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Map Info- Voronoi

What is voronoi?
Voronoi comes from the name of Russian mathematician Georgy Voronoy, who created a model or a
function that creates a polygon region, based on a set of points. For each point, it created
a region around it, containing the area closer to that point.
Voronoi region is also known as Thiessen Polygon. It is not hard to understand the basic
concept in a region (for example a square) with 1, 2 or 4 points evenly distributed.

But when these points are not evenly distributed, or our region is much more complex, what
happens? There is no longer that simple. For this we use a mathematical function.
Important: the creation of the polygons will be made based on the points used when you
created the points on the Mapinfo Base Map. If you want to view the cell level, you should
not use the Latitude and Longitude of the Site (1), instead use of cell (2)! (A value of 50
meters away from the site, in the direction of azimuth is a good approach). Of course, this
will depend on the analysis. If you want to have polygons per Site, you can use the Sites

Accessing the Menu: Table (1)-& gt; Voronoi (2) we can start creating our new map. In
the Voronoi Table window you choose which table will use the points (3) and where the
results should be stored (4). In our case, we leave the option & It; New & gt; (5) create
the data into a new table. Click the Next button (5)

Map Info- Voronoi

In the New Table window, with the definitions of the new table, we also have some
options. We will leave default options as it is, opening a new map (1) and creating the new
structure based on our original table (2). Click on the Create button (3).

We now have the New table structure window, where we can define the structure of our new
table, and we can even add new fields. But let us leave as it is and simply click on the
create button (1).

With everything ready to create our new table, Mapinfo opens the create new table window.
Navigate to where we want to save the new table, and give a name to it, for example (1). Click the Save button (2)

Map Info- Voronoi

Finally the Data Aggregation window, where we indicate the field used to aggregate the data.
Choose for example Cellname (1) and click on the OK button (2).

Finally our new table is created, containing the Voronoi polygons!

From this point on, the possibilities are many for example using Thematic Maps.

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