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1) Definition: radioactive pollution is the presence (sự hiện diện) of

radioactive substances on surfaces or within solids, liquids, or gases

(including the human body), where their presence is unintended or
2) Current situation: nuclear power plants (nhà máy điện hạt nhân) create a
huge source of energy to serve human needs. But the construction of many
nuclear power plants and nuclear reactors (lò phản ứng hạt ứng) has
increased radioactive pollution due to radiation leakage (rò rỉ phóng xạ),
nuclear reactor explosion incidents,... which have had a great effect on the
environment and human.
3) Solution:
- When doing experiments or making military weapons, we must strictly
obey the rules and be careful to make sure that radioactive substances do
not leak out.
- Store radioactive substances in sealed containers covered with radiation-
protective material (such as Pb)
- Dilute it (pha loãng nó).
- If radioactive material already exists in an area, block the place immediately
with a barrier and ban anyone from going there.
- In addition, radioactive waste can be stored in remote areas devoid of life
(không có sự sống). However, any natural or man-made shield will be
damaged over time, so radiation waste disposal activities (hoạt động xử lý
chất thải bức xạ) need to be carefully defined (xác định).
4) Causes
There are many causes of radioactive contamination but the most
significant causes include:
+ Nuclear Accidents From Nuclear Energy Generation Plants: Nowadays
there are plenty of sources of energy are discovered in the postmodern
world. One of them can be mentioned is nuclear energy. Due to its high
latent strength, is touted as the most efficient source.
Its use is, therefore, it is prohibited. Some accidents caused by nuclear power
plant are Three Mile Island accident (1979), Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
disaster (2011), Chernobyl disaster (1986), all of them left many dead and even
many more affected by the radiation released. ( tìm hình ảnh về các tai nạn trên)
+ Not only do the causes of radioactive energy happen in Nuclear Energy Power
Plants but also have a big effect on Mining Sectors: Mining primarily includes the
mineral ores which can contain Radium and uranium are naturally occurring and
similarly radioactive in the environment.
+ Another popular cause can be listed is the Spillage of Radioactive Chemicals.
When ships strike glaciers or coral reefs and end up dumping contaminants on
rivers and in the environment, there have been cases of spillages across oceans.
Many of these substances have a large amount of radiation, including petroleum
products, which can be bad and harmful to the environment.
+ Last but not least, the Use of Nuclear Weapons as Weapons of Mass
Destruction can be the main cause to radioactive pollution. The use of nuclear
missiles and atomic bombs, a form of nuclear energy, in the Second World War
explains not only the cause but also the damaging nature of radioactive

5. (Moving on, let’s turn to the next issue – Effects of radioactive pollution)

- The first thing to talk about, which is also the biggest effect of this kind of
pollution is diseases. The most dominant illness linked to radiation is cancer. Over
the years, it has grown and poses a great danger to global health. Others include
leukemia, anemia, bleeding, a decline in the lifespan leading to premature aging
and premature death, as well as other complications such as cardiovascular
disease. For example, leukemia is caused in the bone marrow by radiation.

- Moving on to the next effect, let’s take a look at these pictures

These pictures show the Infertility of Soil. Radiation exposure to the environment
means that it is present even in the soil. The radioactive contaminants in the soil
react together with the various nutrients that cause the nutrients to be lost,
making the soil highly toxic and infertile. Such soil contributes to the harvesting of
crops that are riddled with radiation and, thus, unfit for human and animal

- Radioactive pollution impacts everything, humans, plants and even

wildlife. The animals at different levels suffer differently. The higher-level
organisms get more affected than insects and flies. Herbivores, such as
cattle, when grazing the contaminated land. This ends up having a mutated
animal generation with a higher risk of health issues by just a small amount
of radionuclides.

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