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Breath is the bridge between the energies of the external world and the

energies of your internal world. Breathing unites the internal and the
external, creating a connection and circuit of energy flow. The word “spirit”
comes from the Latin word for breath, which is spiritus, and was often used
figuratively to refer to the spirit. The idea that breath itself is life force has
parallels in various cultures, where it is known as prana, ruach, mana,
telesma, chi, ki, numen, orgone, pneuma, od, and odic force.9 By working
with our breath, we are working directly with life-force energy. Certain
types of breathwork can cool down and relax the body and mind, while
others can warm up and excite the body and mind, by changing the speed of
the body’s rhythms.
Conscious breathing can help cultivate a deep-rooted connection with
and enjoyment of life. By working with our breath, we can achieve more
advanced states of meditation and consciousness. Since breathing is
something so subtle and usually automatic, by tuning in to it we can
strengthen our mind’s ability for concentrating and perceiving things that
are of a subtler nature.
Exercise 9

Elemental Square Breathing
Square breathing (sometimes called the four-fold breath in yoga practices)
is an effortless technique. This type of breathing cultivates a sense of
balance, centeredness, and stillness. For this reason, I also tap into the four
elemental forces while performing this breathing technique. That way I’m
placing myself even deeper into an inner and outer connective balance with
the elemental powers that permeate all things.
Perform the Star Relaxation exercise. Inhale through your nose a long
and steady breath to the count of four while mentally thinking the name of
each element during each beat of a count:

“Earth, Air, Fire, Water.”

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