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Curriculum Outcomes for Mathematics 8

Number Sense and
Number Concepts
GCO A: Students
will demonstrate
number sense and
apply number theory
A1 model and link various representations of square root of a number
A2 reconi!e perfect squares between 1 and 1"" and apply patterns related to them
A# distinuish between an e$act square root of a number and its decimal
A" find the square root of any number% usin an appropriate method
A& demonstrate and e$plain the meanin of neative e$ponents for base ten
A' represent any number written in scientific notation in standard form% and vice versa
A( compare and order inteers and positive and neative rational numbers )in decimal
and fractional forms*
A+ represent and apply fractional percents% and percents reater than 1,,% in fraction
or decimal form% and vice versa
A- solve proportion problems that involve equivalent ratios and rates
Operation Sense
and Number
GCO .: Students
will demonstrate
operation sense and
apply operation
principles and
procedures in both
numeric and
alebraic situations
.1 demonstrate an understandin of the properties of operations with inteers and
positive and neative rational numbers )in decimal and fractional forms*
.2 solve problems involvin proportions% usin a variety of methods
.# create and solve problems which involve findin a% b% or c in the relationship a/ of
b 0 c% usin estimation and calculation
." apply percentae increase and decrease in problem situations
.& add and subtract fractions concretely% pictorially% and symbolically
.' add and subtract fractions mentally% when appropriate
.( multiply fractions concretely% pictorially% and symbolically
.+ divide fractions concretely% pictorially% and symbolically
.- estimate and mentally compute products and quotients involvin fractions
.1, apply the order of operations to fraction computations% usin both pencil and
paper and the calculator
.11 model% solve% and create problems involvin fractions in meaninful conte$ts
.12 add% subtract% multiply1% and divide positive and neative decimal numbers with and
without the calculator
.1# solve and create problems involvin addition% subtraction% multiplication% and
division of positive and neative decimal numbers
.1" add and subtract alebraic terms concretely% pictorially% and symbolically to solve
simple alebraic problems
.1& e$plore addition and subtractions of 2olynomial e$pressions% concretely and
.1' demonstrate an understandin of multiplication of a polynomial by a scalar%
concretely% pictorially3 and symbolically
Patterns and
GCO C: Students
will e$plore%
reconi!e% represent
and apply patterns
and relationships%
both informally and
C1 represent patterns and relationships in a variety of formats and use these
representations to predict unknown values
C2 interpret raphs that represent linear and non4linear data
C# construct and analyse tables and raphs to describe chane in one affects and
C" link visual characteristics of slope with its numerical value by comparin vertical
chane with hori!ontal chane
C& solve problems involvin the intersection of two lines on a raph
C' solve and verify simple linear equations alebraically
C( create and solve problems% usin linear equations
GCO 5: Students
will demonstrate an
understandin of
and apply concepts
and skills associated
with measurement
51 solve indirect measurement problems% usin proportions
52 solve measurement problems% usin appropriate S6 units
5# estimate areas of circles
5" develop and use the formula for the area of a circle
5& describe patterns and enerali!e the relationships between areas and perimeters
of quadrilaterals% and areas and circumferences of circles
5' calculate the areas of composite fiures
5( estimate and calculate volumes and surface areas of riht prisms and cylinders
5+ measure and calculate volumes and surface areas of composite #45 shapes
5- demonstrate an understandin of the 2ythaorean relationship% usin models
51, apply the 2ythaorean relationship in problem situations
GCO 7: Students
will demonstrate
spatial sense and
apply eometric
concepts% properties
and relationships
71 make and apply informal deductions about the minimum and sufficient conditions to
uarantee the uniqueness of a trianle and the conruency of two trianles
72 make and apply enerali!ations about the properties of rotations and dilatations%
and use dilatations in perspective drawins of various 245 shapes
7# make and apply enerali!ations about the properties of similar 245 shapes
7" perform various 245 constructions and apply the properties of transformations to
these constructions
7& make and apply enerali!ations about the properties of reular polyons
7' reconi!e% name% describe% and make and apply enerali!ations about the
properties of prisms% pyramids% cylinders% and cones
7( draw isometric and orthoraphic views of #45 shapes and construct #45 models
from these views
Data Management
GCO 8: Students
will solve problems
involvin the
collection% display
and analysis of data
81 demonstrate an understandin of the variability of repeated samples of the same
82 develop and apply the concept of randomness
8# construct and interpret circle raphs
8" construct and interpret scatter plots and determine a line of best fit by inspection
8& construct and interpret bo$4 and whisker4plots
8' e$trapolate and interpolate information from raphs
8( determine the effect of variations in data on the mean% median% and mode
8+ develop and conduct statistics pro9ects to solve problems
8- evaluate data interpretations that are based on raphs and tables
GCO G: Students
will represent and
solve problems
involvin uncertainty
G1 conduct e$periments and simulations to find probabilities of sinle and
complementary events
G2 determine theoretical probabilities of sinle and complementary events
G# compare e$perimental and theoretical probabilities
G" demonstrate an understandin of how data is used to establish broad probability

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