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Youth Chance High School
Class Website:

Social Science Syllabus
Fall 2014

Materials Needed for Class:
o Pen or Pencil
o Headphones
o Spiral Single-Subject Notebook

Grading Policy:

o A = 90 - 100%
o B = 80 - 89%
o C = 70 - 79%
o D = 60 - 69%
o F = 0 - 59%

o Attendance Attendance is very important. Please come to class. If you come to class and
do your work you will do great in the course. Frequent absences will result in loss of points.

o Notebook - I will collect your notebook at the end of each marking period. Notebook
grades will be based on organization, content, and neatness.

o Chapter Tests

o Final Research Paper - The research paper will be a three page double-spaced paper, with
bibliography, on a topic you choose. Class time will be allocated to work on the paper;
however, time will be required to research and write after school hours.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

o 1 - Absolutely no electronic devices are to be used during class. This includes laptops,
tablets, cell phones, music devices, headphones, etc. All you will need is a pen and your
notebook. If you have a phone, please turn it off or put it on silent during class. Frequent
interruptions will result in disciplinary action.

o 2 - Wait to be called on before answering/asking questions. I want to hear all that you have
to say; however, please raise your hand if you would like to speak. Do not talk out loud or
talk while other classmates are talking. This gives everyone a chance to share their ideas.

o 3 - No eating or drinking (except water, coffee, or tea) during class.

o 4 - Respect others views, space, and property. During classroom discussions we need to
respect each others opinions and beliefs. Discussions are great, but arguing or personal
attacks will not be tolerated.

o 5 - Please do not be tardy. Frequent absences or tardiness will result in a conference with

o 6 - Turn assignments in on time. Late assignments will result in points being deducted each day
the assignment is late.

o 7 - Disrespectful or disruptive behavior will result in 1) verbal warning 2) final warning
3) incident report 4) call home, and 5) conference with me.

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