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creativity for a diference | CATALYZING SOCIAL CHANGE


Spicy journey to creating social change is our curriculum that seeks to empower our
participants with unconventional way of looking at issues. The participants are selected
because they are women, they are aged 18 years and older, they have overcome adversity
in their lives and who come from the margins of society in western region of Kenya, are
creative and often with uniue ideas to create a signi!cant change in their community, a
change that might have a role model e"ect on other regions, societies, countries as a whole.
Spice #hungu is committed to empowering women from the marginali$ed of society and
have the spice to create relevant mind%set changes. This does not only reuires spice and
the guts to challenge the status uo but also a divergent, creative and critical thinking. The
fact that participants are ready to join our hands%on, creativity driven program is an
indication that they are open for new approaches.
&e want to empower our participants through a spicy journey to creating social change that
provoke their habits, thoughts and actions by providing a new, unconventional way of
looking at issues. #atalysts will lead the participants to new ways of solving problems.
'ur uniue approach is founded on our belief that the best route to gender euality in Kenya
is through working with women. &e are going to be catalysts for change, encouraging talks
and debates, and challenging established attitudes
"#o i$ a cata%y$t&
( catalyst is not a teacher. S)*e is an e+pert in one or the other !eld, willing to e+change
knowledge with the participants, who are in one or the other way e+perts themselves. The
di"erence between a catalyst and a participant is only marginal. &hile the participants are
taking part in the Spice #hungu program to be prepared to voice out and create ethical
social change, a catalyst gives the necessary energy and substance to go forward. Thus the
catalyst can also be seen as a tour guide through the Spice #hungu curriculum, which is
named ,a spicy journey to creating social change-.
O'r Partici(ant$
.hoto gallery and descriptions about our current participants.
"#o i$ t#e S(icy Jo'rney de$i)ned for&
Spice #hungu o"ers a three month e+perience%based preparation in videography for social
change. The course is especially designed for future catalyst and cannot be compared with
any journalistic study.
This journey is designed for women visionaries who are 18 years of age or older from
western Kenya and with di"erent cultures, religions, socioeconomic and educational
backgrounds can work and learn together.
.revious formal education is not necessarily reuired. .articipants who apply for this program
have to be committed to a dream and a plan to create a mindset change in their community.
The participant has to be highly motivated, driven and creative in order for her to cataly$e
.articipants are trained to be #ommunity /ideo .roducers, they are trained to report on local
issues and we then help them distribute this content both in their communities and to an
international audience through online platforms and the mainstream media. 0y o"ering this
training, we are1
2nabling community members to become pro!cient video activists who create
video content and mobili$e their communities to take action.
creativity for a diference | CATALYZING SOCIAL CHANGE
.roviding a platform for communities to e+press their ideas and create
sustainable solutions.
0ringing community voices into global discussions on important social issues.
3eveloping the intellectual capacities of community members who will gain a
deep knowledge of multiple social issues.
(fter the initial training, all participants are invited to become part of our Tuseme network4 a
vibrant and diverse group of women video activists working across Kenya to bring change in
their communities.

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