen Selanik doumlu olmasna ramen, Gaziantep ili Bey Ma-
hallesi nfusuna kaydedildi. Biz de Ulu nderimize vefa borcumuzu ve ballmz
gstermek amacyla ona layk bir Atatrk Mzesi yapmay kararlatrdk. diye ko-
nutu. Bey Mahallesinde Adil Sani Konukoluna ait geleneksel Antep evinin, mze
yaplmak zere belediyeye balandn hatrlatan Gzelbey, ki binadan oluan
mzemizin, 220 metrekare ak, 400 metrekare kapal tehir alan buluyor dedi.
The Atatrk Museum consecrated to the memory of the Founder of The Turkish Re-
public by the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality will soon be inaugurated. The
Mayor of Gaziantep Asm Gzelbey said, We will keep Atatrks dear memory alive
at the Atatrk Museum as we do in our hearts. Our great leader Mustafa Kemal
Atatrk visited our city on 26 January 1933 and was wholeheartedly welcomed by the
people of Gaziantep. He was given the honorary citizenship of our city and although
born in Thessaloniki, his name was entered in the state register of the Bey District of
the City of Gaziantep. It is as a token of our gratitude and loyalty that we recently
decided to erect a museum worthy of Atatrk in the Bey District where he is registered
as a citizen of our city. A traditional Antep house belonging to Mr. Adil Sani
Konukolu, was donated to the Metropolitan Municipality by its owner with a view
to serving as the venue of the Atatrk Museum. The museum will comprise two dif-
ferent structures and span an area of 220 square meters of open and 400 square me-
ters of closed exhibition space, said Mayor Gzelbey.
Museum Pass stanbul Card will open the doors of history for foreigners who visit the
city individually. Those cards, which will be put up for sale at a price of TL 72, will
allow free entry to all museums affiliated to the Turkish Ministry of Culture and
Tourism for 72 hours, i.e. three days. The validity periods of the cards will begin with
the first museum visit and they will allow mysterious trips through the corridors of the
Hagia Sophia Museum, Topkap Palace Museum (except the Harem), Chora Muse-
um, stanbul Archaeology Museums, Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum and the Great
Palace Mosaic Museum. Museum Pass stanbul Cards can be obtained from the web
site, tourism information offices in stanbul and contracted hotels.
Gaziantepte Atatrk Mzesi
Atatrk Museum in Gaziantep
Dnyann en byk zeytinya teknoloji mzesi zmirde kuruluyor. Yeryznn ilk
zeytinya atlyesinin kurulduu Zeytinelinde 20 bin metrekarelik alana yaylacak
mzede, 2 bin 500 yllk zeytinya teknolojisini yanstan binden fazla ara-gere ve eser
yer alacak. Do. Dr. Levent Kstem tarafndan kurulan ve Urla Kaymakamlnca
desteklenen Zeytinya Mzesinin yl sonuna kadar turizmin hizmetine almas plan-
lanyor. Yaklak 10 yldr Egede zeytinya retilen tm noktalar tek tek dolaarak,
ta, pres, kantar, makine ve saklama kaplarn topladn belirten Kstem, Zeytin-
ya Teknoloji Mzesi iinde ayrca kontin sistem zeytinya fabrikas, salamurhane,
restoran, organik rn sat yerleri, tadm niteleri, konferans salonlar, seramik ve
ahap sanat atlyesi, ak alanda hayvanat bahesi, eitim tarlas ve snflar olacak.
dedi. Urladaki mze dnyadaki 27 zeytinya mzesinin en by olacak.
The worlds largest olive oil technology museum is being established in zmir. The mu-
seum, to be set up in Zeytineli, the location of the first olive oil workshop known to
history, will span an area of 20 thousand square meters where over a thousand pieces of
equipment material and artefacts reflecting 2 thousand 500 years of olive oil technology
will be displayed. It is planned to open to the public the Olive Oil Museum designed by
Associate Professor Dr. Levent Kstem before the end of the year. Dr. Kstem has been
collecting extensive material and production tools such as olive oil presses, scales, ma-
chines and containers, from all over the olive oil production centres in the Aegean region.
There will also be an olive oil production unit using the continuous system, a brine unit,
a restaurant, organic products sales booths, tasting units, conference halls, ceramic and
woodcarving workshops, an open-air zoo, training field and classes on the premises of
the projected Olive Oil Technology Museum, said Dr. Kstem. The museum in Urla
will be the largest amongst the 27 existing olive oil museums in the world.
Urlada Zeytinya mzesi alyor
Olive oil museum in Urla
Tarihin kaplarn
Museum Pass aacak
Museum Pass stanbul Kart, kenti mnferit
olarak ziyaret eden yabanclara tarihin
kaplarn ardna kadar aacak. Mays
aynn sonunda 72 TLye sata sunula-
cak olan kartlar, stanbuldaki T.C Kl-
tr ve Turizm Bakanlna bal tm m-
zelere 72 saat yani gn boyunca cretsiz
ziyaret imkan salayacak. Gerekletirilen ilk mze
ziyaretiyle geerlilik sresi ilemeye balayan kartlar ile, Aya-
sofya Mzesi, Topkap Saray Mzesi (Harem Dairesi hari), Ka-
riye Mzesi, stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri, Trk ve slam Eserleri Mzesi,
stanbul Byk Saray Mozaikleri Mzesini ziyaret edip tarihin koridorlarnda gizemli
bir gezintiye kmak mmkn. Museum Pass stanbul Kartlar, in-
ternet adresinden, stanbuldaki turizm enformasyon brolarndan ve anlamal otel-
lerden temin edilebilir.
Doors of history will be opened by the Museum Pass
Saraynda, kahve sunumuna byk nem
verilmitir. Kahve sunumu srasnda, fin-
can, zarf ve puidelerin en ihtiaml olan-
lar kullanlmtr. Kahve ikram treni,
zarif kupa ve glabdanlarla yaplan gl-
suyu ve erbet ikram ile daha da zengin-
Tm Zamanlarn Hatrna Sarayda Bir
Fincan Kahve sergisi, izleyicilerine Os-
manl Saraylarndaki dinlence anlarnda
yaanan zarif huzuru bir nebze olsun ya-
atmay hedefliyor.
14 Nisanda TBMM Bakan Mehmet Ali
ahinin de katld bir trenle alan ser-
gi, iki ay boyunca cretsiz olarak ziyaret
Trkiyenin en ok ziyaret edilen mzelerinden Ayasofyada grlt kirliliini nlemek
amacyla, Kltr ve Turizm Bakanlnca 1 Maystan itibaren 16 kiiyi aan grupla-
ra, Headset-Seyyar Mikrofon ve Kulaklk Dzenei kullanm zorunlu hale getiriliyor.
Uygulama kapsamnda seyahat acenteleri ve belirtilen sayy aan gruplar, sistemi
kendileri temin edebilecek ya da kii ba 2.5 TL karlnda kiralayabilecek.
Dner Sermaye letmesi Merkez Mdrl (DSMM) Mdr Murat Usta,
Ayasofyada ses ve konumann birbirine kart dnemin sona ereceini syledi.
Starting from 1st of May this year, the use of headset equipment was made mandatory
by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for groups over 16 persons visiting the Hagia
Sophia Museum, with a view to avoiding noise nuisance. Travel agencies or groups of
tourists over the afore-mentioned number will have to either procure the equipment
themselves or to rent it from the Museum for 2,5 Turkish Liras per person. The Director
of the Revolving Funds Central Administration (DSMM) Murat Usta, declared that
the times where speech voice and conversations were interfering into each other are a
thing of the past. The tour guides will be able to reach the ears of their guests without
having to shout thanks to the headset equipment, said Mr. Usta, tour guides experi-
ence often difficulty to be understood by elderly tourists who might not fully hear them,
some group members can even get lost; this system will eliminate all these problems, he
added. The headsets are also equipped with a special feature, a help button which al-
lows to locate persons who became lost. The director continued,our main goal is to
prevent noise pollution; we contemplate to extend this practice to other museums as
well in the future. We will make available at all times a sufficient number of headsets
at the museum. On the other hand, it is clear that the headsets provided by travel agen-
cies will have to be technically compatible with our system. When not, they always
have the possibility to rent from us.
Ayasofyada grlt kirliliine geit yok
No more noise pollution at the Hagia Sophia
Uygulama kapsamnda tur rehberinin sesini beraberindekilere barmadan, elektro-
nik kulaklk yardmyla ulatracan belirten Usta, Rehberler orta yan zerindeki
kiilere seslerini duyurmakta zorlanyor. Gruptakilerden bazlar kaybolabiliyor. Bu
sistem btn sorunlar ortadan kaldracak. Rehber konuacak, gruptakiler kulaklk-
tan duyacak. Ayn zamanda cihazlarda bir yardm tuu var, kulaklk sahibi bast-
nda rehber kiinin nerede olduunu bulabilecek. Temel hedefimiz grlt kirliliini
engellemek. Ayasofyada balattmz uygulamay yaygnlatrmak istiyoruz. M-
zede binlerce cihaz bulunduracaz. Seyahat acentelerinin kulland cihazlar, bizim
cihazlarmzn frekans ayar ile uyumlu ise sorun yok. Ancak uygun deilse bizden
temin edebilirler dedi.
Cup of
at the
Bir fincan kahvenin 40 yl hatr vardr,
peki ya bir padiahn saraynda, birbirin-
den zarif mangallarda, el iilii cezvelerle
piirilen, her biri birer sanat eseri olan fin-
canlarla sunulan kahvenin hatr ne kadar
srer? Osmanl Saraynda kahve kltr
ve sunumuna dair arpc detaylarn bir
araya geldii Tm Zamanlarn Hatrna
Sarayda Bir Fincan Kahve sergisi, Saray
Koleksiyonlar Mzesi Sanat Galerisinde
ald. Kk bir ekirdekten masals bir
yolculua kan, kalbin ve zihnin uyarcs
kahve, insanlar bir araya getirip dostluk-
lar pekitiren sohbetlerin bahanesi olmu-
tur. Yorgunluu alan, keyif ve mutluluk
veren bu gzel kokulu siyah incinin kefi,
birok efsaneye konu olmu, kokusu, tad
ve insana verdii canllk ile mrde cis-
me can katan olarak kabul grmtr.
Osmanlnn gndelik yaamnda itii
kahve, zel gnlerde de seremoni eli-
inde misafirlere sunduu en nemli
ikramlardan biri olmutur. Kahvenin
sunumunu bir seremoniye eviren eler-
den biri de kullanlan nesnelerdir. Osmanl
To offer someone a cup of coffee is a
labour of love kept in fond memory for
40 years... is an old Turkish saying em-
phasizing the importance Turkish people
traditionally attribute to coffee. How
long would last the memory of sipping a
cup of coffee cooked in hand- made
Turkish coffeepots, on elegant braziers,
offered in fine china coffee cups equal to
works of art ? The Art Gallery at the Pal-
ace Collections Museum is currently
hosting an exhibition on coffee culture in
the Ottoman Palace where stunning de-
tails are presented to the eye of the pub-
lic. A cup of coffee at the palace, a la-
bour of love for all times is the title of
this exhibition on the little grain which
travelled throughout ages like in a fairy
tale, to serve as a blessed opportunity to
bring people together, to enliven their
conversation, to stimulate heart and
mind, to foster friendships. Many a leg-
end exists on the origin of this heavenly
scented black pearl remedying the weari-
ness of the day, bestowing well-being and
happiness. Due to its taste, its scent and
the spiritedness it inoculates to people,
coffee is considered
as the magic potion
breathing life into
the body alive or
dead! The Otto-
mans praised cof-
fee not only as a
daily beverage,
but as one of
most important
treats presented
to the guests
with a sol-
emn cere-
mony on
special days
and occasions.
What turns the
presentation of
coffee into a digni-
fied ceremony are
the precious utensils
used to prepare and offer coffee. The Ot-
toman Palace attributed great impor-
tance to using the appropriate style dur-
ing the coffee presentation. The most
valuable coffee cups, cup sleeves, table-
cloths and napkins were being used for
the coffee ceremony which was further
enriched by sprinkling rose water in pre-
cious glabdan (rose water flask) and
by offering sherbet (non-alcoholic drinks
made with sugar and spices or sugar and
fruit juice) in elegant chalice. The exhibi-
tions goal is to give its visitor a brief
chance to experience the spirit of the
graceful moments of serenity enjoyed
once ago during times of leisure at Otto-
man Palaces.
Geleneksel hale gelen Aspendos Opera
ve Bale Festivali bu yl da Devlet Opera
ve Balesinin etkinlikleri, Antalyann do-
al gzellikleri, Aspendos Tiyatrosunun
muhteem atmosferiyle yerli ve yabanc
sanatseverlere unutulmaz dakikalar ya-
09 Haziran Perembe 2011: stanbul
Devlet Opera ve Balesi, G. Bizet, Car-
men, Opera.
13 Haziran Pazartesi 2011: Antalya Dev-
let Opera ve Balesi, L. Cherubini
Medea, Opera.
16 Haziran Perembe 2011: zmir Devlet
Opera ve Balesi, G. Verdi, Otello, Ope-
20 Haziran Pazartesi 2011: Devlet Ope-
ra ve Balesi, B.Murphy / M.Dede, Bar-
baros Dans, Drama.
21 Haziran Sal 2011: Viyana Filarmoni
Orkestras, Konser.
23 Haziran Perembe 2011: Ankara Dev-
let Opera ve Balesi, W. A. Mozart, Sa-
raydan Kz Karma, Opera.
29 Haziran aramba 2011: zmir Dev-
let Opera ve Balesi Orkestras, P.. ay-
kovski, Kuu Gl, Bale.
02 Temmuz Cumartesi 2011: Abay Ka-
zakistan Akademik Devlet Opera ve Ba-
lesi, G.Puccini, Tosca, Opera.
The Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival,
which has become traditional, will make
domestic and foreign art-lovers experi-
ence unforgettable moments, thanks to
the performances of the State Opera and
Ballet, Antalyas natural beauties and the
magnificent atmosphere of the Aspendos
Theater, this year too.
June 09, Thursday, 2011: stanbul State
Opera and Ballet, G. Bizet, Carmen, Op-
June 13, Monday, 2011: Antalya State
Opera and Ballet, L. Cherubini
Medea, Opera.
June 16, Thursday, 2011: zmir State Op-
era and Ballet, G. Verdi, Otello, Opera.
June 20, Monday, 2011: State Opera and
Ballet, B. Murphy / M. Dede, Barbarossa,
Dance, Drama.
June 21, Tuesday, 2011: Vienna Philhar-
monic Orchestra, Concert.
June 23, Thursday, 2011: Ankara State
Opera and Ballet, W. A. Mozart, The Ab-
duction from the Seraglio, Opera.
June 29, Wednesday, 2011: zmir State
Opera and Ballet Orchestra, P.I. Tchaik-
ovsky, Swan Lake, Ballet.
July 02, Saturday, 2011: Abay Kaza-
khstan Academic State Opera and Ballet,
G. Puccini, Tosca, Opera.
The Sabanc University Sakp Sabanc Museum (SSM) is hosting a
very important exhibition related to the common history of Aegean
peoples, under the main sponsorship of MSA. The exhibition en-
titled Across - The Cylades and Western Anatolia During the 3rd
Millennium BC is composed of artifacts from various Turkish mu-
seums as well as the National Archaeological Museum of Athens and
the N. P. Goulandris Foundation Museum of Cycladic Art. The exhi-
bition examines the relations between Anatolia, where the first steps
towards civilization were taken, and the nearby Cyclades islands, and
the story of the two cultures that resemble each other, but maintain
their regional features, are narrated. A 14-meters long exact replica
model of the Cyladic ships is the most interesting piece of the exhibi-
tion. The exhibition, which is the outcome of the first cooperation be-
tween the museums of the two countries, will be open to visits between
May 23 and August 28, 2011.
TAKV M c a l e n d a r
Nisan Mays Haziran
April May June
Aspendos Opera ve Bale Festivali balyor
Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival begins
Egenin iki kysn buluturan sergi
Sabanc niversitesi Sakp Sabanc Mzesi (SSM), MSAnn ana sponsor-
luunda, Egenin ortak tarihine ilikin ok deerli bir sergiye ev sahiplii
yapyor. Kardan Karya- M. 3nc Binde Kiklad Adalar ve
Bat Anadolu isimli sergi, Trkiyedeki mzelerin yan sra Ati-
na Milli Arkeoloji Mzesi, N. P. Goulandris Vakf Kiklad Sanat
Mzesinden getirilen eserlerden oluuyor.
Sergide, uygarln admlarnn atld Anadolu ve hemen yak-
nnda bulunan Kiklad Takmadalar arasndaki ilikiler inceleniyor,
benzeen, ancak blgesel zelliklerini koruyan iki kltrn yks
dile getiriliyor. Serginin en ilgi ekici parasn ise, aslna uygun
olarak ina edilmi 14 metrelik Kiklad teknesi modeli oluturuyor.
ki lke mzeleri arasndaki ilk i birliinden doan sergi, 23 Mays
- 28 Austos 2011 tarihleri arasnda izlenebilir.
Exhibition brings the two sides of the
Aegean Sea together
Teo Gheorghiu, a recipient of the
Beethoven-Ring presented by the Brger
for Beethoven Society to soloists and
conductors for excellence in Beethoven
interpretation, meets auditors in stanbul
as part of stanbul Recitals. June 9, 2011,
21:00, MKM Mustafa Kemal Merkezi.
Brger for Beethoven Society tarafn-
dan Beethoven en iyi yorumlayan solist
ve orkestra eflerine verilen Beethoven
Ring dln kazanan Teo Gheorghiu, s-
tanbul Resitalleri kapsamnda stanbulda
dinleyicilerle buluuyor. 9 Haziran 2011,
21.00, MKM Mustafa Kemal Merkezi.
Beethoven ustas:
Teo Gheorghiu
A Master of Beethovens
Music: Teo Gheorghiu
Gnmzden yaklak 10 bin yl nce balayan insanln uygarlama srecinde, top-
lumlarn doaya kar verdii mcadeleyi, gnlk yaamlarn, inan dnyalarn,
sosyal ve ticari ilikilerini hatta lme kar gelmek iin gelitirdikleri ara gereler,
yani medeniyetin sessiz tanklar bu sergide sanatseverlerle buluuyor.
Prehistorik adan Seluklu mparatorluuna kadar geni bir dnemi kapsayan
eserlerle kesintisiz bir tarihsel sre, bugne kadar hi izleyici karsna kmam ob-
jelerle, kltr, tarih ve sanat sevdallarnn beenisine sunuluyor. Son Gn: 30 Eyll
2011, Kadir Has niversitesi Binas stanbul.
This exhibition brings art-lovers together with the struggle of the communities
against the nature, their daily lives, worlds of faith, social and commercial relations
and even the instruments they developed to contend with death during the civiliza-
tion process of humanity that began approximately 10 thousand years ago; i.e. the
silent witnesses of civilization. With works covering a broad period from the Prehis-
toric Age to the Seljuk Empire, an uninterrupted historical process is presented to the
lovers of culture, history and arts, with objects that have not been exhibited before.
Last day: September 30, 2011, Kadir Has University Building, stanbul.
Tulumba olarak adlandrlan ve 18inci
yzyln sonunda kullanlmaya balan-
lan yangn sndrme dzenei
Osmanlda, kendilerine has sosyal yap-
lar, dil kodlar, alt kltrleri, gelenei
olan bir tulumbaclar snfnn ortaya
kmasna yol at. Bu sergide, bol k-
frl sohbetleri, naralarla yangnlara
koular ile bir yaam biimini yanstan
tulumbaclar, tulumbaclarn gnlk
hayatna dair objeler ve kullandklar
ara gereler ile yakndan tanma ans-
n yakalayabilirsiniz. Son zlenme tarihi:
31 Mays 2011, Kadir Has niversitesi
Rezan Has Mzesi C Blok.
The firefighting mechanism called tu-
lumba (water pump) that was intro-
duced in end-18
century created an Ot-
toman class of firefighters who had
their own social structures, terminology,
subcultures and tradition. This exhibi-
tion allows you to become acquainted
with the firefighters, who had a distinct
life style with their conversations full of
profanity and their hurrying to fires
with warning cries, by inspecting objects
related to their daily lives and instru-
ments used by them. Last day to visit:
May 31, 2011, Kadir Has University Re-
zan Has Museum, Exhibition Hall C.
Sergilendii tm lkelerde byk bee-
ni toplayan, Grnmez Mzisyenler
Sergisi Trk sanatseverlerle buluuyor.
Belika merkezli vakf Automatia Foun-
dation bnyesindeki 250 mekanik mzik
kutusundan zenle seilen 80 parann
yer ald sergide, Kuzey Amerika ve
Avrupada retilen paralar sergileni-
yor. Son izlenme tarihi: 29 Mays, Rahmi
Ko Mzesi stanbul.
The Exhibition of Invisible Musicians,
which received great attention in all coun-
tries it visited, meets Turkish art-lovers.
The 80 items on display have been care-
fully selected from the 250 mechanical
music boxes of the Automatia Foundation
based in Belgium, and they are consisted
of pieces produced in North America and
Europe. Last day to visit: May 29, Rahmi
Ko Museum, stanbul.
Neolotikten Selukluya sessiz tanklar
Silent Witnesses from the Neolithic Period to the Seljuks
Suna ve nan Kra Vakf Pera Mzesi Trk resim sanatnn gizli kalm nemli us-
talarndan birini arlyor. 1930lardan 1970lere uzanan resim serveninde, bam-
sz, renki ve yeniliki yaklamyla kendine zg bir resim dili oluturan, Trk res-
minin ok nemli ancak hak ettii lde tantlmam ressamlarndan hsan Cemal
Karaburakn sanatna k tutan retrospektif niteliindeki sergi sanatseverlerle bulu-
uyor. Son izlenme tarihi: 3 Temmuz 2011, Yer: Pera Mzesi stanbul.
The Pera Museum affiliated to the Suna and nan Kra Foundation hosts one of the
important masters of the Turkish painting who remained secret. The retrospective
exhibition, which sheds light on the works of hsan Cemal Karaburak who created
an authentic style with his independent, colorist and innovative approach between
1930s and 1970s but did not enjoy the popularity he deserved, opens to art-lovers.
Last day to visit: July 3, 2011, Pera Museum, stanbul.
Srad bir ressam: hsan Cemal Karaburak
An extraordinary painter: hsan Cemal Karaburak
sinemann bys
anakkale, 4-9 Haziran 2011 tarihleri
arasnda Troia Film Festivaline ev sa-
hiplii yapacak. Tarihi ve yerli sinema
temalarnn ilenecei festivalin bir dier
amac ise, blgenin tarihini dnya kamu-
oyuna tantmak.
anakkale will host the Troy Film Festi-
val in June 4-9, 2011. The aims of the fes-
tival, which will focus on historical and
Turkish films, include making the history
of the region globally known.
anakkale will be Permeated
by the Magic of Cinema
Grnmez Mzisyenler
Invisible Musicians
Ate Pervaneleri:
Moths to the Flame:
Ottoman Fire Brigades
Aksaray Ihlara Vadisi renyeri Ihlara Valley 08:00 - 18:00 08:30 - 16:30 (382) 453 7482
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Mzesi
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
08:30 - 17:30 08:30 - 19:00 (312) 324 3160
Alanya Kalesi Castle of Alanya 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:30 (242) 511 3304
Aspendos renyeri
Aspendos Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Noel Baba Mzesi St. Nicholas Museum Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Simena renyeri
Simena Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Antalya Mzesi Antalya Museum Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Myra renyeri Myra Archaeological Site 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Olympos renyeri
Olympos Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Patara renyeri
Patara Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Perge renyeri
Perge Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Phaselis renyeri
Phaselis Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Side Mzesi Side Museum Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 753 1006
Side Antik Tiyatrosu Side Antique Theatre 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 753 1542
Termessos renyeri
Termessos Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (242) 238 5688
Afrodisias renyeri
Aphrodisias Archaeological Site
Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (256) 448 8003
Milet renyeri Miletus Archaeological Site 08:00 - 17:00 08:30 - 19:00 (256) 875 5562
Didim renyeri
Didyma Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (256) 811 0035
Assos renyeri Assos Archaeological Site 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (286) 721 7218
Troia renyeri Troia Archaeological Site 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (286) 283 0536
Gaziantep Mozaik Mzesi
Gaziantep Mosaic Museum
Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 18:00 09:00 - 19:00 (342) 324 8809
Hatay Hatay Mzesi Hatay Museum Pazartesi Monday
08:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:30
09:00 - 18:30 (326) 214 6168
stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri
stanbul Archaeological Museums
Pazartesi Monday 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 520 7740
Ayasofya Mzesi
Hagia Sophia Museum
Pazartesi Monday 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 522 1750
Kariye Mzesi Chora Museum
09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 631 9241
stanbul Byk Saray Mozaikleri Mzesi
stanbul Mosaic Museum
Pazartesi Monday 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 518 1205
Trk ve slam Eserleri Mzesi
Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts
Pazartesi Monday 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 518 1805
Topkap Saray Mzesi
Topkap Palace Museum
09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 512 0480
Topkap Saray Mzesi Harem Dairesi
Harem Apartments
Sal / Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00 09:00 - 19:00 (212) 512 0480
Bergama Asklepion renyeri
Bergama Asklepion Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 08:30 - 19:00 (232) 631 2886
Efes Mzesi Ephesus Museum 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (232) 892 6010
Efes renyeri Yamaevler
The Terrace Houses
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (232) 892 6010
St. Jean Ant St. Jean 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00
Bergama Akropol renyeri
Bergama Akropolis Archaeological Site
Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 17:00 08:30 - 19:00 (232) 631 0778
Efes renyeri
Ephesus Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (232) 892 6010-11
Cennet-Cehennem renyeri
Chasm of Heaven and Hell
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 20:00 (324) 714 1019
Kayaky renyeri Kayaky 08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (252) 614 1150
Sedir Adas Sedir Island 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00 (252) 241 6948
Kaunos renyeri
Kaunos Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (252) 614 1150
Knidos renyeri
Knidos Archaeological Site
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (252) 726 1011
Bodrum Mausoleion Ant Mzesi
Pazartesi Monday 09:00 -17:00 09:00 -17:00 (252) 316 2519
Bodrum Sualt Arkeoloji Mzesi
Bodrum Museum of Underwater
Pazartesi Monday 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 -17:00 (252) 316 2516
Greme Akhava Mzesi Karanlk Kilise
The Dark Church
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (384) 271 2167
zkonak Yeralt ehri
zkonak Underground City
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (384) 271 2167
Derinkuyu Yeralt ehri
Derinkuyu Underground City
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (384) 271 2167
Greme Akhava Mzesi
Greme Open Air Museum
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (384) 271 2167
Kaymakl Yeralt ehri
Kaymakl Underground City
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 19:00 (384) 271 2167
Zelve renyeri-Paabalar renyeri
Zelve - Paabalar Underground City
08:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 19:00 (384) 411 2525
Smela Manastr Smela Monastery Pazartesi Monday 08:00 - 16:00 09:00 - 18:00 (462) 531 1064
Trabzon Ayasofya Mzesi
Trabzon Hagia Sophia Museum
08:30 - 17:30 09:00 - 18:00 (462) 223 3043
istanbul arkeoloji mzeleri
ayasofya mzesi
kariye mzesi
istanbul byk saray mozaikleri mzesi
trk ve islam eserleri mzesi
topkap saray mzesi
topkap saray mzesi harem dairesi
bergama asklepon renyeri
bergama akropol renyeri
efes mzesi
efes renyeri
efes renyeri yamaevler
st. jean ant
troa renyeri
assos renyeri
afrodsas renyeri
milet renyeri
didim renyeri
kayaky renyeri
sedir adas
kaunos renyeri
kndos renyeri
bodrum mausoleon ant mzesi
bodrum sualt arkeoloji mzesi
alanya kalesi
aspendos renyeri
noel baba mzesi
simena renyeri
antalya mzesi
myra renyeri
olympos renyeri
patara renyeri
perge renyeri
phaselis renyeri
side mzesi
side antik tiyatrosu
termessos renyeri
greme akhava mzesi karanlk kilise
zkonak yeralt ehri
derinkuyu yeralt ehri
greme akhava mzesi
kaymakl yeralt ehri
zelve renyeri
anadolu medeniyetleri mzesi
hlara vadisi renyeri
cennet-cehennem renyeri
hatay mzesi
gaziantep mozaik mzesi
smela manastr
trabzon ayasofya mzesi

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