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Tantra: Sex Magic

Sex Magic Reality Creation Process

I want to share something I call the Sex Magic Reality Creation Process (SMRCP). It is a powerful tool that is appropriate
for eli!erate reality creation. "s many of you #now$ I%&e !een practising Tantra'Sacre Sexuality for many years an ha&e
en(oye wonerful !enefits from it. )ne of my fa&ourite areas of stuy is Sex Magic. I%&e successfully incorporate the
SMRCP in my reality creation tool!ox. It is with much (oy that I share it with you$ ha&e some fun with it.
Sex is one of the most (some say T+, most) powerful energies on the planet. To grasp its awesome an often o&erloo#e
power$ ta#e a loo# at the star&ing Somalis. Ta#e away their foo$ ta#e away their ignity$ humiliate an torture them an
T+,- STI.. M"/, *"*I,S.
0ithin our loins lies an energy that has the potential to create "1- reality we want. 2nfortunately$ most humans ha&e a
lo&e'hate relationship with sex that is reflecte in many ways (i.e.$ unsafe promiscuity$ self3estructi&e per&ersions$ enial$
shutown$ religious intolerance$ rape$ a!use$ etc.). Religion has one much to suppress our i&ine sexual nature an has
#ept the masses ignorant of the potential uses of sexual energy.
0hen we accept an em!race our sexual nature we are free to use its awesome power for our !enefit. 0e no longer
worship it or eny it. 0e come into !alance an &iew our sexuality as part of our i&inity. It !ecomes (oyful$ light an
lo&ing. 0e learn to use sex for more than procreation or sensual gratification.
I want to ma#e a comment a!out celi!acy. Many people$ incluing so3calle enlightene teachers an religious figures$
misunerstan celi!acy. True celi!acy is not a enial or suppression of sexual energy. True celi!acy is when one chooses to
focus'channel their sexual energy$ in non3sexual ways$ into other areas of their !eing. There are many ways to o this !ut
Sex Magic is not one of them since it in&ol&es sexual stimulation. Tantra em!races !oth the sexual path an the celi!ate
Sex is creati&e energy. Magic is the art of creating reality.
True magic is simply the art of creating what you want. 0e can li#en all the processes gi&en to us !y masters an teachers
(Seth$ "lexaner$ "!raham$ "&atar$ etc.)$ as tools in our magician%s or Shaman%s !ag. People who consciously an
eli!erately create their reality are the ultimate magicians on the planet.
Sex Magic:
Sex Magic is !ase on the !elief that the most powerful moment of human existence is the orgasm. Sex Magic is the art of
utili4ing sexual orgasm to create a reality an'or expan consciousness. "ll senses an psychic powers are heightene
uring orgasm. It is a moment when a winow opens to the unlimite a!unance of the unlimite uni&erse.
1ow$ some may argue that they fantasi4e a!out some person or e&ent uring sex an it ne&er materiali4es into a reality.
This is !ecause most of us$ at the moment of orgasm$ lose our focus an get lost in the physical response. That%s o#ay$
there%s nothing wrong with using sex for pure pleasure. That intention is also a create reality. The SMRCP is a!out
maintaining one%s focus uring orgasm an channelling the energy into creating a reality. "ny reality$ whether it%s creating
a new (o!$ car$ experience$ relationship$ etc.
The Process:
Relax an !reathe eeply. *reathing eeply is #ey to the success of Sex Magic. Ta#e your time an relax your !oy$
especially your (aw an !elly.
Ientify what you want to create. It%s important to choose something that really excites you. Ma#e it specific. -ou can write
it own or say it out lou as a mantra or affirmation. Ma#e it in the present tense or as if it%s a reality alreay (i.e.$ 5I earn
678$999 per year.5)
:ocus on the creation. See$ hear$ taste$ smell an feel the creation as if it%s real. ;isuali4e yourself in the creation. :or
example$ what is your life li#e when you earn that 678$999< 0hat oes it :,,. li#e< Ma#e it !ig$ in Technicolour$ with all
your focus an intention. *reathe into it. 1ow$ when you%&e ientifie the feeling an'or picture that !est captures what
you want to create$ :I., IT "0"- in your min an relax. (-ou may want to practice a !it with this step !efore
=o whate&er !rings you almost to orgasm. This can !e mastur!ation or sexual acti&ity with a supporti&e partner.
Remem!er to relax an !reathe into your orgasmic state. Ta#e your time. *ring yourself almost to orgasm$ !ac#ing off (ust
!efore the point3of3 no3return$ se&eral or more times. 0hat you%re oing here is charging up the sexual !attery.
I%ll igress here for a moment. It%s easier for women to o this process !ecause orgasm is usually not an energy rain for
them (as long as they%re not engaging in wil$ aero!ic an physically exhausting sex). 0omen are a!le to climax multiple
times (5Riing the *liss30a&e5 in Tantra) gaining tremenous energy from it. So$ to my sisters$ I encourage you to relax$
!reathe$ an ha&e fun. It%s also &ery helpful to strengthen your PC'&aginal muscle an get in touch with your >'Sacre
Spot. There are many goo !oo#s which co&er this. My fa&ourite is 5The "rt of Sexual ,cstasy5 !y Margo "nan. I%ll o a
follow3up post a!out the 5-oni Massage5 that you can use with a supporti&e partner in con(unction with the SMRCP.
The men are another story !ecause their orgasmic energy is usually expelle out of their pel&is$ in their semen$ an out of
their !oy. :ortunately this can !e hanle? 2nfortunately I won%t !e a!le to teach you within the limits of 2S,1,T an e3
mail. I encourage my !rothers to learn an practice the art of e(aculatory control (I prefer the term ,(aculatory Mastery)
an create an I1(aculation. There are se&eral goo !oo#s a!out this. Margo "nan%s !oo# co&ers this. :or the time !eing$
(ust relax$ !reathe an come C.)S, to e(aculation SI@ times !efore you release your semen. I%ll follow3up with the
5.ingam Massage5 that you can use with a supporti&e partner in con(unction with the SMRCP.
0hen you ha&e almost reache orgasm$ after coming close se&eral times an you%re reay to let go$ recall from your min
the reality you want to create an energi4e it with focuse intention. Ma#e it &i&i$ exciting$ !ig an !eautiful.
0hen you orgasm$ #eep focuse on the picture'creation an eli!erately channel the orgasm into it. Aust let it flow into the
reality you want to create. Remem!er to #eep !reathing uring the orgasm an !reathe your orgasmic energy into your
creation' goal'ream'reality. Stay focuse an hol the picture. -our !oy will o the rest (this is why a partner is &ery
helpful 33 they can o the physical wor# for you :3).
-ou can repeat the process if you want to come to another orgasm.
The reality will create itself immeiately or will !e !uffere !y time. It may also manifest as an opportunity$ insight$
healing$ etc. The power of the SMRCP will !low your min as you master it? +a&e fun with your creations.

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