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Dear parent, 7

October 2014
In year 2 our theme this term is, About town.
This exciting topic has a Design Technology focus, where children will be designing and
making a vehicle. To help us with our learning we will be visiting the British Commercial
Vehicle Museum in Leyland.

This visit will take place on Monday 20th October.

Children need to wear school uniform as usual but must have warm coats, hats and gloves
as the building is quite cold. It is a large space with no heating.

As all children are now given a free packed lunch the school kitchen will provide packed
lunches for all the children.

The cost of the visit will be 5.25. This includes entry into the museum and transport. (The
PTA have contributed towards the transport, which has helped to keep the cost down).

Please complete the slip below and return it with your payment. (Cheques payable to
Walton le Dale Primary School).

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Hocking, Mrs Southgate and Mrs Ormerod.

Childs name.Class..

I give permission for my child to take part in the Yr 2 trip to the Vehicle Museum. I confirm I
have completed the Medical/Consent form.

I enclose 5.25 for the cost of the trip

Office Use Only

Received with thanks the sum of 5.25 for the Year 2 trip to the Vehicle Museum.

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