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Shlomit Bona Sukkah

(Shlomit is building a Sukkah, a Tabernacle of Peace)

See and
Shlomit bonah sukah
Mu'eret viy'rukah
Al ken hi asukah hayom
Ve'ein zo stam sukah
Mu'eret viy'rukah -
Shlomi bonah sukat shalom

Hi lo tish'kach lasim
Lulav vahadasim
Anaf shel aravah yarok
Rimon betoch alav
Vechol peirot hastav
Im reiach bustanim rachok

Uch'sheShlomit tomer/tomar
Habitu, zeh nigmar!
Yikreh davar nifla pit'om:
Yavo'u hash'chenim
Kulam bahamonim -
Ulechulam yihyeh makom

Ve'az mitoch has'chach
Yatzitz lo veyiz'rach
Kochav bahir keyahalom:
Shalom sukat p'laim
Mah tov umah na'im -
Shlomit bonah/bantah sukat shalom!

Shlomit is building a sukkah
Full of light and greenery
That's why today she's so busy.
But it's not simply a sukkah
Full of light and greenery -
Shlomit is building a sukkah of peace
("sukkat shalom").

She will not forget to lay out
The lulav and the myrtle leaves
A branch of green willow,
A pomegranate within its leaves,
And all the fruits of autumn,
With its fragrance of orange groves.

And when Shlomit says
Look! It's already finished!
Suddenly something wondrous will
All the neighbors will come,
It will be a swarm -
And there will be room for everyone!

Then, through the roof of branches,
With a bright glow as though it were a
She will spot a star, saying:
-Shalom, wondrous sukkah,
How fine and how pleasing it is -
That Shlomit build a sukkah of peace.


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