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Dear Karen,

Im having a great time here in England. My university term doesnt start until autumn,
so (3) Im taking the opportunity to improve my English. (4) Im staying ith some
English !riends ho(") on a !arm. #n eekdays ($) I %at%h a &us into 'or(uay to go to
language %lasses. ()) Im making good progress, I think. My !riends (*) say my
pronun%iation is mu%h &etter than hen I arrived, and (+) I understand almost
everything no. ,t eekends (-.) I help on the !arm. ,t the moment (--) theyre
harvesting the %orn and (-/) they need all the help they %an get. Its (uite hard ork, &ut
(-3) I like it, and (-4) Im developing some strong mus%les.

(-") ,re you %oming to visit me at 0hristmas1 (-$) Im spending the inter holiday
here at the !arm. My !riends (-)) ant to meet you and theres plenty spa%e. 2ut you
must &ring your armest %lothes. (-*) It gets very %old here in the inter.
3et me kno as soon as (-+) you de%ide. ,nd tell me hat (/.) youre doing these days.
Do you miss me1
/. 0hoose ords !rom the &o5 and make senten%es as shon. 6se a ver& in the present
%ontinuous and any other ords you need.
-. My &oy!riends studying !or his e5ams this term.
/. My sister is orking at home this eek
3. My %lassmates arent talking mu%h right no
4. Im learning to drive
". My &est !riend is doing her homeork
$. #ur tea%her is making us ork hard
). 7everal o! my %olleagues are taking e5ams
*. My !ather is visiting his &rother
3. 4ut the ver&s in the %orre%t tense, present simple or present %ontinuous
3eila Markham is an environmentalist. 7he is &eing intervieed on the radio &y 'ony
hunt, a 8ournalist.
'9 7o tell me, 3eila: hy is it important to save the rain!orests1
39 'here are a num&er o! reasons. #ne is that many plants hi%h %ould &e use!ul in
medi%ine (-) gro in the rain!orest. ;e (/) dont kno all the plants yet < there are
thousand and thousands o! them. =esear%hes (3) are trying to dis%over theirs se%rets
&e!ore they are destroyed.
'9 I see. ;hat other reason are there1
39 ;ell, Im sure youve heard o! glo&al arming1
'9 >ou mean, the idea that the orld (4) is getting armer1
39 'hats right. 'he rain!orests (") have an important e!!e%t on the earths %limate. 'hey
($) are disappearing at a terri!ying rate and soon they ill &e gone. 4eople ()) arent
doing enough to save them.
'9 2ut is glo&al arming really su%h a pro&lem1 I(*) en8oy arm sunshine.
39 ;ell, hat (+) happens hen you (-.) heat i%e1

'9 It (--) melts o! %ourse.
39 #k. 'he polar i%e %aps (-/) %onsist o! million o! tons o! i%e. I! they (-3) melt, the
level o! the sea ill rise and %ause terri&le !loods. Many s%ientists (-4)&elieve that
temperatures (-") are already rising. ;e must do everything e %an to prevent glo&al
arming, and that (-$) in%ludes preserving the rain!orests.
'9 'hank you. 3eila and good lu%k in your %ampaign.
39 'hank you.

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