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TERM- MIDTERM FOR THE SECOND GRADE (ENGLISH IV) NAME: SURNAME: NUMBER: CLASS: You have 60 minutes to answer the questions. 1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Where did you go (go) to university? 2 Einstein (publish) his theory of relativity about 100 years ago. 3 Yuri Gagarin (be) the first man in spa e. ! "##" (not have) many number 1 hits in the $%". & people (listen) to '(s 20 years ago? ) * (not bring) an umbrella. + ,o- mu h po .et money you (get) -hen you -ere a hil/? 0 We (not have) /ish-ashers -hen -e -ere young1 2 you (en3oy) your holi/ay last month? 10 4ur parents never (tal.) on mobile phones -hen they -ere hil/ren. 9 2. 1 2 5he film starte/ at 2.30 p.m. 3 We -ent to the airport by bus. ! * bought t-o shirts. & ,e pai/ 63&. ) 7o8 she /i/n9t li.e it. + * /i/n9t ome be ause * /i/n9t feel -ell. 6 ". Choose the correct form of the ad#ectives. 1. " hur h is usually smaller < smallest than a athe/ral. 2. 5his pub is the busiest < busier in our village. 3. 5his is one of the coolest < most cool lubs in to-n. !. =y mobile phone is more expensive < most expensive than yours. &. >aris is more hot < hotter than ?on/on to/ay. ). * thin. ,ong ;ong is the more exciting < most exciting ity in the -orl/. +. 'ities are more busy < busier than villages. 0. *s living in the ountry most boring < more boring than living in a ity? 2. @olf9s English is best < better than 5orsten9s. 10. =y flat is moderner < more modern than yours. Write the questions. Who did you go with? * -ent -ith my frien/s. 3. Complete the conversations with words from the box. sort bottle large ta.e a-ay small over lemona/e else e:pensive -hat mu h What (1) sort of envelopes /o you have? ! %mall or (2) . 5hose are too (3) . *9ll have large. ! "nything (!) ? 5hat9s all8 than.s. *9m for a ni e shampoo. ! (&) about this one? ,o- ()) is it? ! 610.22 for the small (+) . 4h8 that9s too (0) 1 ,ello8 -hat an * get you? ! *9/ li.e a large (2) 8 please. %ure. ,ave in or (10) ? ! ,ave in. 4;. ,ave a seat an/ *9ll bring it (11) 14 / 11 / 2013 Thursday

. 10

9 $. Write the names of the special occasions. 1 *n *taly8 = o t h e r 9s ( a y is in =ay. 2 A 9s ( is on 1!th Bebruary. 3 *t9s my / to/ay1 * have a beautiful -hite /ress1 ! , 9 is at the en/ of 4 tober. & 7 Y 9 E is on the 31st (e ember. 4 %. Write the &urkish meanin's of the words below. 1. sprin.leC serpme. 2. hopC 3. fryC !. boilC &. mi:C ). heatC +. peelC 0. serveC 2. a//C

honey 7

1,. Write Would or Do. 1. D Would 2. D 3. D !. D hungry.9 &. D ). D you li.e a ne- >'?9 D7o8 * -oul/n9t.9 you li.e a /rin.?9 DYes8 offee8 please.9 you li.e boo.s by E; @o-ling?9 DYes8 * /o.9 you li.e a banana?9 D7o than.s8 *9m not you li.e "hme/?9 DYes8 * Fuite li.e him.9 you li.e some aspirin?9 DYes8 please.9 5 11. Complete the conversation with some+ any+ much or many. ?et9s ma.e (1) some san/-i hes for lun h. ! 4;. ,o- (2) brea/ is there? 5here isn9t (3) G 3ust four sli es. ! 5hat9s 4;. *s there (!) heese? Yes8 there9s (&) 'he//ar heese. ! "nything else? 5here are ()) tomatoes. ! ,o- (+) tomatoes are there? 7ot (0) 8 3ust t-o. ! GreatC heese an/ tomato san/-i hes1 Woul/ you li.e (2) 3ui e? ! Yes8 please. *s there (10) apple 3ui e? Yes8 * thin. there9s (11) in the fri/ge. ! 4;. ,ere9s your san/-i h. 10 12. Complete the sentences and write where -ou can bu- them. .ou can use each shop/s name more than once. har/-are shop stationer9s ne-sagent9s hemist9s

1 2 3 ! & ) + 0 2 10

Choose the correct one.

%he -al.s fast/ fastly. * -rite important letters careful/ carefully. @afael often gets up late/ lately. We -or.e/ hard/ hardly before the test. * /roppe/ the up8 but fortunate/ fortunately it /i/n9t brea.. ?earning a foreign language is a hard/ hardly -or.. >lease tal. quiet/ quietly8 the baby9s sleeping. =atthe-9s a bad/ badly /river. ?uigi spea.s English fluent/ fluently. We phone/ the poli e immediate/ immediately. 9

). Put is or are in the correct place in each sentence. are 1 "pples goo/ for you. 2 * /on9t li.e vegetables. #ro oli horrible. 3 * thin. yoghurt /eli ious. ! 5he tomatoes in the fri/ge. & "pple 3ui e ni e in the morning. ) 5his heese ol/. *t smells terrible. 5 *. Write a+ an+ or some. 1 2 3 ! & ) + an onion mil. toast apple san/-i h peas banana

1 You use these for uttingC s i s s o r s, hardware shop 2 You -rite in thisC n . . 3 You rea/ this in the morningC n . ! You use this to -ash your hairC s .


0ead about four recipe websites.

The Sandwich Store site is full of fabulous but easyHtoHprepare san/-i h re ipes an/ i/eas. Everyone -ill love them8 an/ you an ma.e them in a fe- minutes. You an fin/ many of the san/-i h ingre/ients in your fri/ge. ! "re your hil/ren typi al fussy eaters? 5hey -on9t eat any vegetables? 5hey /on9t li.e fruit? 5hey /on9t -ant to try anything ne-? 5he ood for !ids -ebsite is the ans-er G hun/re/s of re ipes that ma.e goo/8 healthy foo/ interesting for hil/ren. C "assionate about "asta is the perfe t site for people -ho -ant e: iting pasta re ipes. (eli ious tra/itional *talian re ipes from informal meals for frien/s an/ family to fantasti party menus for spe ial o asions1 1 You travelle/ aroun/ the -orl/ an/ love/ all the /ifferent foo/. 7o- you an ma.e it at home -ith #erbs and Spice G it9s easy1 ?earn to oo. your favourite re ipes from *n/ia8 Eapan8 =e:i o8 ,ungary ... $se tra/itional ingre/ients from aroun/ the -orl/C interesting herbs an/ spi es8 /eli ious honey8 nuts8 an/ yoghurt ... an/ mu h more. Choose the best website for these people. 1 2 3 ! & ) + 0 2 * love foreign foo/. * al-ays try /ifferent things -hen * travel. $ * -ant something Fui . an/ easy to ma.e that * an eat -ith my fingers in front of the 5A. We -ant to oo. a spe ial /inner for our parents. 5hey love spaghetti. * -ant some interesting re ipes so * an oo. goo/ foo/ for my little nephe-s. * gro- vegetables an/ herbs in the gar/en. * love %outh "meri an foo/ -ith lots of spi es1 * -ant something European * an oo. for the family9s supper. 5hey /on9t li.e herbs an/ spi es. * ma.e my o-n lun h to ta.e to -or. every /ay. * nee/ some simple i/eas1 =y .i/s only eat fast foo/ at high s hool. *9m -orrie/ they /on9t eat anything green. =y mummy thin.s * nee/ to eat more apples an/ more bro oli. #ut * li.e fish an/ hips. 16

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