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How Nuclear Waste Affect People

and The Environment.

Although the benefits of nuclear power seem
to make it the obvious choice for the power source of
the future, nuclear power can be danger for our
environment. Our environment does not have any
protections features to protect it from the harmful
effects of nuclear waste.
How Nuclear Waste Affect
People and The Environment.

Obviously, nuclear waste consists of Uranium
broken down during the fission process that creates
nuclear energy. During the fission process, anything
has come in contact with the energy created becomes
How Nuclear Waste Affect
People and The Environment.

Contaminated soil and groundwater do not
have to be a problem. If humans become exposed to
nuclear waste, their cells may become damaged, and
repair themselves incorrectly, resulting in biophysical
damage that more often than not results in cancer.
How Nuclear Waste Affect
People and The Environment.

If humans become exposed to nuclear waste,
their cells may become damaged, and repair
themselves incorrectly, resulting in biophysical
damage that more often than not results in cancer.
How Nuclear Waste Affect
People and The Environment.

Humans become exposed to nuclear waste
radiation when nuclear waste is disposed of
improperly. One example is when low-level waste
that is not properly stored seeps through its
containment area and comes in contact with
groundwater. The same goes for the soil. In this
manner however, plants become contaminated, and
in turn the organisms that feed on them, including
How Nuclear Waste Affect
People and The Environment.


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